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  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    LionKing - - Archive


    @unforgiven can you ask WEBZEN DEVS ro bring back the effect from the skill Summon Lightning? if you remember on live server when you use this skill the image shake and a thunder sound it hear.Now the image dont shake anymore and the thunder sound no more hear .Bug?

  • Bug Shaman buffs

    LionKing - - Archive


    It is not fair @unforgiven the director production of metin2 say in the interview that items will not lose the Value what is expensive stay expensive i mean the yang.I spend some yang to buy for my mage all the items with +12 int and now is total useless what can i do now ? Can u please help us,like all the time and send feedback to webzen it is not normaly that my critical chance is not increased by my INT items the items now is total useless.

  • Question about the Claim Reward

    LionKing - - Archive


    Hello i have a question yesterday i made 50 monkey talisman + 50 Mu talisman i click the Claim reward it apear a message do you want to confirm reward Yes or No? .I clicked yes but i dont get any yellow chest... only i got a box checked in that tabel....

  • Quote from iDeviiLegend: “Quote from LionKing: “Quote from iDeviiLegend: “Quote from hugoW: “Shouldn't the resistance to fire be a "standart bonus" on the fire talisman/pendant? If not there is no purpose on having all the diferent type of talismans/pendants like darkness, earth, lightening. For that should be enough one talisman and we put any resistance there by changing the bonus... doesn't making sense to me ” The standart bonus you get starting from +1 to +200. ” What do you mean to +200 yo…

  • Quote from iDeviiLegend: “Quote from hugoW: “Shouldn't the resistance to fire be a "standart bonus" on the fire talisman/pendant? If not there is no purpose on having all the diferent type of talismans/pendants like darkness, earth, lightening. For that should be enough one talisman and we put any resistance there by changing the bonus... doesn't making sense to me ” The standart bonus you get starting from +1 to +200. ” What do you mean to +200 you can enchat it max +200 No more +9 you mean tha…

  • Bug Shaman buffs

    LionKing - - Archive


    Hello i want to report a bug now the shaman when equip items with +12 int the Critical Hit chance are not changed(boosted) he stays intact at 15.5% really? Here is a video:

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    LionKing - - Archive


    I found a bug when you attack after any mount i dont know how but sometimes its get down the mount is in the mont icon but you are not ride him...

  • Quote from unforgiven: “WebZen has found the culprit. In future all characters can be hit by 100k+ damage. I am currently in talks to reduce this damage to something manageable. ” That means now the Body Warriors can take now one hit from bosses right ? no more the only class wich dont die from 1 hit from bosses

  • Some questions about Zodiac Temple

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Hello @GaarasamaGreekServer to not only tell you the "be and Adventurer" phrase.. YES! There will be new Rewards, new Items, new Chests.. so basically new everything imO. it's worth trying. I was pretty hyped as soon as I saw it for the first time. That I can tell you ” Maybe Webzen make us a surprise and put Oceanic Shoes and Fire Shoes ?

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    LionKing - - Archive


    Thank your for all your answers .But i think the new pendant you must farm for that i think is drop in zodiac temple ?

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    LionKing - - Archive


    The new update: 1)Missions: Zodiac Temple - Translated Missions 2)ChangeLog Changelog - 17.5 So i have some questions if anyone from gameforge can answer me 1)What is the rewards from the Zodiac Temple? 2)What you mean 5 different maps design? You reworked some old maps and make it better or is from Zodiac Temple? 3)Pendants: 3 new resistances and 6 new enchants=Pendants will have s new Slot in inventory and can be enchanted only to +6 max? 4)If upgrade fail, the item will not break and only mat…

  • Pendants: 3 new resistances and 6 new enchants What do you mean 6 new enchants you mean +10+11+12+13+14 etc ? or is only for pendants ?

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “It means that Dragon Shaman can handle PvE better than Healing Shaman. With this update, it change this paradigm a bit. ” Ahh oke and another question how about the Healer skills CoolDown it will Be increased or they will be the same

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Dragon Shaman has easier time with PvE than Healing Shaman. With this update, Dragon Shaman can slay Bosses and Metins, you just need to attack on the horse AND use skills. Some players have tried and have noticed this. > Shaman balancing ” Can you explain me this fase "DRAGON Shaman has easier time " ? what time ?

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from Marce23: “Quote from LionKing: “Quote from Marce23: “Reeding this things i think it time to leave the game. Why i have to buy DR an put money again to make another pvp weapon? ” or why not buy your gf a ring or a shirt or go some where with her and you relax have then buy DR,this changes are crazy man crazy.This Worth 1 penny or cent ” ahah i mean i have fan+9 pvp, my main caracter is a dragon shaman... so they are nerf my weapon... ” That is nothing compared with me …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from Marce23: “Reeding this things i think it time to leave the game. Why i have to buy DR an put money again to make another pvp weapon? ” or why not buy your gf a ring or a shirt or go some where with her and you relax have is better then spend your $ to buy DR,this changes are crazy man crazy.This Worth 1 penny or cent

  • Shaman balancing

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from NieznanyAs: “Quote from unforgiven: “That's a nice way of overcoming the cooldown, just like just DCing the character to reset its skills... Anyways, as I said before, we will reduce the cooldown with the next update although WebZen wants to reduce the Critical Hit chance given by Dragon Aid as exchange. ” On polish server we had Uptade with "balanced buffs" long cooldown and nerfs bufs - polish society told that if this stay 30/40% players will end game. You can read that on Polish b…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “@YoTeDoPo, For this situation, the damage bonus will be removed but no damage will be added on top of the current skills. @CantBuffU Between 20 and 30%. It depends a bit. ” you mean now its 20-30% and you wanna nerf to 10%? What mean for you with the right weapons make me understand (Healer=Fan weapon and Dragon= Bell weapon) this are the right weapons for you? Wich increase 10% and now is 20-30%? And why is hard to change skills with no losing perfect skills we worked ha…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    LionKing - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Hi Ponze, As explained many times: - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill. - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regarding PvP, we are curre…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    LionKing - - Archive


    is still sad when people react and gameforge hide.Where are you gameforge where are you Mister director of production from the interview ,come here and answer to your players, to your customers and you told in the interview you dont want to ruin what was once made and payd well you alerdy did that shame.I feel sorry for this game