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  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Thanks for ignoring us, you are going to implement an impossible event @Anayra @Rocket @Salsie @Comkra @badidol ” Don't worry, they already found a solution for that: Itemshop

  • Pet System - Feedback

    RabbitRun - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from hugoW: “Quote from Anayra: “Will be changed for Feather Walk Thank you for the hint For the Potion skill: - any difference for speed or amount of recovery you can notice? ” No, i can't seem to see notorious diferences without or with the skill, it takes rougly the same time to get full HP, maybe im doing something wrong and don't know the way it works, i tested with elixir and potions. ” This bonus only adds more heal on potions. So for instance 10% would heal 2640 hp instead of 2400 …

  • Regarding gear checking

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Hi @Anayra I absolutely don't sense any change in bonuses/gear when you asked us about it You encountered something different, or WebZen changed something that they can't remember? lmao Anyone who did?

  • Damage bug on talismans +1

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    It's natural. The more bonuses you combine, the greater the effect. For example 1 avg, 1 devil and 1 monster does more than 3% of each apart. It's the same when you have 0 mob, 0 avg and lots of devil, and you put 1 mob the effect is increased alot. So yea the elementary force is just another effect

  • Quote from LeeChen: “I have a diffucultly understanding most of the players. ” Because we have items that will loose value if they add the last changes. And also, doing solo meley you need top items to reach that, and having so you may benefit right? If the game should be hard, they had to make these changes right from the beginning

  • Quote from unforgiven: “We need the full bonuses that players are using to test. Regarding 5% effective bonuses, this is not really true since the effectiveness depends on how much resistances you have and it is not linear. ” That doesn't make sense because the problem is the resistance itself. There are just few bonuses that inflict power: Average Damage Resistance, Dexterity (it gives "Evade" which decreases dmg), biologist rewards, your total Defence and your elemental resistance. We provide …

  • Password Protection in game.

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Quote from Vezuvia: “Hi, I just want to say that in application metin2 isn't protection for password. Haven't captcha, two-confirmed method or other. In this case is still so much take-over account from owners to hackers... People lose a lot of items. That's poor and crazy. That's the most important issue should be corrected !!! ” I disagree. As long as you don't share account info, nothing will happen. Is someone should 'hack' then the lack of protection is within GameForge DB and not user's. A…

  • Emotions - Feedback

    RabbitRun - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from hugoW: “BUG: You can unequip the Emotion Mask right after you click on any emotion. The mask should be unequipable while the whole animation is running til it ends. ” Wouldn't call it a bug. All items can be turned off wether you move or not. The system just reacts when you move and try to equip an item. And ofcourse a big +1 to your post. The way it is now is trash

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    All oldschool events are the best imo instead of these minigames.

  • He's also asking about sellable items to npc. In no time your storage is full with this crap and he asked if they could make it sellable. And I also agree

  • I cant log in

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Use English or German client. You can change it within the patcher config

  • Pet System - Feedback

    RabbitRun - - Feedback: 18.4


    Guys don't forget that there is a 'bug' going on that allows you to use dead pets. This will be fixed. It means that unused pets that are dead for like 800 days will have an insane amount of stats once you use the re-roll. Nevertheless, pets that are kept alive will profit aswell since you'll be able to level it by yourself

  • Impossible to enter the BETA

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    It's still German though... I cannot understand German. Do you think they will addapt it to English on Beta? hope so

  • Problem in registration

    RabbitRun - - Bugs


    "Select country" --> United Arab Emirates

  • Quick question

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Still waiting for this... I really don't mind Alch is in _DE but the pet system and halloween items is something major to me

  • Feedback + solutions

    RabbitRun - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from aha15: “Thank you for your great suggestions Just a simple comment on this part : Quote from abu7med: “The simple solution here – auto hunting is not activatable in some maps like devils catacomb cause it's unfair to other farmers and unbalanced thing which kills the game ” It is best to reduce or stop dropping yang in all maps with auto-hunt So that no one exploits auto-hunt in other maps (not only DC). ” Nonsense. Then what is auto-hunt for? You do nothing to level up. You do nothin…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    RabbitRun - - General Feedback


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “@Anayra, @badidol, you should check the drop of Iutnori Chests, last years (almost in Spanish Community) that event was considered one of the worst you have never done because the drop was annoying, and now you add it again and magic, the drop is completely the same. Please, remove the drop of lv70 weapons from chests. In addition, the game es too complicated and most of times the computer wins. Also, the score to obtain a gold chest is too high. ” And even if you win, you …

  • This time I won't put a table... too much coding. So I decided to make a quick vid that will help you. Please enjoy. I will start testing bosses aswell later on. @All, I already told Anayra few posts back about my earlier feelings and if she says she's fine, so be it. Arguing won't help but I know how you guys feel right now but let's focus on the balancing to what's left of it.

  • Quote from Anayra: “One more question for you about the gear you used: - Just wind resistance? - Any magic? - Any block? ” ?? That's not one, it's three questions! Ok... sarcasm Yes I tested Wind res because that's the only elemental resistance that works there. I am currently testing other defences now on different maps. Magic Resistance was tested (that's the MA you see there) on En-Tai Druid. Druid and Healers are the only mobs there where Magic res works. You mean 'Chance to Block Melee'? Ot…

  • Quote from prolycan999: “Mayby I'm blind but you didn't wrote if that was tested ith fear and enchanted armour and it does matter because only sura weapon has them ;p ” I said that no pets/systems were activated unless written. But for the record, no I haven't activated any skills so therefore these damages are equally to any class. And yea the skill 'Fear' is a pretty nice def. And honestly... if I had skills on and they did that damage...woah However, thanks for your attention though