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  • for the archer, I compared the VA of my spells with the same character at the same level with the same statistics without ANY item equipped, and apart from for fire arrow that does not move almost anyway, all the other skills have significant increases (90 dex 90 str 90 vit 1 int) of the order of 100 to 600 depending on the competencies.

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Why do you not consider the fact that it is totally possible to make a mixture of vitality and interest instead of directly maximized? from level 91 you can have 3 statistics to 90 points and one to 16 you agree? if you put 40 points in interest you will have 66 vitality which remains correct and brings a good number of lives and allows to have a time of invisibility of 3 seconds on spark, to have a good increase on shooting to poisoned arrow repeats and sparkling stroke, to have a proper time t…

  • On the old beta version it worked very well, I had calculated that it was around 30 -40% (lvl 91 90 int if ever it influences) after I could not test the current version because in the list of communities to register there is not the French ...

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Let's say it interrupts those who want to be it "

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “Quote from Olthir: “Can you explain me why Feather Walk should be activated also without the bow? Thank you! ” Mainly, because I grew up believing that doing a jump in mid-air would not actually require holding a bow. Same speech for Spark: it's a hand-bomb, I don't really think you'd fling a grenade with a bow. Chances are you might end up blowing up yourself, that way. Besides, what really bugs me, is the fact that other characters are able to use some skills without any…

  • Some questions about Zodiac Temple

    Strijelac - - Archive


    In any case this instance really has chances of being well farm, since the time that the low level characters expected one.

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    and although I agree except for one point, ninja daggers must not have this bonus because their invisibility increases some of their spells, that would make them too powerful. There is also the possibility that invisibility increases one or more of our spells

  • Until proven otherwise, assassins can use arcs and polymorphy with so not the archer can do nothing more than an assassin who is very versatile and is necessarily more useful if he has a weapons panel varied (and even he can even xp with his weapon of choice unlike the archers)

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding an item to exchange Bells and Fans - we asked about this and we were discourage to pursue that route specially because it is not that simple. ” So because it's not easy and it will require a lot of work and imagination on the part of WebZen this is immediately refused. We can see their mentality (to the best of our knowledge, GF makes great efforts in terms of feedback).

  • Your spoiler made me laugh no it's just an illusion to take a Ninja so much to take an assassin, he can do all that an archer does in addition to being able to use his skills, for me an archer pve exists only in the case of the xp or it must have an excellent stuff to get there. An archer has of course the right to make instances but he will never be wanted for that.

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Yes it is true I also think that it was not necessary (I just wanted to know the opinions), moreover the fact that there is no animation increases even more the principle of stealth (instantaneous disappearance without noise or visual effects).

  • Why, I find it silly, of all one will not hide it an archer pve does not exist apart for the xp. If the int does not increase the damage it will serve just to boost the side effects which will increase even more the problem! (If we want the side effects we have to put int except that it does not even increase the damage and that in addition we lose defense and vitality), besides we must not forget that bloodstains it exists so no choice is irreversible.

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    For or against an animation when triggering the spark invisibility effect?

  • Quote from Rapier: “I tested with 16 VIT 90 DEX 90 STR 90 INT and it does not worth it. The gain in damage is so small that doesn't worth loosing so much pv. You'll end up with 25k pv and that only if playing with ebony or garnet earings and have some good alchemy to add extra PV. That PV is too little for the damages that are inflicted today. There are alot of chars that give you more than 30k damage in general fights (not talking about 1 vs 1 combat where you migh have better defence agains aa…

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    without int it does 16 + the diamond so a priori 2 seconds if you do not have equipment adding the int, so if you get full int you win 4 seconds.

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    with 100 of intelligence you will have 6 seconds (just have a good legendary diamond)

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Yes I understand, being myself carrying out these quests there now I greatly hesitate between the attack value and the hit points, they should revalorize the intelligence. Me frankly what gives me envi to me full int is spark.

  • Archery improvements!

    Strijelac - - Archive


    On the forum of my country, I showed that the int brought a not insignificant boost of skills (200 to 800 according to the competences with 90 intelligence without any equipment) more, it must not be forgotten that the intelligence increases the duration of the stealth effect of spark (1s all 20 points which is 5 seconds with 90 intelligence and 6 seconds with 100 intelligence) which is not negligible. What we have to calculate is to know if full integrity is equivalent to being full force (alre…

  • My General Feedback

    Strijelac - - Archive


    It is true that we should do something for the warriors, there are modifications to make. I think especially of Berserk and Mighty Body.

  • General Feedback from me

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from zoNE: “- Wolf's Breath: "Decreased chance of stunning"- Doesn't work. 100% chance on P. - probably not fixed ” Quote from zoNE: “- And the critical DMG bug on any classes skill - not fixed ” For me these are the two main points to correct quickly, the rest being simply an animation error. It would be nice if all the problems were corrected before closing this beta story so that we could continue with other things quietly.