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  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    So what do you think this is?

  • Quote from Noname12: “What is the purpose of the Shoes, Armors,helmets, earrings, necklaces with the new update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's count together to see my opinion and you can see it by yourself. 115 +9 Armor %5Resistant skills,Ocean shoes+9 12% Resistant skills. earrings+8 8%Resistant skill, helmets 10% Resistant skill, Titan Shield+9 10%Resistant skills, Dragon Bone Bracelet 15% Resistant skills. Last one is the new Alchemy 29 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Resistant skill??????????????????!?!?!?!?!?!…

  • Quote from FacSiDreg: “Quote from Salsie: “Quote from Blesenth: “Edit: @Salsie or @badidol I would like if you could make the previous feedback I made of the comparison of 2 alchemies, one legendary vs the mythic of the same clarity, be reported because if in spite of the fact that one gains more base damage against neutral things, it ends up hitting equal or less damage against monsters or bosses. And according to my tests, it is because of the multi elemental force that this new alchemy would …

  • Voting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from FacSiDreg: “Dear Moderators please transmit our feedback to Gf and Webzen. ” Gameforge Employee are reading your threads and we forward your feedback

  • Quote from hagi tudose: “2. Make a new window for “recycle” ,here the intersting part is that you would have the possibility to combine to same clarity alchemy in order to get a higher class ( only for antique class or above ) but it will have the following costs: a. you need the first one to be eqquped and max + and an other one max + random bonus b. It will cost 1 won and you have a chance and if succes you get a +0 higher class, same clarity alchemy random bonus and if fails you get a +0 same…

  • Items welche noch fehlen

    Salsie - - Allgemeines Feedback


    Quote from aviva: “Ritualsteine+Magische Steine ggf. ” Wird es nicht geben. Die Beta ist nicht für Upgrades. Quote from tritra: “Mir fehlen Drachenbohnen. (Im IS-Lager sind keine) ” Ich werde die Aussage stark bereuen, aber wer Drachenbohnen braucht kann sich gerne bei mir melden per PM oder Ingame. Quote from GrammarBoy: “Ich wäre für Fertigkeitsbücher bei den Lehren im Shop, so kann man die Elementdeff auch für beide Klassen testen.. Und wie schaut das mit den legendären cors, wird das noch im…

  • Quote from BlueShade: “By the way, it'd be great if they also applied the right-click system to move items from guild storage rooms to the character's inventory, as well. And if possible, it'd be great if the right-click would also work when loading Yu-Hwan and Huahn-So botanic inventories, in order to brew potions and dews more rapidly, rather than having to move every single potion in each slot. Thanks, @Salsie ” Thank you for the suggestion. Quote from hugoW: “Quote from RabbitRun: “Quote fro…

  • Shaman on Dragon Force is bugged!

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from LHQentin: “Hi guys! I'd like to talk with you about this bug that I discovered it accidentally. So, what is all about? I put a bell +0 and a fan+0 on my character to test the difference between these two weapons. Because I am a shaman on Dragon Force, on my ability is specified that I get a bonus damage when I use a bell, but the reality is different. I'm doing 200 more damage with a fan than a bell. So i decided to open a ticket about that, and the answer that i get it is this: they …

  • Itemshop Magazine

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    I forwarded this Issue so I hope you will get them as soon as possible

  • Lycan buged

    Salsie - - Bugs


    I will check this. Thank you for your reports.

  • Alchemy

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Kann ich nachvollziehen, aber es kann leider manchmal auch ein bisschen dauern bis Feedback verarbeitet ist. Daher kann eine Anpassung manchmal auch ein paar Tage in Anspruch nehmen.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Serenity: “Quote from Serenity: “I think it would be better if "" would work like an Enchant item+ , so when I use it on my pet, I would see its attributes, and I could accept it if I wanted to, if I do not want it, then it would deduct "", and I would get the old attributes back for my pet. ” What do you think of this idea? @Olthir @Salsie @Rocket ” This could be a second way, but tbh I like the actual idea of gambling

  • 18.4 - Good or bad ?

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from GamePriv: “Hello. I have a question, I hope that some of the admins will speak. Enter now you want a new alchemy, we will devote our time again, money in IS. And what guarantee do you have that you will not introduce the new alchemy again? How can I know if you will not introduce some epic alchemy in 2-3 months? ” Hey, I am not that kind of admin you want to talk to I guess but I try to answer few of your questions. There is never a guarantee you will never know what will be changed i…

  • Identical damages

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Hads: “Hello. Are we testing beta for the sake of testing? I have entered it since it opened but I see that damage is just like BIG. Do not you want to keep it down so we can see how it works? not the other but to test the same thing you do not change I'm tired. ” Hey, no you are testing beta for the feedback, but changing the things need some time and effort. So sorry when it takes some time to adjust things but feedback must be evaluated and then GF send the feedback to webzen and W…

  • Expert Chest I / Green Magic

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Hey, thank you for the suggestion. This is not part of the beta but can you give some further information? Reaching lvl 40 is not hard in my personal opinion. You have the new weapons each 10 lvl and the exp bonus. What will it take to get 40? Maybe 6 hours? Do other want the same change or have the same opinion that this should be changed?

  • Change personal training

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Quote from layla73: “We are in the beta server Do you keep this until you add them? I do not know when is this justice? Why does coaching change exist if? I want to solve my work so I can play like my colleagues and thank you ” Yes, I know that this is a beta server, but actually there are no skill books and when we start to set every skill for the player we won't do anything else the whole time. Like I wrote I hope the skill books will be added asap. But I will push and forward this.

  • Bug of ArroW Storm.

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, thank you for your report We will take a look and I will create a ticket for this.

  • Item Storage password problem

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from elzanaty: “I did not know that my problem was so difficult Salsie Your username has been sent to you with a private message Please solve the problem as soon as possible ” Hey, sorry for the late answer. I wrote you in the conversation that there is actually no solution but I pushed it again and I got many private messages ingame like your problem. So I hope this will be fixed asap

  • Quote from Daroan: “Sprich eine "Aufladung" der Emotion? Habe ich 10 Stunden Restzeit, wird bei erneutem Erhalt die Zeit wieder auf 12 Studnen aufgestockt? Somit effektiv 2 Stunden aus der Tasche? ” Ja, genau

  • Alchemy

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Ok, da das ganze schon wieder ein wenig ausschreitet hier. Denkt bitte dran, dass ihr Feedback zu dem Update gebt und über das Update diskutiert und nicht in irgendeiner Form hier Fingerpointing betreibt. Es hilft niemandem, wenn ihr hier nur sagt "ja aber du hast gesagt" oder was weiß ich. Ich kann euren Frust verstehen definitiv und ich kann es auch nachvollziehen, aber das was ihr hier teilweise macht bringt weder euch noch die GF weiter. Also bitte weiter konstruktiv bleiben