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  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “@angelyna24, layla73, Having bells are an option, no one is forcing this weapon on anyone. If you want to have 10% more skill damage you can use a bell. You can still use a fan, this is still possible. ” Dragon shamans are gettin 10% bonus on pvm-weapon while healer shamans are gettin 10% bonus on pvp-weapon. Is this just?

  • Anti magical rezisence

    Priore - - Archive


    Better give another glance to these changes. @unforgiven Is it possible to reach 50%+ AMR with anti-magic pet skill?

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    I just think that we need more than 10% bonus dmg on bells

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    I don't think that all the races are meant to do the same amount of damage. Each race and doctrine has its own feature, pros and cons on which dmg is based. I don't even know if this gap in damage is intended since I'm not an expert in balacning taking in consideration all the factors of a race. BTW, duels shouldn't last 2 skills anymore. One of Webzen team's goal is to reduce the overall dmg. I hope they will succeed in doing so.

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Priore: “Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted ” There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work. ” I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it intended or? ” This…

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    Don't really know why but the difference in dmg between healers and dragons is huge Shaman dragon force vs healing force

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Ponze: “Quote from Priore: “Quote from Ponze: “Dragon roar is now broken. Stronger than summon lightning. ” Ehm... From which planet? ” Range: roar > summonDamage: roar > summon Cooldown: No Idea Casting time: same I Guess? Additionnal effect: roar > summon Dragon shaman are now better than cure at long range. ” Well the damage should be higher but it's not. 7k of dragon's roar vs 14k of Summon Our dmg is reduced from long distances Burn vs Stun With the new system of dragon shooting …

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    We are cursed because we give buffs and in order to get all the other classes balanced we must be nerfed ._."

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “@Priore what unforgiven says is like this. For ex, on live server you now have a "base" chance for dealing critical hit, let's call it "L" (from "live") and on the beta you have an increased "base" chance called "B" (from beta). This is without dragon aid or any bonuses that add procentual chance. It is the basic and lowest chance you could have...for ex chance to deal a crit strike just with a plain weapon without extra equipment or alchemy. Consider the following "legend": …

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If Shaman has 39% critical hit chance (no more in their gear) and a Warrior has 26% critical hit chance (no more in their gear); Shaman has higher chance of dealing critical hits with skills. In live servers: If shaman has 52% critical hit chance (no more in their gear) and Warrior has 52% critical hit chance (no more in their gear); Both have the same chance of dealing critical hits with skills. ” In 1 vs 1 a warrior in not supposed to play with dragons shaman's buffs on…

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    In 1 vs 1 you just increased the chance of deal critical hits for the other classes while the shaman stays like in the live server.

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    "the chance of landing a critical hit with skills has been increased" How could it be reduced for other classes? It increases the chance of deal critical hits with skills for all the classes, doesn't it?

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    "Dragon's Aid - The new chance is 26% for party and 39% for self-buff with 132 Intelligence" I really got tired of giving feedback.

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Ponze: “Dragon roar is now broken. Stronger than summon lightning. ” Ehm... From which planet?

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    @corixil I really like the new way of Dragon's roar 'coz it doesn t force you to be the target of meele attacks. However, I don't like the new way of how dragon shoot is casted. The old one was better and more 'tecnical' now it's just 'get nearer to the target'

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    Priore - - Archive


    I revised my idea and editet the post, but the title is still pretty actual. Thank you webzen to make us delete our Dragon shamans and our clients

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    Priore - - Archive


    THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS! @unforgiven

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    @Ponze you should give motivations... Btw the bonus before 10% was 30% not 20%.

  • [Spell] Shaman dragon : Shooting dragon

    Priore - - Archive


    They changed it because now this skill does not have two different damage depending on where the target is in the AoE anymore.