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  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    It would be best if they made the opportunity to enter the dragon just like on nemere. Once every 4 hours.

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    I guess someone doesn't know irony;)

  • 18.4 - Good or bad ?

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hello. I have a question, I hope that some of the admins will speak. Enter now you want a new alchemy, we will devote our time again, money in IS. And what guarantee do you have that you will not introduce the new alchemy again? How can I know if you will not introduce some epic alchemy in 2-3 months? In my opinion, changes are needed, but why no one has spoken about our proposals for changes ????? Which are a better solution for us, because we will not lose our alchemy. Before the information a…


    GamePriv - - General Feedback


    Quote from Cedry2k: “Yeah i agree with you guys, players level 75 can kill dragon and that is not good. In my country they are exploiting dragon for yang and selling yang for real money yes a couple of players. Dragon should be killed in a group like old times ” Ok, this is good idea... only is one little problem. Better idea is more HP for Dragon and more defense. All will be better about no mystic alchemy.

  • Alchemy

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from badidol: “Das Problem mit der mythischen Alchemie ist ja nicht der Damageunterschied, über den heulen nun wirklich die wenigsten und die, die das tun, kann man vermutlich getrost ignorieren. Nein, das Problem ist ja durchaus eher die Menge an Zeit und Geld, die da reingeflossen sind, @zSpartacus. ” Sie haben nicht bemerkt, dass einige der Updates, die Sie einführen, schlecht sind? Wie viele Personen müssen falsche Update-Entscheidungen treffen? Wie viele Menschen möchten Sie verlieren…

  • Then tell me what new players will do new alchemy? If you can not even trade with alchemy?

  • Quote from Bobo: “Quote from Guest: “With 3 cors daily i can't even keep my alchemy reloaded ! ! What about to make more alchemy?? ” With the new Update you can farm 5cors daily ” And what ? You can not trade. You can not postpone by the janitor. So this is not a good solution. This is the destroy of the game. !!!! !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY !!!!!!

  • Quote from Salsie: “Hey, thank you so far for your feedback Na this is neither a joke or a prank by gameforge developers. As mentioned by badidol a few times. The version is developed by WebZen. Gameforge gave WebZen the feedback that you don't like the new alchemy as mentioned in the news. ” What is the position of WebZen in this moment ?

  • Not hiding in an earlier beta version, where the character's balance was discussed. Many opinions fell and many words were not taken into account by the administration. There are still shortcomings due to this. Currently, looking at what has been introduced, I do not know if I should cry or what to do. This update is partly unacceptable, and probably our opinion will go into oblivion, and our arguments will be dismissed. I know that my opinion will not be taken into account anyway, because I hav…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    [censored] Edit by Salsie


    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    At present, no merger has been carried out in many countries. In Poland, for example, there are extinct servers that do not have the ability to make such alchemy in the future. The first should be a merger so that you can make such major changes to the inventory. The situation is different in every country. From my perspective as well as from the perspective of my colleagues, the situation is that making such an alchemy will be a miracle. There are deserted servers, where there are no people and…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Enkida: “Quote from GamePriv: “And again I will write to you what I wrote last time. You look only at yourself and your character class. ” Of course I look at my character's class 'cause I've tested beta with a healer. It's my opinion about my experience so if you want to say something, say something about your character and your experience don't troll here. ” But this is not an opinion about character classes, there is no division into shaman, ninja, warrior or likan. Only here is an…


    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Mob have to much damage. In oficjal version i take all this mobs. Now please see. Resistance no working. Somebody off the resistance. 18.4 PLEASE STOP !!!!!

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    And again I will write to you what I wrote last time. You look only at yourself and your character class.


    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    New alchemi is a VERY BIG BUGS !!!! Please delete this new mistic alchemi.


    GamePriv - - Bugs


    Quote from Mein: “i dropped T1vErDY.jpg "GamePriv" he took this item 2 hours ago, ch4 im sorry if im making mistakes but im PL man xd my nickname "mldv" ” Yes is true.

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Rocket: “Guys. Please be nice to each other. Everybody has a different opinion and everybody has a different playstyle. Just because you can't/don't want to understand the other person, doesn't automatically mean his/her view is "stupid". Starting an argument over something with someone doesn't help you when trying to make a point Your Team Rocket ” Who does not want to understand here? It was politely translated to the friend that her speeches were wrong. It began to argue as if she …

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “I'm here to provide feedback, if u have nothing constructive to say, please don't spam here ” Forgive me, but if someone writes such xoxo then you have to react - censored - Rocket

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “This is not about if you agree or not, this is the feedback area and thats my feedback post ,whatever if you agree or not. No need to be rude ” I will confirm exactly my colleague's words. I wrote to you earlier, you have less than 18.000 lives (HP). To my apology, my Drop 55 level have more lives (HP). Also, friend, please make a EQ (inventary) and we can talk.


    GamePriv - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hello I thought about what to do to make everyone happy. I know someone tried to get a new update. Players reacted very nervously and are not surprised at all, because because these changes, that are to be introduced can destroy the entire contribution of time, yang devoted to getting the current alchemy. I am a total opponent of introducing such a change related to alchemy. Update regarding pet can be interesting, because it will be possible to develop further. Update for graphic options and ne…