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  • It really is not understandable that all weapons have improvements except the runic sword. It is more in the majority of servers is the weapon that more is used so much in warriors as weaponary suras. It is more if it is implemented as it is now, they would be avoiding that a warrior for example can have double half humans in the arms since the 2 handed weapon itself can not take anymore to evolve from one that already has. Instead all other classes if they can have their own weapon double human…

  • You are doing a very good test on the ninja archer. The only thing I think that using that build of 90 int 90 dex 90 str and 16 vit is too extreme and I do not know if the loss of hp and defense is worth so much to get more damage. It would be good if you could try something more mixed half style in vit and half in int to not lose so much hp and not so much damage. Since in the case of pvp is also important to endure in addition to having much damage. Already in the pvm as the ninja archer is us…

  • Shaman balancing

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from baklawa: “There is my dragon's aid test with 164 int and 96 dex . 34% critical hit on self, 31% on group members. Only 3% extra for shaman. Big problem is missed dragon's aid and blessing skills. Because of long cooldown durations. ” -The % of Dragon Aid are very low even taking a lot of intelligence the shaman is still at a great disadvantage as it mainly depends on critics to kill characters and launch skills fast. -I believe that if you get to have that intelligence we should reach…

  • Quote from Yemon: “What I would like to Change: Change the duration back to his old value because it will be super annoying like it is now (with 55s duration) and the players will lose a lot of fun playing this char/game. Fix the 1-Hit Bug from Bosses, because no one likes 1-Hit, not In PvP and also not in PvM. It makes the players realy mad if they die because a Monster do crazy numbers even on 50+ skill resistance. ” This is what must be changed. The duration of the scarlet wolf's soul should …

  • My General Feedback

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from Th3Original: “First: Shamans Dragon Force -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time. -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought) You need put in mind not all the players have buffer hight level with full int str and dex or skills at Perfect Master... What % of critics a buffer Lv 50 with no full int …

  • Shaman balancing

    Blesenth - - Archive


    II tested my buffs shaman, which obviously has many limitations compared to a real one. And I tried some damage differentiating it with the normal server and beta (I was using a bell with 12 int). Here's what I've seen in the changes: - Apparently now some skills stick more on the monsters, and the% of burned has been increased but not so much noticed. As it is buff shaman I can not test in pvp but already that is testing yotedopo hehe. -The blessing auras and Dragon aid do not work properly sin…

  • PvP Optimisation

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “I guess the INT-component was intended as a sort of little "nerf" in order to somewhat limit Archers' new power. That way, an archer would have to choose between VIT and INT. The problem is, they assigned DEX-component to the weakest skill, while ALL of the other ones are boosted by INT. I'm not really a huge fan of this idea, I've to say. Still, it'd be better if ALL classes actually had at least ONE skill influenced by a stat. they generally do not max up (i.e. intellige…

  • PvP Optimisation

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I think that here is a big contradiction as to the improvement they want to make to the ninjas. Quote from unforgiven: “Ninja Attack damage will increase more with Dexterity (++) than Strength (+) ” Quote from unforgiven: “Ninja – Archery Force Repetitive Shot Reduced cooldown Increased MP cost to cast Damage will also be increased by Intelligence Added knockback Arrow Shower Reduced cooldown Increased MP cost to cast Damage component from Dexterity has been buffed Added splash damage Added slow…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Blesenth - - Archive


    The problem is not going in a group or going alone. The same depends on the types of players you cross, there are people who like to do everything in a group and other things alone. As well there are people who like to do both (like me). The real problem is that everything one could do in solo, it will have to do in a group, and everything that could be done in a group now complicated much more than before. In other words this affects and adds much difficulty to everything that could be done in …

  • PvP Optimisation

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I think that the big mistake is to change the critical hits in pve and pvm. Each person who has become an equipment full of critics will see it practically useless since the probability that it gets is so reduced that it will not be noticed. I think that critics should stay as they were, this did not need to change. The rest of things if it is OK that they have a change, but it will be necessary to see how such changes work.By the way someone has started to look at how the new basic attack damag…

  • Piercing Hits

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “a) It has ALWAYS worked like this. This is not new. After 100%, piercing will give you bonus damage. ” I think it is clear that you need to modify this, first of the extra damage to have 100% more penetration does not make sense, this advantage would obviously take advantage of the lycan with his skills. Perhaps this is one of the 2 reasons, in addition to its critics already based on skills, for which the lycan is so strong these days. Besides his high scale from int in …

  • Card System Feedback

    Blesenth - - Archive


    The current card system is practically useless. This is due to the fact that a new one to be transformed requires 60 cards of 1 monster, the second is that the damage that one obtains when transforming in them is very low in comparison of the poly marble and third thing that if you continue gathering cards this damage does not improve For nothing, which would be nice if somehow every 5 or 10 cards would progressively improve the damage to a maximum (as a new option to reinforce the damage this c…

  • Piercing Hits

    Blesenth - - Archive


    There is no balance between the attack and the defense, since now most if this system is implemented as this, the attack will prevail widely against the defense of the characters, with which nobody withstand more than a physical blows. Obviously classes that use physical blows will benefit especially the lycan who has it practically passively, but the magic classes will be at a great disadvantage. In this I oppose although I use a body warrior as my main character, because I think things have to…

  • I think that there is still drop for that poly marble. Because in the last year i reported that bug in my server and that poly marble was from that year. The other thing I wanted to ask was this. Anyone who has a well-placed monsters card system, has checked to see if this same bug happens when one becomes a monster that has 3 stars or more?

  • Thanks Aworan for the answers. About the marble type the only one i know that it is bugged is the Ogre Warrior, with this, you cannot hit any player or monster and it is useless. This needs to be fixed too. About the damage i didn´t know that it was bugged with the alchemy and others potions or bio quests when you use a polymorph. Better to wait for the tests and that this is fixed since it would be a bug that affects all races and especially archer ninjas that depend on the polymorphism.

  • New armours and weapons

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I agree with this, we really need a new weapon for the Body Warriors and Weaponary Sura from de Rune Sword +9. Because it´s not fair, the other will have weapons with more attack speed, more hh and more everything else in 1 handed (in the case of black magic sura) and we only have a 2 handed weapon in the case of bodywarriors that is really more a weapon for mental warriors than bodywarriors. The warriors and weaponary suras depend on the basic attacks and abilities, while the other classes, dep…

  • I am body warrior but i didnt test it too much this. I know someone in my server who did this video about this bug in skill damage and many other friends who suffers this damage. PD:I edit this, because I did not know that the warriors also affected us this bug. Because little I have tried with the bosses when they get those points of life, at least I had not happened until now. Then this bug should be corrected since it is not understandable its damages with critics and pen…

  • My opinion about the beta changes

    Blesenth - - Archive


    Well, in the end I had some time to test the beta a bit using my normal alchemy and the one that allows you to have the beta plus other items. About the penetration I hope they correct it as the beta passes because the physical blows no matter what you are, they get an awful lot and in the pvm you notice too much, it's the 1st time I see that I hit some bugs of normal 3 , 5k and with criti and pen came as 11k or 12k something like that, and that I'm not even close to being full. In the methines …

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I think that the idea of changing the skill of healer "attack up" is neccesary. This skill is useless, i think that the best it will be that this skill can add like 100 attack damage and 40 magic attack in P to the party (with 90 int).I also think that it should have the same cooldown as the wolf indigo soul of the lycan to be balanced.And also I think that it should be able to increase its power this ability having more intelligence like 4 int for more 2 damage and 1 magic attack. We already ha…

  • First Day - The Alchemy Day

    Blesenth - - Archive


    I agree with this, for me the excellent alchemies should be able to be changed their bonus by changing the clarity with another Excellent Alchemy and this way to be able to rotate the bonus by breaking one of the 2. Also it would add some utility to those excellent alchemies that do not have a bonus. People feel frustrated when they see that the improvement is excellent and does not have any type of bonus, and I think it's the right thing for the time it takes to do an alchemy of this kind. Also…