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  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Oh, and just out of curiosity. Does Dispel, cast by a Weapon Sura, may actually be an answer to group members turned to doggies - just like physical hits may "cure" the petrified ones? And what about Panacea book? It might be interesting, considering that Panacea is really overlooked on online servers. However, I wouldn't want it to allow "solo" feats - so its effectiveness should be studied cautiously.

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    A question for you, @Comkra. White Flags are useful, as they allow you to "take a breathe" when things are not going well and need to restore your HPs. It's not something a player may really abuse of, since if he/she's not strong enough to withstand the dungeon, he/she will die anyway, regardless of the Flags. However, it's kinda nice having the chance to use them, in particular circumstances, if you've got a decent character. I wanted to point out that White Flags are not working in Zodiacs Tem…

  • [Discussion]Bug fixing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Greetings @meh, did you get a chance to test the issues I've been posting in the BugFix thread? Here's a direct link: [Feedback]Bug fixing EN I chose a letter for each "issue", in order to make my feedback clearer to understand. I added a (G) issue just now, by editing my message. Please have a look at it and if something does not feel right, please let me know here.

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Unfortunately, hearing of something and actually seeing it, is not the same thing. Anyway the core of this topic is that Spiders are useless when compared to the effort needed to gain one. That's just a suggestion which tester may be free to discuss about, if they want to - it'd make sense to improve it, but oh well.

  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Anyway, polymorphing is still not working properly, as I pointed out some months ago. I've been doing some tests, which are available here: NINJAS: Dragon Soul Alchemy atk-value NOT WORKING while using transformation! I may do some other tries, if you want me to. The main issue I'm reporting here is that, when you turn on DSS, damage becomes lower, while it should be the opposite (or at least, if the DSS ruby is exhausted, it should remain the same). The atkValue from bioQuests is probably not t…

  • Shaman balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I know what you mean as well, @CantBuffU, but still, as @Rapier said, those damage caps were too exaggerated. They've always been way too high, but it definitely got worse when they introduced all of the other power-ups (pets, bone items, sashes and so on, including alchemy, which, however, is pretty useful in PvM as well). This is probably the most important fix concerning the whole balancing process. There was no way you could withstand the attacks of a diversified group of players, UNLESS you…

  • Shaman balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Hmm... This is what unforgiven wrote: Quote from unforgiven: “Critical Hit - The formula to calculate whether a hit is critical or not has changed for PvP - The chance of landing a critical strike with normal hits has been reduced. - In order to increase skills’ relevance, the chance of landing a critical hit with skills has been increased The damage calculation has also been changed in PvP - Instead of simply being 2x the damage, the weapon and weapon grade will influence the outcome of the cri…

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Exactly, I've never seen a 3-skill monkey pet as well. Still, while it's somewhat fair for a monkey pet to be less specialized, since they're so easy to find, I wouldn't say the same thing for spiders, since it's not really that easy to get. And yet, monkeys actually max out resistance to warriors and suras, which are - until now - the most preferred classes. Razador is specialized in ninja resistances, but it's the ultimate PvM pet. Nemere is specialized in shaman resistance, but it also combin…

  • Shaman balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I don't care for anything here, I was just trying to explain how the CHANCE works, since the player over there was surprised he didn't get a 1:1 ratio. Anyway it's true, with v17.5 even the actual "power" of a critical skill will behave differently.

  • Shaman balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “I have tested the new crits chance on PvP @unforgiven @Comkra @meh, and I can say that with 100% crits on my gear, I needed more than 20 flying talisman to have a critical hit. It is not suposed that all these 20 flying talismans should have been crit? ” Wait. The bonus "chance of dealing critical hits" NEVER worked that way for skills. When you read "100% critical bonus", it is actually related to MELEE hits (in your case, they'd be fan/bell hits). That is a "true" 100%. H…

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    By the way, I've actually NEVER seen a Spider Pet having more than 2 skills on the official servers. It might have been bad luck, but I've been asking around and everyone's pretty sure about this.

  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Yeah, but it should work this way for Suras and Warriors as well - either every class having self-attack buff skills or no one at all. @Comkra, please.

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    It would have been a nice option to make it a "curative" pet, at least giving it a specialization in Healing. Still, Invincibility is not a big deal. A real pity.

  • Spider pet: is it useful?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Greetings, I was wondering, do you actually find the Spider Pet to be useful at all? Considering you've to craft a key (whose creation is not really simple at all, as it may fail several times) and invest a SD2 Ticket in order to get a CHANCE to drop the egg, I believe this pet is almost useless. It's supposed to be a specialist in Lycan Resistance and Invincibility. However, these are its unique positive characteristics. Not to mention that Invincibility is not really useful at all, I've been e…

  • Polymorph Marble Damage

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Excuse me @Comkra, I didn't fully get it. You are saying that it's intended for the self-buff to DISAPPEAR (both the icon and the bonus) as soon as the warrior is polymorphed, right? Well, are you actually aware that on live individual communities, there's a bug concerning wolves and Crimson Soul? Everyone's complaining about the fact that it still remains active after polymorphing.

  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I really hope they will remove it, it's terrible! Last time I tried the Rat dungeon (I believe it was the Rat, I guess ) I was having issues with the normal mobs, since they were dealing damages even without actually attacking me. That's really unbalanced. (By the way: what a great work, @Yemon! Kudos to you!)

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Greetings @meh, these are the issues I've been experiencing: (A) Description: missed hits still dealing side-effects. For instance, even if you've lot of chance to avoid arrows/evade physical hits, and you actually dodge the hit, you can still get poisoned/stunned/bleed. How to verify it: you should just summon (or somehow isolate) a Setaou Magistrate, while wearing full Chance to avoid arrows. You will see that, every now and then, you'll still be stunned/poisoned, even when the Magistrate's at…

  • Many thanks for your detailed answer, @unforgiven. I was referring to the "simpler" case, that would be, the attack damage calculated and displayed in the character sheet. And yeah, I was basically thinking of the "normal melee" damage (i.e. hitting Metin rocks or bosses). While it's true that it probably wouldn't make much of a difference, I still don't get why they have been made different. I was thinking of some more complicated reasoning, actually. Some classes benefit from statuses in a dif…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I really appreciate the fact you listened to our criticisms, unforgiven! Many thanks for following us.

  • First of all, chill. I've been comparing all of the classes, so I know what I'm talking about. Secondly, it's actually you and the other champion over there who are crying beforehand - just like you've been doing since this beta started - are you still scared of nerfs on doggies? No one wants to nerf Lycans, by the way, that's not my aim, so stop being so childish and try understanding the whole point with me - if you want, otherwise, please do not follow me. Since you apparently hate Warriors a…