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  • Level 85-100 Earrings

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    i actually said that long ago bt it was ignored, as all the things they don't wanna hear

  • Losing my Freedom

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    the only possible solution i can imagine is you going from une group to another but obiously the cd is the cd, so ....

  • Quote from Twiet: “Quote from TcatalunyaT: “so @unforgiven you are telling us thtat you can get perfect alchemi percevt equipm,ent + maximum hp and skill and fire resistance that bosses instakkill us anyway? I don't se any balance.... if you go full you must be able to notices big diference, if not, why make those equipments? ” He said:Quote from unforgiven: “The high damage can happen independently. There might be a situation where bosses will deal 20k+ or even 50k+ but the later one should hap…

  • so @unforgiven you are telling us thtat you can get perfect alchemi percevt equipm,ent + maximum hp and skill and fire resistance that bosses instakkill us anyway? I don't se any balance.... if you go full you must be able to notices big diference, if not, why make those equipments?

  • i'll test it bc im not really sure that ist just evades de fisical defence

  • Well if that warrior had % penetration bonus, with fisical atacs it evades all the sword defense, so obiously it has to be somewhat similar for machical characters when u can get more mr easily, not that hard to undrstand.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    just remember that lasting fire is useless against healing shaman bc he can remove it XD

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    totally agree with the last 2 posts hope thinks change because i don't see to much future if keep going this way.

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Yes, metin2 cas gone froma a "free to play" to a "pay to win" and now is becoming a "pay to do something" its sad but its reality. Same with the black market you can buy characters really hight lvl for a very cheap price compared to the price of the items on IS, same with yang trade for real money, if that happens mabi it is bc yang and lots of stuff are too expensive to buy in IS.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven then if removing criticasl prom pvp hope the X3 damage from ninjas and wolfs skills will be deleted no ? and fisical atacs crom all characters won't dmg a lot more than normal jits on pvp hope. Because if not you are really wrong ont sayying it will be more fun it will take longer to kil ... now healers can heal a lot an yo dont deal dmg to be able to kill them that is what happens if decreased the dmg from critics and the boost on shamans, what dragon shamans earn ? just some av in …

  • @Priore i did not mean exactly 1 or 2 years, its jst a way to explain that is better wait a bit more and have a non bugg update on the live servesr than a fastest updade uncompleted. And that would make more players to quit for sure. Im sick when updates come to live servers, most of them seem like no one tested because they are full of buggs, i dont understand why do not leave a beta open all the year to keep testing all the changes form une update to another, im sure that will improve the gami…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding Healing Shamans' damage. This will need to be addressed but most likely there won't be enough time to handle it till we need to deploy the update. ” Tthat is exactly the point, in 10 years balance done = 0 and now you want it now and with an impossible deathline to deploy. We all prefer to wait 1 year or 2 more in order to have a complete balance, correct and fair for everyone, hope both gameforge and "korea" get this message. We (players) are tired of playing o…

  • okay i understand that you want to balance, but you think that 5 skills or 4 from a warrior makes more dmg than the 3 of dragon's shaman ? or the 3 fomr a armour sura? and so uyou think that byt the time he deals you that amount of dmg from skills you are able to kill him usingk skills that can't be used because of tre hight att speed..... pd: @meh what d u have to say about this?

  • Quote from pelosona666: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “SHAMANS NEED THEM ” Before alchemy (good thing) and all the crap that followed (costumes, anti magic, pet with anti magic), Lv 90~ shamans were doing around 4k to a 50% magic + 20% shield in a duel, pretty fair I'd say. That means killing with 5 skills (or 3-4 with crits) a character with 20k hp. The other day I did some free PvP with a lv 90 shaman, I had 20% dew, two costumes with 15% magic resistance, excellent alchemy (18% on both skill resistan…

  • [Feedback] #1

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @AthozOrion u forget dragon's shamans that are the worst now a days xD

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    the good news are for healing shamans, but ragon ones are being deleted. that is my point of view

  • @unforgiven here is how i lvl up ...…mYG2UKYn-VNf0uD7M&index=7 can u see a bell? this will helpme a lot in pve...

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    justas a suggestion as we are suposed to cast skills to pve, why no make possible to fire metins? That would compensate the av and the critics

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “So, as last question: - If I request that there no change will happen to Dragon Shaman the players here will be happy? (this doesn't mean that it will happen!) this will include: - no increase in damage in any way - no changes on how the skills work - no change at all only for Dragon Shaman ” So, you think that instead of try to aply what all the comunities players ask for is better to ignor all the actual problems that shamans have an leave as they are now??? 1- Shamans …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    If they think as dragon's shaman as a pve character then why no give hime much more % of critic and change the formula to increase his AV in order to reach much hight dmg ¿? It seems like someone is throwing a coin to decide what to implement on the game....