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  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    well if dragons aid has to be remobed the boost should be much more than just 10% as maximum .... and the av has to increase a lot to compensate it. Or to put a % of critical chance in dragon's shaman skills so the wolefs ones do. That would be a nice solution for the ones who use shaman for buffering and the ones who use it as main character wuld still deal dmg

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    well its known for all that shamans are the character more hard to achieve 1 skil death, as you can test the maximum damage achieved on 1 skill, body warriors, ninja and wolf can still insta kill even with alchemi while shamanes with alchemi and same average of thefense have less than a quarter of that dmg, so this is not a solution for instantaniously deaths at all. and please i expect antimagic stones to be deleted and reduce the way magical resistance works on pvp, because nerfin the maximum …

  • The real problem of the game !

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Sorry man, but the real problem are the updates they are testing here, its 100% times better the game in live servers than what can be tested here. My point of view: GG well done fucking up the game XD

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    just wanna metion that the miserable joke of "EXTRA BONUS" fropm dragon's aid is awesome that 1% makes the diference i really apreciate it, hope never gonna need the old stuff bc this amount is too much for me.

  • Quote from Aiolia: “I don t mind about changes.. just hope you guys don t change the game to a point that we must spend a lot of € again to change everything we got until now.. hope you really do what was said on that interview.. ” it seems like this is the main purpose. What i dont undestend is why nerf the pve of shamans, it was poor but now .... want balance then make balance with all classes not nerfing2 class ...

  • casting speed

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    yes, i asume that but then when you put refined ore it's like an additional bonus or jst a base bonus?

  • casting speed

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Hi, can some tester or team member explainme how is suposed to be working the bonus casting speed equipment with an energy crystal? Because i have been testing and just increases the casting speed bonus from armour, not from weapons neither shouldersash sistem, i imagine that doesnt afect the shoes neither the necklace bc those are basic bonuses and not extra one nor swiftness skill as its an skill and same with pet skill.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Weaponary sura reaches 120 lv in 3 months. Another characters reach 120 lv in 4-5 months. Time isn't important. Everyone spent 5-6 years in this game. ” wooww really? show me how a lvl 0 char (a noob player that has never played metin) can do that or a regular player. really i wanna see how any char can get 120 in 4-5 months starting from 0

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    you are complaining about dmg? see all other characters the dmg they can do after and before being dispeled and then try pve farming metins bosses and going lvl up and tellme whitch one can go easily solo.

  • Feedback on shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    As there are lots of serversr empthy at least they must give us the option to change our fans into bells o bells into fans fot both shamans (dragons and healers), hope they think about it a bit more instead of saying NO No and more NO. This remembers me the suggestions made on each comunity forum that has been rejected cb of inviability or bc would make the game more easyly for players, and then magicaly several months after they com up with things that make the game more easyly than what users …

  • Additional bonuses on buffs

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    just another prank for dragon shamans as always ...

  • Feedback on shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    reading this, it sems like i shouldtest all again, but seriously i find it hard to test again, because what me suggested and what me asked for is not there, the complaints aren used so hope this is not going to implement this way, i know that gf jst distributes, but "korea" makes the things for you so you are "theyr boss". Now talking seriously, metin2 will loose nolts of players bc of this huge nerg on shamans maynly on dragons (the increase of av not enought neither correct, the mav isnt as hi…

  • Feedback on shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Well the dmg seen on the description is weong either on the live server and on the beta server, we discussed this on anorher hthread but it seems that its something in the middle og "korea" and gf ... Hope someday they make good progress on that

  • i agree with you, they should remove antimagic stones and give mor magic atac to shamans. The way its now u complain against that stones + magical characters has 1 les space for stones on they're equipment but berserk has to increase the dmg not as much as nou but is a must have

  • [Feedback] #1

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    As you cna imagine a character that is great at pvp is normal that isnt as got as in pve . Its a balance whe shall loock for getting a real balance and not just for our interests and our benefit.

  • Roar's bugg?¿

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    i know that doublepost is not correct but i want to show another video testing roar skill: - it fails easyly - the range increased does not work (you can use the skill on enemies who are really far but just animation) a) at long distance always neither damage nor knockback b) at short distance sometimes doesnt knockback neither dmg too but less frequently - the average of fire chance must be increased. 10 roars of 19 deal dmg at close distance 5 o…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    You may think its just a bonus dmg, but in this game that diferrence is a lot. Now there is less balance than before: - Healers heal more and deal more dmg - Dragons deal akmost same dmg and nerfed the supp skills (half of them 3/6) + need to create another weapon bc the ones used now will become useless for dragons. pd: still hope there will be a earrings tith int and hp to balance a bit more (there are dex+hp str+hp but no int + hp ...) edit: here i leave a video comparing dmg with fan and bel…

  • Shaman Changes Opinion

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    then your conclusion is that no balance has been done? - you say healers are OP - dragons are too much nerfed

  • Shaman Changes Opinion

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “The changes are preaty good,except the bonus damage from fan for healing force shaman,u need to make bell bonus damage also for them.And not incresse the healing amount for cure,or incresse but incresse the cooldown speed also whit 5 seconds. ” did you test it? Because healer shamans get theyr skills more powerfull with fanse than dragons with bells. And about the buff skills its all speculation bc they don't work on the beta so ....

  • well it's quitre simple if korea says it is correct, then why no ask for a increase of damage that deal those skills ?¿ pd: i dont undrstand gf is the one who pays por the rights to ymir, bt ymir doesnt do what theyr customer its like a tenis game between ymir and gf hope it change someday