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  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    That means the changes are concluded for all chars and now the focus is only on Zodiac Temple and eventually bug solving for the new version? No more "ballancing" changes? Or there are still classes that could have changes (Schaman for ex) as Lycan and Ninja received clear answer that no other changes will be made.

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    BUMP. No "official" opinion on this?

  • Perfect Balance

    Rapier - - Archive


    I don't know how much hate is against one or the other (and to be honest I don't care either). My point was that some people complain in vain about things that they cannot and won't change. Instead of concentrating at things they might influence. It is a beta server...we are here to test these things and give our constructive feedback not complaining about the fact that GF cares about money. Let's face don't like it, you don't play it. Plain and simple. But you still play it right? In 8…

  • Perfect Balance

    Rapier - - Archive


    C'mon...EVERY and ANY company in the world is looking for money & profit, otherwise it'll go down and close. Nothing is wrong here. So I don't see a point for us as players saying this over and over again. If YOU would have a company, I am 100% sure you'll try to do the same. Let's not talk about this because is pretty simple economics and you don't have the tools nor the knowledge or figures to asess that. What I've seen in many years is that people tend to throw guilt for everything on anyone …

  • Yes, I know it was discussed somewhere and an answer came that said this is not possible because will introduce more un-ballance. Still I would like to hear some more opinions on this topic and to know why it is considered like that. Especially now when character skills will be influenced in a different way and stats have changed their importance, limiting the points up to lvl 90 is not a good thing. I don't propose to increase it to the curent lvl I don't say to add another 30 x 3 usab…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from miyako9: “Quote from Monia: “I think the buff is not be changed. Now at max int you have has 53% and this should be. Change from buff of all members group it's big + All the members of the group should at the same time get these buffs, and have chances of getting them. ” Where is that 53%? You get 26% for the group and 39% on self with 132 int. ” She said "now" and I guess she was reffering to live server. "What is now implemented" should have been a better wording probably

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    @Priore what unforgiven says is like this. For ex, on live server you now have a "base" chance for dealing critical hit, let's call it "L" (from "live") and on the beta you have an increased "base" chance called "B" (from beta). This is without dragon aid or any bonuses that add procentual chance. It is the basic and lowest chance you could have...for ex chance to deal a crit strike just with a plain weapon without extra equipment or alchemy. Consider the following "legend": E = total chance of …

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    The auto-attack issue is known but unfortunately nobody cares about it even it is so abused by certain classes/players. This is another "advantage" besides bugs or other things that oly some classes can use or benefit off. Archer cannot use auto-attack at all (at least not with a bow). Regarding what you've said, yes, theoretically IF you are able to cast the skill just before it should be fine. However, in the real situation this almost doesn't happen and it is because of the lag mainly. Regard…

  • level 1 character noname

    Rapier - - Archive


    Any news regarding this issue? I have multiple people from my guild in this situation and in order to test Zodiac Temple we would need more characters than are curently copied. I would like to make the tests with a group of people I already know and that's not possible since they cannot copy again their chars. Kindly please consider this request.

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    What I wanted to point out is that the skill is interrupted if you're attacked or knocked back while the animation is running...something I never noticed with Dark Strike or Rolling Dagger for ex. So their animation might be longer but it is finalised and the damage is dealt in the end, something that doesn't happen with the archer. For an archer, if you're interrupted, the skill deals no damage. I never said to reduce it so much as to be similar with a hit, it would not be a fair thing...but at…

  • Quote from Blesenth: “So these calculations are applicable in pvm so if a mob has a lot of resistance to fire for example, by having this pendant, I could be striking for each hit less damage than without having equipped it. I ask this since it seems to me something important since perhaps in some cases it would be convenient to have the pendant equipped and other cases better not have it equipped.In the case of the test that I did with the pendant of darkness maybe those monsters that I was str…

  • Lagging issues / Clientlaggs

    Rapier - - Archive


    - OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) Creators Update, Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.608) - Memory: 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) - CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.5GHz - Display: NVIDIA GeForce 1080 (8 GB) - Screen Resolution: 1920 X 1080 - Game resolution: 1600 x 900 32bit (windowed) - Internet connection: 1 Gbps Lag occurs in map1 during fights, I often find myself "dragged" away or riding away from the fight just to fall down dead after I've reached the safe zone. It is happening more often and more visib…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    It was discussed in several topics, especially in conjunction with the Repetitive Shot but it was forgotten afterwards as other more important issues were raised. It was said that all archer skills have very long animations compared to attack skills from other chars and I would like to bring back attention to this topic. Mainly it is about the Fire Arrow, Poison Arrow and Repetitive Shot. The main issue is that with most skills from other chars, for ex Schamans, damage is inflicted almost instan…

  • OK, in that case it makes sense....but that could be easily avoided by NOT wearing any talisman. Yes, you'll eventually not benefit from any PvP bonuses you might have on that one but that's a tradeoff you have to make...

  • New Pendants

    Rapier - - Archive


    Now I am glad I never tried to even think about a 115 armour. None of them made me want it. That Zodiac one beats them all

  • New Pendants

    Rapier - - Archive


    There will ALLWAYS be people that would like to make "show offs" and would try to have the top gear. So raising the cap will just tell them ..."beat this". And probably they will...or die trying. But for sure will be alot that will spend a big amount of money just to have the first +200 item. Everything else is

  • @xShiinoa what I said is that the BASE BONUS of the talisman works only in PvM. That is the bonus that increases with the item level. "Strong against daggers" is an added bonus, one of the NEW bonuses (like "Resistance to Half Human") and has fixed value, does not increase with item's level. What I said is that the talisman's level doesn't matter in PvP cause the PvP bonuses are not affected by the level. Regardless of it being +1 or +200 you will have the same "Strong against daggers" value. Wh…

  • Maybe I missunderstood but "elemental" damage (fire, ice, earth, etc) it's ONLY against mobs/bosses. No player is affected by that so I don't know how can affect PvP. The rest of the bonuses are like all the other bonuses on all the other items. They're not changing if the item is +1 or +200, only the base bonus (strong against...) will increase and that's effective only against mobs. There are several elements and all mobs are groupped into one of these cathegories. The "strong against..." bonu…

  • Let's calm down...that talisman ONLY increase "strong against..." with it's level. So I would rather let it +1 instead of spending a dime on trying to make it +100. I have a better use of my money anyways, don't care so much about +200 strong At +1 will have the same PvP bonuses that I'm looking for (or PvM ones) as at +200 so I don't really care if it's +1 or +20 (cause probably up to +50 won't make any difference, the impact is minimal in damage). With the introduction of the n…

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Anyways, the main role of the Feather Walk before was to provide speed...everyone said it's useless (and it was) and they added those mini bombs to it...and made it lasts several seconds. Even with full INT, skill lasts few seconds so doesn't count too much. I used the points from Feather Walk in 7th and 8th skill...nothing convinced me so far that I should take them back to make Feather Walk. On the other hand, you made the ONLY skill that allows a Archer Ninja evade from mobs...useless in PvE.…