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  • New Pendants

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from miyako9: “Quote from unforgiven: “Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier. ” So, now it's gonna be hard and after people spend time trying the hard way a change happens and it becomes easier, making the work made obsolete? This makes no sense at all. ” Whats new here? They have done it a large amount of times. New weapons with DM and Armours with 4,000 HP is a prove of it...

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from curioso2: “Good night @unforgiven Don't take this as a personal attack, for I know that the guilt of these changes isn't just about you, but I have to be a little rough this time. This will be the last time I will express myself in this forum if I don't see that we are walking in the right direction, because everyone sees that GF ignore what the players say, so much so that in the forum of our country we all complain the same. First point and the most important question of all is this…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “On the other side in PvP it doesn't let the opponent regenerates...or at least it regenerates differently. I was testing this and I can tell you it's working. EVERY time when I was on fire, my PV bar was staying at the current level and was not increasing despite the fact that I had an active elixir. Even if I was regenerating it was VERY slowly compared to how normaly it does. Maybe in PvM it's the same, bosses regenerates but much slowly compared to when they don't have fir…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The problem here is expectation. Players expect that balancing means that every ones damage will get buffed and that's it. There are trade-offs that need to happen. Let's see what changed: + Shamans overall got more independence for PvE + Skill damage got beefed up + Melee damage got increased and was align to be easier to maximise in comparison with the character itself (STR+INT vs INT+DEX > DEX gives damage reduction!) + Skill like Dragon Roar doesn't need to be cast ne…

  • Quote from LionKing: “Quote from iDeviiLegend: “Quote from LionKing: “Quote from iDeviiLegend: “Quote from hugoW: “Shouldn't the resistance to fire be a "standart bonus" on the fire talisman/pendant? If not there is no purpose on having all the diferent type of talismans/pendants like darkness, earth, lightening. For that should be enough one talisman and we put any resistance there by changing the bonus... doesn't making sense to me ” The standart bonus you get starting from +1 to +200. ” What …

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    We say A and they hear B... No one likes this update. You speak about pvp balancing but you are ruining PvP and PvE... So you say, you can't change A withou changing Z... And about you don't touch in A? So you don't need change Z. 15% is nothing, ppl have buffers.. Not one or two, but basicly all players in game... That is need, you just need understand it. Is hard? -.-

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    @unforgiven your intention here is ppl delete buffer shamans? You do 1 good thing and 2 bad things... Now int is bug, 15,5% crit with 90 int or with 500 int... cooldown is fine but this 15,5% will be a base? We can get 25-30% with int? I'm not seeing this with a good eyes. Anyway, still have a bug where we can't use blessing and Aid in ppl without being in my party. I wasted lots of time lvl up my shaman to lvl 100 and money reading book and soul stones to get a little 15%? 15% is nothing

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    Th3Original - - Archive


    @unforgiven how you can say it will need time to put +200... You never will put it +200 just because when you fail, level drop... This new item can work if you remove the chance of item drop, so you have it +10 and you will try get it +11 with no lowering level.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Saying that is a waste of time is an overstatement. If it would be a waste of time there wouldn't be any other chance to the class but there were some changes in between. The Duration of the skill was increased for example. I am still in conversations with WebZen regarding the attack value but currently there are no news. You need to understand that feedback is important but that doesn't mean that it will materialize. This can happen but it might also not happen. ” @unfor…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “And another update for this: no character will be hit by these 4x straight hits. This doesn't mean that, some times, bosses will deal high damage. At the moment I don't know when we will have this change in our test servers. ” Hum, the problem is the Multiple damages and not the Big Damage... As unfs said, this big damages is rare and we can deal with it... But removing the multiple damages is a good update.

  • I just failed today a Razador, we (me and a friend) reached there with 30 min and after all, we received 25 min of 1 skill death... It's frustating, and with this new update it will become more frusting because you will need wait buffs cooldown.

  • @unforgiven what you said don't change the fact of Healers Shamans are needing a nerf in damage... You want balance, you sacrifice lycans, buffs and give healers + damage? What you need more? 108 Magic defence plus 77 Resist Shaman and she did 12k... With that defences they can't do more than 5-6k... And 5-6k is a lot, i don't believe a sura or warrior can do 12k in a opponenet with max resist sword and mx resist char. Another thing, you need undertand the shamans can kill a opponent easy wbefor…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from Quelin: “Quote from unforgiven: “So, as last question: - If I request that there no change will happen to Dragon Shaman the players here will be happy? (this doesn't mean that it will happen!) this will include: - no increase in damage in any way - no changes on how the skills work - no change at all only for Dragon Shaman ” Im gonna say yes, even im playing healer. Also i would be happier if healers stay as the same too. ” Of course you say yes... I think they are not seeing the real…

  • Quote from LHQentin: “Quote from Th3Original: “I made my tests about new lycan Damage, and im surprised, i was thinking my lycan after the chages will do about 2k less damage in comparison to my sura... But it's not the case. To do this comprison i asked a @unforgiven help to have all gear in equal level. Here is my Sura Damage: Here is my Lycan Damage: I can accpet this change in PvM side... PvP i can't say anything... ” This test is not valid, because …

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    Th3Original - - Archive


    @unforgiven here is what i'm talking about... You gave healers shamans + power and + healing %... You are trying to nerf the 1 skill death, but you are just doing it for Physic chars... Healers need a good nerf in PvP damage...

  • Quote from LordBlack: “Yes but sura can absorb the hp and you don't use cast.. Lykan cant absorb hp ed need a cast always.. The duration must be increase al 175 like now and the damage can't be the same.. Now you have a sura that can't absorb hp and have a skil that durinb 92sec and must stop every moment to use 12 int item ” This not justify... Sura have abs yes, but warrior no... Lycan have Indigo Wolf, that skill gives 25% atk speed at P and do not give you + received damage like Berserk in w…

  • Ya, pvm side is ok... I have done my tests and i get the same conclusion. We need know now about pvp side...

  • I made my tests about new lycan Damage, and im surprised, i was thinking my lycan after the chages will do about 2k less damage in comparison to my sura... But it's not the case. To do this comprison i asked a @unforgiven help to have all gear in equal level. Here is my Sura Damage: Here is my Lycan Damage: I can accpet this change in PvM side... PvP i can't say anything...

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Th3Original: “So, with this update we will have 3 reasons to leave the game.. 1st: PvP will become Magic Sura Vs Healer Shamans... Warriors, ninjas, suras Wep etc will no longer can use one of the advantages, damage in hit... This because critics now are very rare to hit and when hit, is has very low damage. 2nd: Lycans will no longer be usefull PvP and PvM. 3rd: Buffers will no longer have use, people wasted lots of time to put their Buffers at lv 100, and now…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    So, with this update we will have 3 reasons to leave the game.. 1st: PvP will become Magic Sura Vs Healer Shamans... Warriors, ninjas, suras Wep etc will no longer can use one of the advantages, damage in hit... This because critics now are very rare to hit and when hit, is has very low damage. 2nd: Lycans will no longer be usefull PvP and PvM. 3rd: Buffers will no longer have use, people wasted lots of time to put their Buffers at lv 100, and now they want kill onde of the best shaman buff (Dra…