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  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from Theplayer: “@unforgiven 18% piercing hits and 20% critical hits (now nerfed in pvp) are great self buff of lycan class? come on please, so what about other classes? the truth is u are destroying a class and losing players, don't know what's going on with your minds. ” It's funny u mentioning 20% critical when dragon shaman lost +52%, our main strength in pvp. ” She lost out on the fact that people would buy add-ons criticism in Item Shop;) It's about money !!! T…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    I made such a comparison. Body 100 lvl and Likan 100 lvl. The same alchemy, comparable eq. Warrior and Likan hit this same damage, but the groom because of the berserk and the faster animation beat faster warrior. For me it's a big mistake to reduce the purple. If they think the purple is too strong, then let it down as they think. Only in return i suggest is a block in the indigo instead of dodging the shot. In this way I suppress the loss of this dmg.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    I agree with the statement that character balance can not mean that a given character class will be the best in everything. This is what you do with sura compared to the stronger than Likan warrior. - Blade longer than a warrior aura - Blade gives more damage than aura - The blade increases its strength along with the lvl of the character - Blade gives % to life - You can stop and start the blade when you want Additional advantages in pve. - Defense - Reflecting skill (increases damage) and defe…

  • Animation der Likan ist viel langsamer. In dem Prozess, wenn der Ninja bewegt, ist die Ninja in der Lage, diese Bewegungen viel schneller durchzuführen.

  • Es tut mir leid, das zu schreiben. Wie oft müssen wir sagen, dass lycan POWER in lila braucht. Es soll geschehen, dass jede Charakterklasse ausgeglichen wird. Und sehen, was Sie bringen. Sie reduzieren das Können des Wolfs. Sie reduzieren den Schadensgrad durch Intelligenz. Der Wolf schwächt fast 50%. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst 1) Der Wolf lila hat einen kleinen Schaden weniger als ein Krieger. 2) Der Wolf lila wächst nicht als sura in Verbindung mit lvl. 3) Der Wolf lila hat einen geringen Scha…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Shamans is magic class not damage !

  • I'm sorry to write this. How many times do we have to say that lycan needs POWER in purple. It is supposed to be done balancing every character class should beat similarly. And see what you bring. You reduce the skill level of the wolf. You reduce the level of damage from intelligence. The wolf weakens almost 50%. See for yourself 1) The wolf purple have low damage less than a warrior. 2) The wolf purple does not grow as sura in conjunction with lvl. 3) The wolf purple have low damage as sura fr…

  • I'm sorry to write this. How many times do we have to say that lycan needs POWER in purple. It is supposed to be done balancing every character class should beat similarly. And see what you bring. You reduce the skill level of the wolf. You reduce the level of damage from intelligence. The wolf weakens almost 50%. See for yourself 1) The wolf purple have low damage less than a warrior. 2) The wolf purple does not grow as sura in conjunction with lvl. 3) The wolf purple have low damage as sura fr…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Balancing does not mean that you need to be the best at everything. Most of the times you still have pretty high damage skills with lots of bonuses on top which other characters do not have. I understand that it is always hard when we change how players play the game but unfortunately this is really needed. ” I'm sorry to write this. How many times do we have to say that lycan needs POWER in purple. It is supposed to be done balancing every character class should beat sim…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “As said many times, Lycan got lots of buffs through stats and other things. The current version will stay. Anyways, everyone is comparing Lycan with Warrior/Sura on their normal gameplay, let's give some love to the Shamans too. ” Speaking of shamans, you've already gotten bonuses for people from the shaman's skills. Now every time an exponent gets smaller bonuses from a shaman. And in addition now the purple minority in the wolf. Your changes are really bad. You make bad…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Add a block punch instead of dodging a shot at indigo and it will be perfect.

  • Likan - Change indygo

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Reducing injuries and shortening the time of the purple is very weak to Likan and even weakening the wolf. If you want to enter it though, upgrade the indigo wolf to have a chance with others class in pvm.

  • Likan - Change indygo

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Since the wolf's purple is lowered, it should give the wolf something in return. The fact that the idea is to remove the negative number of defense is a plus. However, I think you should give the wolf a small change in indigo. Indigo has attack speed and dodge shot arrow. What do you think about the idea of indigo giving attack speed and block of punch and not working on people in party or giving only 25% of those values. It would be interesting to have a chance to pvm with a warrior ora sura. I…

  • GF what are you doing?

    GamePriv - - Archive


    I'm not happy to write it. But I just have enough. I remember times as it was 99/105 lvl. It was wonderful. Now this game is broken. And it is getting worse. You are now introducing some updates that have no future in the long run. Balance of the beastly. You weaken the characters that are well done, and only people cry because they can not do the equipment for these classes. You improve the other character classes by making others fall into oblivion. What is happening on the BETA version is a p…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    low dmg Likan... low time purpur... wrong balance... Any other interesting GF offer will have for the players to further blow up this game? People do not have full sets of equipment, and here beautiful steps from the administration are getting ready. Talismans on +200;) This just confirms that this game is already go to down. Such novelties are not well thought out on your part, and they just blow up this game. Where are these times max. level 105 ( It was beautiful times ).... Now it's just get…

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Spiel likan und du wirst wissen, welchen Charakter dieser Charakter ist. Wenn Likan von Schaden abgeschnitten werden soll, dann sollten die Krieger und Sura auch Schaden beschädigt haben. Denn jetzt gibt es kein Gleichgewicht.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    My friend. The truth is that likan was a strong figure. Now they want to level it up, but a little overdone with small dmg. We will see how it will look like at the pvp tournament soon.

  • Perfect Balance

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Dear friend. This is not a question of grumbling, but the possibility of normal play. It's about honesty in relation to all classes of characters. Look at it realistically. This is nerf likana. This nerf is bad. The reduction in likany consisted in: - reduce the purple to 360 (that is 225 dmg) - Reduce 2 times the amount of damage done from Intelligence - Reduce skill level by 10% Reduced level of purple - about 40% Reduced level of damage from intelligence - about 50% This is beta balans very b…

  • Please answer me why?

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “GamePriv, How much damage do the Lycan skills do as base damage? How much do Sura skills do as base damage? The same question for Warrior. The game is not linear, the damage calculation does NOT work the same for every character hence this simple comparison is completely wrong. ” Aber likan ohne lila bedeutet nichts Deshalb muss lycan crimson wolf erhöht haben. Beta: Alle Fähigkeiten um 10% reduziert. Darüber hinaus wird das Purple um mehr als 200 dmg reduziert. Alles in …

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “@GamePriv Was..? Der Lykaner ist stärker als der Waffen Sura und schwächer als der Körper Kriegern. Des weiteren "endest" du nicht mit "nichts". Wir reden hier von einem Nerf des Angriffs Wertes, nicht davon den Lykaner aus dem Spiel zu nehmen. Natürlich ist dies hier eine Beta. Es ist eine verfrühte Version eines Updates/Spieles an welchem Tests sowie Bugfixes zusammen mit der Community durchgeführt werden. Beta ” Sehen Sie, wie es aussieht wie nerf likana auf BETA !!! Es ist k…