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  • Regarding gear checking

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    We got a report and since we updated servers on Friday, report is coming from the same day after update. It's important to know if something changed since Friday

  • Hello We would like to ask you to recheck your gear and see if something is different like: something changed or bonus order changed, values changed, etc. Please compare with your current gear from live servers. Thank you again for the support, Metin2 Team

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    I would need more information about the gear you have: - Just elemental resistance bonus? - Magic resistance? - Attack block/reflection? - Any other bonus with more than 10%? Basically, we need to know if you are just using one type or a combination of several bonus.

  • Yutnori: Drop of fragments

    Anayra - - News & Announcements


    Hello again Drop was not working properly but now you can start dropping fragments or Ratselsplitter for the Yutnori mini game. Cheers, Anayra

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Ok, drop is not working....let's try again

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Anayra - - Feedback: 18.4


    Will be changed for Feather Walk Thank you for the hint For the Potion skill: - any difference for speed or amount of recovery you can notice?

  • You should make your post more clear

  • Yeah that is also on my sell more items in Saleswoman

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Yutnori: drop of Fragments

  • Yutnori: Drop of fragments

    Anayra - - News & Announcements


    Hello dear players, As promised, the drop of Fragments for the Yutnori will start at 13h30 (German time) The drop rate is specially and just for the Beta server, to allow you to be able to try the changes in Yutnori game. You can find them in Metins & Bosses. We will be waiting for feedback as always. Thank you for your support on 18.4, Metin2 Team

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Fragments will start dropping today 13h30 (German time) The drop rate is special and just for Beta, to allow you to try the Yutnori game

  • Graphic Options

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Private servers are ilegal and that make the changes they want without asking anything to anybody. So please...requests for things you see on pservers may not be possible on the official ones. Official have rules and laws to follow....ilegals don't respect anything

  • - Book of leader can't be stackable - Medal of Dragon is stackable (but of them are not and needs to stay like this) - Shrunken Heads are stackable (you can contact your Support to fix this) - Black Horse Seal can't be stackable - Glimmerstones are stackable There was an issue with some items in IS depot when they were delivered to server, they were not stackable. All items that was/are in IS before that fix are still non stackable but if you try to take something now from depot to server, you c…

  • Language bug

    Anayra - - Bugs


    EN language is still missing for several changes....sorry

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Well...I was checking that and I can tell you that, currently, it's working as intended. Maybe description is not 100% correct yet but you can get that item in silver and gold boxes. I will see if we can put the item to drop somewhere And come is not that's just stressful

  • Impossible to enter the BETA

    Anayra - - Bugs


    That will have to continue like this....sorry You don't need "top-pro" alchemy to test something and i just got some decent stones in 20mins About the language, only DE and EN are more updated than all the others. Our advice is to use DE or EN language.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Anayra - - Feedback: 18.4


    Did you try it? We want to hear your thoughts on this

  • Emotions - Feedback

    Anayra - - Feedback: 18.4


    Reviving topic as main thread for the Emotions Expressions We have selfies now!

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Anayra - - Feedback: 18.4


    Reviving this topic as main thread for the Pet change Feedback

  • Fischtruhen Bug

    Anayra - - Bugs


    Reported, confirmed and will be fixed