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  • Characters personalization in PvP

    Priore - - Archive


    Hi everyone. While reading the changes about pvp balancing and by discussing with other players on the forum I noticed that here GF/Webzen is taking the right path. I'll try to explain myself in better terms. With these changes archery ninjas/dragon shamans/healer shamans will have to choose which status to max since now either INT and STR and DEX will have their relevance in terms of damage deal in PvP. So as to have two options: max INT,STR and DEX to run full damage and sacrifice HP or vice v…

  • PvP Optimisation

    Priore - - Archive


    yeah that's already cheap better not to change that haha to increase the "originality" between characters I would create a sort of buff skill (like the ones used in guild wars) that allows to boost your character in ONE thing that works just in pvp. What could that thing be? It should be something accessible to everyone and able to make you character unique. Maybe something like a second set besides the standard doctrines. A boost and counterattack system more developed.

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Quelin: “Stunning thing was the most important thing for PvE. Why did you do that? It was our special bonus, and it was working very rare already, and now you say it is reduced more than before? And why did you privatize the usage of fan and bell? I'm a healer shaman and im using bell and i wanna use bell, why it gives more additional bonusses to dragon shamans and fans for healers? That decision is really ridiculous. I like the new buffing thing, now we will be real shamans like othe…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Sure ,nerf all! Nerf the Strong body too and the ech armour and the dark prot.... Lets nerf everything! I dont think the too much damage in pvp caused by the aos or ench blade.. But as you can see in this video; This things make alot of damage not aos and ench blade... Nowdays one phisical class cant be strong like this in pvp. And this video made in one official server, ” I don't care about the dmg in pvp. I care about the fact that Shamans hav…

  • Critical hit changes??

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Marce23: “Quote from unforgiven: “Hello YoTeDoPo, It is similar but not only for the Dragon Shaman. This changes affect all classes. This is a beta server, the reason why we launch it is to let players test the changes and give us feedback. So I ask you, test it on the Beta server as a whole (the full changes that will happen), think about it and then provide feedback. We will, as always, gather and relay it to WebZen. Thank you in advance, unforgiven ” Yes, this changes affects all c…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “Lykan is not that op as people say, just test yourselves, people who says that are usally who do not have defenses againt lykan, test the damage on a full resistence char, but now you are trying to remove the lykan damage... what for? To please the crying babys that dont have sets?!i choose a lykan i invested my money on it upping my skills and make equipments and now you are trying to ruining the char in pvp and pve/pvm, lykan already have hard skills to hit unlike the ul…

  • Buffs changes

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “One small note, there is a small bonus that Shamans get when they buff themselves, it is not the same as what is displayed. For my critical chance it was around 2% extra. ” IMHO this is very few. Just 2%? Why don't we nerf Aura of Swords or Enchanted blade or strong body or cure as well? Nerfing the main skill of a character leads it to his death in pvp. I hope that it will seem much less an horrible choice by testing it in the beta server.

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    Guys reducing Dragon's aid critical hit, which I would like to remind you to be the main skill of the Dragon shaman, is like reducing the amout of attack given by Aura of Sword or reducing the amount of HP restoration of the cure shamans. Dragon aids used on self really must have a decent boost to not make sound this change like a really really really bad idea. Anyway, let's test it first...

  • Suras and warriors

    Priore - - Archive


    Who was talking about a powering up? I have seen lots of nerfing in these changes about shamans and lycans. To be fair warriors and suras should get something too. Quote from unforgiven: “There were already some changes on Dispel from Sura's. Besides that there are no changes on these two classes. ” Are warriors that perfect balanced class?

  • PvP Optimisation

    Priore - - Archive


    Would be firer substituting STR with DEX/INT in skills IMHO. Three are too much.

  • PvP Optimisation

    Priore - - Archive


    Comments like "I m quitting the game/everything sucks" and all the jazz? Yes it does. Descructive feedbacks are pointless.

  • Critical hit changes??

    Priore - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Aheter: “Your developers have never played Metin2 if they think changing PVM in this way can somehow benefit something. -Without critical hits the exp will be slower than it already is, disincentive to progress (regarding sura, warriors and lykan, semi impossible for other classes) -Without critical hits killing bosses alone will be impossible -Without critical hits a large part of the existing items that have been created with money will be useless -Without cr…

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    Yeah, I agree with you about the STR stats that should be completely unuseful for shamans skill since we already need INT and DEX. About fans and bells we have to see how high is that boost. In the case it's that high, it will force all dragon shamans to change/sell their pvp fans, and it's not nice. Anyway we have to look at both sides of the medal and we can do it just trying it out. If that changes aren't good, we can alter them with feedbacks, it's not too late. Don't forget that these are j…

  • Shaman balancing

    Priore - - Archive


    They are forcing dragon shaman to use bells instead of fans. I mean, it s not that bad considering the boost in attack with dex and int (and all skills should be boost JUST by these two stats as you said above) since no one has bells defence. Would be natural thinking about shamans doing their best in pvp with with normal attacks than skills. (WTF?!) Anyway I think it's better try it our before being so assessing, even though the assumption are not that good.

  • Suras and warriors

    Priore - - Archive


    I HOPE they will.

  • PvP Optimisation

    Priore - - Archive


    We are here to test these changes, and we are here for making it better. Stop being so dramatic, please.