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  • Zodiac Temple - Bugs

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “1. Monsters animation is not syncron with their attacks[no bug] Player gets damage even when the monster has not reached him (Mostly at higher floors). --> Impossible to avoid attacks of monsters or to pull monster away from metin stone etc. Problem also exists at meleys lair. ” Quote from Yemon: “Yeah sure, it is no real "speedhack" or "godspeed" it is "just" bad programmend. So it can be fixed, I know it will take some time, but it is, like you see imposible to see where the…

  • With the changes in the stats this I see it necessary to allow us to get more points until level 100, I really do not know because this issue has not been touched during all this time during the balance since they are mainly changing as the skills increase according to stats and I think that this would also be a way for the game to progress in something that has not changed more than 5 years. It is more to add something, currently little motivation to be a little more level since you do not gain…

  • So these calculations are applicable in pvm so if a mob has a lot of resistance to fire for example, by having this pendant, I could be striking for each hit less damage than without having equipped it. I ask this since it seems to me something important since perhaps in some cases it would be convenient to have the pendant equipped and other cases better not have it equipped.In the case of the test that I did with the pendant of darkness maybe those monsters that I was striking did not have muc…

  • New Pendants

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier. ” Then this would be an announcement of which we are not aware, if in a future they will change the system of improvement of the items but it would be interesting if someday they apply this, in a beta like this, to be able to test it. It is true that many% are very low, but look what it is to try to make certain equipment such as armors 115 and ot…

  • New Pendants

    Blesenth - - Archive


    It is very simple the problem with the pendants, to improve them is practically impossible and as we have been told it seems that they will never want us to have one like the one in the photo or it is +200, but it would be ideal if this item would be possible to improve it with a decent % have the new kyanite weapons and in this way would be a way to encourage people to have a long-term goal and go do little of this item. For example first try to leave it +5, then +10 and so on little by little …

  • This is true. There is a real monopolization with the blue dragon although the problem lies in the players and how the dungeon is designed, as this boss is something that only 1 per server can be done per hour many people are excluded from this boss (but look at everything new, everything can do it simultaneously next to another for example enter 2 different groups doing jotuns and etc). I never understood well what was the purpose of doing that you can only go 1 per server since this happens wh…

  • Talismans give you strength against the type of pendant you have. If for example you have a pendant of fire it will give you +1 force against 1% fire for example. This means that if you attack a monster with element of fire you will get more damage. And so it is climbing 1% for each improvement. In this post I showed a little the differences that makes a pendant of this type as for example the one of darkness.…t-problems-bugs/?pageNo=2 I am asking in that post how …

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from UnBeLieF: “There's a problem with the dungeon. The character is moving in different directions. It can not be controlled properly. The passenger comes down on his own and attacks normally. Then he goes back to himself again. It should be corrected. ” That's an effect monsters make you. These have different effects one of them is the one you mentioned. It seems that every dungeon or monster has different effects that will have to learn what to do against them or how to face them.

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I want to ask how well the basic bonuses of the pendant work. I have one of darkness and I have tested damages with and without the, is currently +5 giving thus strong against darkness 5%. I am a body warrior so I score the physical blows with 60 undead and poisoned +9 43 average remaining 15% skill level 100 with daily missions (no attack, but double hp in 92 and 94 in the missions of the biologist ) without using aura of sword and with a sash of 24% that gives 60-84 and 9% of average damage. M…

  • Shaman balancing

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “- Reduction of Critical Hit chance from Dragon Aid (From 50%+ to 15,5%; but for oneself, it can reach 30~50%) - Dragon Shaman can deal more damage with Bells instead of Fans - no PvP Bells existing in the servers - You cannot buff players outside of party ” I do not agree on this point. Mainly because you affect the whole game, if a person could raise in tower of demons with a shaman dragon, with this change will be much more complicated to him. If a group of characters c…

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I really was not trying to upload it to +200 I just wanted to check its% improvement but apparently it's something that seems impossible to upgrade if it does not even reach +10 practically. That's why I thought about reporting it since I'm not interested in uploading it to +200 quickly but seeing that we have access to many blessings from the blacksmith and materials I wanted to try but apparently never goes beyond +6 with normal blacksmith blessings. With a test with blessings of 10% or 20% of…

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Yes, this is what I was trying to prove. If this item does not even reach +7 since in my case at most it improved to +6 with normal blessings, it would seem too complicated to try to raise it to +200. And above would be to do each type of pendant and treat the same would be crazy that I think no one even reached +15 because it fails as much as an armor of 105 or 115 or a belt of souls because of their%. I think that this should be analyzed since if they put a +200 item even with the % that have …

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I've been trying out zodiac temple today, sorry it does not let you climb to more floors, but luckily this is reported and will be solved quickly. What I wanted to ask is the following, in said dungeons will be respected the level range since if so the 1st floors would be for pjs lv20 or a little more since we have not been able to test the drop and I think mainly is for the level. Or these levels are temporary for being beta and will have higher level than now. It seems to me that certain monst…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “WebZen has found the culprit. In future all characters can be hit by 100k+ damage. I am currently in talks to reduce this damage to something manageable. ” Quote from unforgiven: “And another update for this: no character will be hit by these 4x straight hits. This doesn't mean that, some times, bosses will deal high damage. At the moment I don't know when we will have this change in our test servers. ” So the solution they propose is that any boss can make us a skill and…

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I have a question to ask, will the server open it today with the new update of the zodiac temple? And for what I read in the forum because my English is regular, we will use the characters that we already had in the beta already put or others already equipped. We will be waiting to try new things, to see how such maps work, and everything that comes with it. I agree with the idea of discovering things as adventurer haha this brings more intrigue and curiosity to see that there are new things in …

  • War System Feedback

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “During this time of testing, I have seen that you are trying to revive the PvP in the games and increase the competition and trying to give roles to each class (every class have different advantages and weaknesses in PvP). I think that War System should be something were guilds could demonstrate if they are the best in the game, but for some reasons, this system doesn't work: -There isn't any prize if you win a war. -Guilds don't want to loose against the enemy. -All the pe…

  • Shaman balancing

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “- Everyone liked the changes made on dmg skills . - Everyone liked the idea of 30% bonus dmg on fans/bells. (the only problem is the passage from bells to fans in pvp for dragon shamans) - Everyone liked the increment of physical dmg given by INT and DEX, eventough it's a little. - No one liked the nerf to dragon's aid and buffs in general. (I think that with higher cooldowns we can survire, but lower % in buff not.) - Healer dmg is to high than dragon shaman's. (and don't sa…

  • Shaman balancing

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “So, as last question: - If I request that there no change will happen to Dragon Shaman the players here will be happy? (this doesn't mean that it will happen!) this will include: - no increase in damage in any way - no changes on how the skills work - no change at all only for Dragon Shaman ” The dragon shaman needs changes and I will make a list of the changes that I have found positive at least in my opinion: - That the probability of being burned has increased his% in …

  • Quote from Rapier: “As the title says, I would like to know (and maybe I'm not the only one) what's the logic that sits behind various Kyanite weapons stats. And please, don't come with standard answers like "Webzen wants this". With answers like this, Webzen will remain to play this game alone. For years, the weapons had some weak spots and some strong ones, mostly in line with the charater that uses them. Now I don't find some reasons for: 1. WHY do the Kyanite Daggers have 25 Half Human bonus…

  • Then you are saying that we will have similar damage as the other classes despite the improvements. To see I do not see balance, first by the damages and human means that the other arms give. And here I leave you with simply seeing the damage base of the runica sword compared to new ones from other classes. This is the Runic Sword in +9: Level 105 Attack Value: 403-451 Magical Attack: 369-411 Attack Speed: 15% Bonus Against Half Humans: 15% Bonus Against Monsters: 5%. And this is the value of th…