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  • Archery improvements!

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, you're right but Spark is a skill that has 60 secs change the status so much just to get 1 sec for invisibility, doesn't look appealing to me.

  • Archery improvements!

    Rapier - - Archive


    I've tested with full DEX, INT, STR and remaining points in VIT...This doesn't worth it, attack values increased a little but PV dropped alot. With Brilliant Jade double PV I got around 25k PV at max which is not so good. You should have around 30k at least to resist. That if taken atack/atack at 92/94 biologist quests...if you have PV/PV at 92/94 as some have, you might want to shift to INT from VIT. I agree that we have been given an oportunity to develop our chars some other way but the diffe…

  • Archery improvements!

    Rapier - - Archive


    After some time testing with different char status, looks like the INT doesn't increase the skill much...either is not working properly or it does by a very small amount. For an archer, the exact value of a skill is hard to calculate due to the big difference between the lowest and the highest attack values so it is very hard to say if a damage was a high value or a low could make some asumptions if making many tries and calculate an average. Right now the common status for an Archer i…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Rapier - - Archive


    The point is that Poison Arrow now is almost's role was to poison target/bosses (and was working EVERY time for chars/mobs with lvl equal to or lower than yours) and to blackout them (even if the chance was small). The main damage of the skill itself was even lower than that of Arrow Shower and it's main usage was to poison something...a 71-81% chance in this game means...we know so well...almost nothing. During my tests I was barely able to poison my lvl 111 Shaman (I have 120)...c…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Rapier - - Archive


    I've changed my stat to have full INT full DEX full STR...and even so the poisoning chance was 81%...and with alchemy activated where I have excellent Sapphire (+12DEX), Brilliant Diamond (+9INT). Without the alchemy the poisoning chance was 71%.... And burning chance...that's something else and for a totally different skill. And dunno what chance is for "fire damage" cause I could not make it work...probably is bugged like the other skills

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    None of the Buffs can be cast on other players except Reflection...neither Dragon Aid nor the Blessing do nothing on other chars except myself. Reflection was left with 310 sec time and 10 sec cooldown while the others were changed, maybe that's why Reflection is the only that works cause it was not changed.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Rapier - - Archive


    Noticed same bug that were described above. Also I've tested with FULL STR INT and DEX and minimum VIT...skill damage was not increased so much to consider this change. Feather walk lasts so little time that I don't even bother. Poisoning chance, even with full INT is not 100%. What have you done? We had two skills with 100% poisoning chance now we have NONE? Given the fact that Poison Arrow has this main role, it's poisoning chance should stay at 100% for P. Maybe the chance for Spark should va…

  • Stealth buff

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “If you asked me ,yes. I mean this effect. The BMs have it on flame strike and the mentals on the stump. Maybe its allready on the skill ,i dont know. If not ,can be usefull in pvp too combined with stealth effect. ” The knockback effect is already present on Spark, no need to add.

  • Stealth buff

    Rapier - - Archive


    To be honest, Spark looks like the bombs real ninjas use to vanish or the flash grenades used by tactical forces. So it could be stealth added to it and blackout (stun) instead of slowliness or poisoning chance (we have poison arrow for that anyways). Added to that, I'll include a chance to piercing or crit strike to be performed while in stealth mode that will be close to a real thing (if you're "blinded" by a flash bomb you're more prone to get bigger damage since you cannot properly evade or …

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    The increased cooldown for shaman buffs sound like a bad idea and I can see why. But maybe (I said maybe) the game developers want to make the tactics and group roles more important. That will be a problem for the ones that are used to defeat bosses with just 2 chars (farner + shaman) but think other way a group of 8 players now you might want to include more than one shaman...and EACH can buff the whole party right? So yes, the cooldown might be big but they will give buffs not at t…

  • BUG ( 3x DMG ) !!!

    Rapier - - Archive


    And same apply for the Spark skill of the Archer. And somebody said that Jaki confirmed this it is an intended behaviour not a BUG. I don't know where is the original post with that or in what community (I presume on DE forum) but if it is intended, then the attacker (Lycan or Archer) should see the damage 2x (or 3x) too. As I understood, when this happens only the opponent gets the 2x (or 3x) damage value and the attacker sees the normal 1x skill damage. The reason for that is that the 2x or 3x…

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “.... My perspective is really straight-forward: chance on dealing piercing hits should work in the same way for every class. I don't see how this so-called update would benefit PvP (or PvE) balancing. ” From my understanding it does work same way regardless of the class. Problem is...only Lycans cand get so high values of piercing chance due to Crimson Wolf Soul buff. We've made calculations in other place and is clear that all other classes can get at maximum 120% piercin…

  • Feedback on all classes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Ok, that sounds logical. I do hope that skills will be balanced as well and bugs (at least the ones with the greatest impact in pvp/pvm) will be solved. Or else...we'll have the same un-ballance as we have now, maybe more disproportionate

  • Feedback on all classes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “It was read and it was given to WebZen but you need to consider that this is outside of the scope of the Beta. ” Sorry but isn't the scope of the beta "class ballancing"? (or whatever you call it) These are feedbacks for the archer class, yes it was not about piercing and new items but everyone (including Webzen) must understand that without ANY add-on, right now on the live servers, there are issues and BUGs that un-ballance the game very much. Adding new items or changi…

  • Feedback on all classes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Strijelac: “And the archers do not need to be touched? ” Maybe we're not a class worth to be mentioned Some sugestions for it were already made tho: - switch spark resistance from arrows to magic (dunno how good is anyways) - add some extra bonuses to the (for now) useless Feather Walk - this being a drawaback for some that choose not to make the skill (as being useless) and use the points for 7th/8th skill - made the animaton for some skills faster (ex Repetitive Shot) and not to be …

  • Game Performance

    Rapier - - Archive


    Post a screenshot of the Nvidia Control Panel (right click desktop, choose Nvidia Control, select Manage 3D settings in Control Panel) GPU Activity shows game running on Nvidia card for me

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    Theoretically, 100% piercing chance should give you the chance to get piercing hits/skills on any character with a level less than or equal to your character. If you have above 100% chance eventualy, this should increase your chance to deal piercing hits/skills in characters with level above yours. If you have lvl 120 then it shouldn't matter if it's above 100%

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    As an archer I have also the "Training" Pet skill that adds about 11-12% piercing so theoretically I can reach 108% and another 2% from sash so I can say that a "normal" character could reach roughly 110% piercing CHANCE. And here comes the lycan with an added bonus of 60% that gets him 170% piercing chance...and a cherry on top of it (more damage). Ballance that... P.S. Dunno how this ballance is supposed to work but what I saw till now is that you lowered the damage of Magic Suras almost as be…

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    What I do hope is that more and more people state their opinion as I see only a couple of us replying and making tests and so on...there are thousands of players and ALL should be concerned about the new implementations/ballancing.. Come on people, wake your ideas sugestions tests...whatever. Or we'll end up with what others think is best for us P.S. Maxing up achemy, filling up inventory with Dragon Blessing, bones, site attack, max energy and trying to get best bonuses on items then …

  • Game Performance

    Rapier - - Archive


    You can check the linked image and you'll notice the usage of the graphics card in the Monitor and in the upper right corner of the game window. (the 3 red values are from graphics card, the blue ones are CPU load and FPS count). It is clearly the GeForce card used not the embedded one. If you don't know how to configure it or your PC, please ask a computer specialist for that