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  • Where is the OP damage?

  • thats true, but no one test that. and keep saying that lykan is OP just to not have to worry with claw defense and have less competition, the only nerf i thnink lycan deserves is little bit of piercing

  • Lycan the weakest

    Apollykan - - Archive


    that characters that dont have anything as a self buf has many advantages in pvp over lykan, they are at least a good pvp chracter. We all know that the buffs thing is very inportant, but that everyone is against, us lykans have to defend our chracter, all that other characters that are not in risk to be nerfed, use your tine to defend the buffs, us lykans dont want to the buffs nerfed, some of us, we work and have a life besides having negative feedback to the all update.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Law G: “Quote from Apollykan: “Quote from Law G: “The lycan still OP I tried with 55 claw and shield 20% Lycan Def + alchemy 18% Lycan Def And I got 25K if it's critical will be more than 40K. So what do you want exactly? Come on!! The one who said the lycan dead he has to look for his items , I am sure he just has 25% strong against half humans.(Before they were depend on crimson OP) ” impossible. You cannot deal that many damage with that many resistance, 25k normal? You cant even d…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    yeah body warrios dont have to suffer in vit to have full damage like lycan or weapon sura o reach full damage, and to have to have a int set and wasting time always switching, its a big advantage in my point of view compared to lykan

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Law G: “The lycan still OP I tried with 55 claw and shield 20% Lycan Def + alchemy 18% Lycan Def And I got 25K if it's critical will be more than 40K. So what do you want exactly? Come on!! The one who said the lycan dead he has to look for his items , I am sure he just has 25% strong against half humans.(Before they were depend on crimson OP) ” impossible. You cannot deal that many damage with that many resistance, 25k normal? You cant even do that crtical, with that many resistance,…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    but they reach 600 av with a simple 14 int earting with gems... Give me that av of enchantes blade and is int boost to my lykan o dont mind..

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “@Th3Original you keep reffering to "Reducing where it's not needed" of course a Damage Reduction is needed. That's what Players (including me) have been complaining about the past 4 Years. So taking some Damage away from the Game is a good Step in the right Direction. Nobody said that it's gonna finish with that. A Balancing is an ongoing Process, you can't expect a good Balancing in 1 single Update. But somethings has to be first in Line, and at the Moment that's the Lycan. @je…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Regarding the Cooldown. We’re on it. That’s the most accurate Statement I can give you (sorry). I myself don’t understand the Change too. But since this is a Beta I hope it will be fixed and turned back to what we know it. However i will keep you Guys posted ” when you say cooldown are you talking about the useless 55 seconds?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Hello there.. Regarding the Lycan Change. I can understand where your anger is coming from. I would be disappointed too if they’d change up the Weaponary Sura. At least for the first few hours. After that I would think about what Devs tried to achieve with that change. As I stated before, at the moment the Lycan is one of the/the strongest Class in the Game regardless what we’re talking about (PvP or PvE). For the overall Fairness it’s just good to lower the AV gained by Crimson…

  • Lycan the weakest

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from CoolPirate: “"Game ovah" Webzen and GameForge. Who was the Einstein that was thinking Lycan was OP by nature? He was OP because of 100%+ piercing. Come ooooooon, WebZen and GF, you guys can't be serious, THINK BEFORE ACTING. Now piercing is gone and EVEN SO you nerf Lycan. OMG... come on where in the world were your toughs when you came with this ideas? RIP Lycan. ” yes, taking the pierce is more than enough, taking the lycan damage to 300 and reduce the duration time is killing the l…

  • My General Feedback

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Th3Original: “I will put here what i'd like to see changed in the game: First: Shamans Dragon Force -Remove cooldown from Blessing and Dragon Aid As i said in other topic, we die a lot of times at many boss's and we need give buffs again as fast we can. Dungeons have limit times, we need the old cooldown time. -Dragon Aid need a bit more % of critics (40% is good enought) You need put in mind not all the players have buffer or main Shaman hight level with full …

  • RIPLycan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The Lykan gets more bonuses per stat point than any other class (around 25% more); The way the skills work also have by far more bonuses than any other class. The reduction was late, unfortunately, but needed. I understand that everyone wants the best for their own class but this is a necessity for the overall game. ” Is this official? ok... Goodbye, and RIP lykan, you could keep more players and keep profit comint if you just reduce the pierce and crits but no.. Lets rui…

  • My General Feedback

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Its funny how they want our feedback, and we give them feedback and do not get an answer, its like we being ignored, we all want to know if the lykan nerf is going to stay like this in the official servers

  • The facts about lycan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Elodin: “Hello to all players. So when will i start? Today i tryed beta server and i had 360att on crimson wolf with 90 int its funny ... and why? I agree with lil nerf lycan but if u have 360 att u must use int chains to get little more attack that means 580 with full int +-,,, so its really unbelievable because if u must at boss example razador changing eqiupment 2-3x with int eqiupment ( because cooldown buff crimson wolf 55s) u are dead and uselesss... (another thing that lycans s…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Theplayer: “We want our lycans back. Thousands of euros spent. Stay serious please. ” Quote from Theplayer: “exactely the high damage is a question of no claws defence. As we see the maximal damages are similar with some of the other classes. I agree with a slight reduction of the lycan power, but not with what i see now. It is also a question of respect. ” so true.....

  • The facts about lycan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Law G: “To be honestly, the lycan has 5 skills all in the same power (OP) in addition the crimson can rich more than 1200 unbelievable. ” ok, now read what people say, and not mamke sad comments

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    people go read my other post , called facts about lykan and leave your like if you agree with me

  • The facts about lycan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    There already plenty of topics showing that we dont agree with this lycan nerf, but in this topic, i am going only show the facts that proves this is too much of a nerf, and dont want people to comment, just read and leave your like, and hope that the top guys that run the games( director and etc) take this in apreciation. THE FACTS Lykan has some weird and slow hits and because of those hits both hits in pvm/pve are useless, and in pvp too the skills miss a lot even when the players have skills…

  • Lycan the weakest

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Ivaylo: “Hey! I was reading the renewed changelog in connection with the Lycan in the past few days and today I made my decision to see „face-to-face” these recently made changes. As I read the topics in your forum I should have experienced „small” changes…but I didn’t and now I have to express my strong dissatisfaction. These changes are not „minor” as you claim, but huge…what’s more.. they are ENORMOUS and drastic. Mostly I mean the changes in the crimson wolf soul skill. I disagree…