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  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Hence the interest of modifying the description of the spell so that it corresponds to reality

  • Piercing Hits

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Instead of modifying the ph which is really not the priority you should focus on the class spells (the basis of a re-balancing) and their effects / interactions in relation to others. I think especially of protection of darkness, feather stride, sparkling shot, repeated fire, fire arrow, reinforced attack, care, roar of the dragon, soul of the purple wolf, poisonous mist.

  • Protection of Darkness

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Hello, I propose to be debug the skill protection of the darkness (to apply the% displayed on the skill) or to correct the description to show that the skill reduces the damage by 33% that the spell is to 1 point or P. This will make it possible to have a real interest / advantage in mounting the spell in P for the first case and in any case reinforced the coherence of this spell.

  • Magical Resistance Bug?

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “P.S. you just need to read a bit in the whole board and you'll notice that every one says that other classes deal too high damage and theirs is not powerful enough. We are trying to do our best but currently there is too much conflicting information. ” Why do not you do tests then? You would realize the problems ...

  • Dagger Ninja hits and skills

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from GaarasamaGreekServer: “And yes piercing hits disappeared from the arrow hits which sucks. I deal more dmg on the official server than on the beta. On the information it said that only Spark would change for the Archer. ” Anyway, what they said they changed was not actually (except for the revalorization of the ph) and we encountered any other unannounced changes such as the ph nerve on the archers. This beta has really nothing that looks like a re-balancing, players think only hit as …

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    Strijelac - - Archive


    It is not complicated: If you think that the ph is too strong with the arc you just need to reduce its effectiveness as it was done for the anti magic for example, there you make useless a very powerful bonus, More personally I have ph on my bow so I do what now? I throw it away? This revalorization of the ph is as it was said above, exaggerated. Did you think about the assassins? The daggers type very quickly in a certain way it is also cheaté also for melee: Even if an archer strikes hard in p…

  • Archer

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Hello, I make a subject here concerning the archers although some posts concerning the N talk about it but it is a bit rough so I also share my observations here: DF arrows & Skills: With exactly the same stuff on a character full of arrows (65%) I do less damage on the beta than here, which means either reducing the attack value of our spells or increasing the 'Efficiency defense arrows. Sparkling shot: It has been said that the arrow defense would now reduce the damage of this spell, after man…

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    Strijelac - - Archive


    So, being a ninety-one level archer, I noticed that firstly, the arrow resisted seamlessly the sparkle damage damage, and that the arcs were unable to make piercing hits. Is this normal and desired? Because all weapons can make and again the strength of the archers is reduced while other people are happy to find arcs to put on their precious stoles Edit : Fail of plug-ing google translate

  • Skill Changes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Even at lv35 you can give us feedback on your daily game play through. Just do what usually you will do in your Live server and tell us if you see any difference. ” Then, being a ninety-eleven archer, I noticed that firstly, the arrow resisted seamlessly the sparkle damage damage, and that the arcs were unable to make piercing hits except with the skills. Is this normal and desired? Because all weapons can make and again the strength of the archers is reduced while other …

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I return after some tests and it seems that sparkling shot is not finally reduced by the defense arrow, more the new blow is abused though it does not work with the bow: I put 80% on my equipment And I typed for ten minutes but in normal shots and critical shots there was no piercing hits so either I bug the bows or the 80s.

  • Skill Changes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I return after some tests and it seems that sparkling shot is not finally reduced by the defense arrow, more the new blow is abused though it does not work with the bow: I put 80% on my equipment And I typed for ten minutes but in normal shots and critical shots there was no ph so either I bug the bows or the 80s.

  • Skill Changes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    mr yes but ar no

  • Skill Changes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Dosarphic: “Of course you can add the MR for Spark, but this would nerf it way too strong. Why? Imagine that people on battlegrounds wear costumes and stuff with MR against shamans and personaly I don't see my archer having antimagic stone in bow. ” Certainly, but it would be more logical more if the assassins do it you could very well also do it

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Everything has been said, what must be remembered is that it is high time to make changes on the spells of the acher, it is the class least used at high level because of its Difficulty in pve, high% of possible arrows, lack of side effects of spells, useless stride of feather, the rarity of arcs 80 and + etc ... I understand therefore the will to modify the Sparkling blow but as mentioned above, magic resistance would be better than being able to use it with a sword or dagger, or else keep the a…

  • Skill Changes

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I have a proposal for the spell shot sparkle: its damage should be magic because it would put the archers and assassins on the same foot to equalize and this will also reduce more effectively the blows blow than presently. The worry is that reducing the sparkle damage with the df arrow will make it unnecessary due to the recharge time of sixty seconds