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  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    lykans being a OP pvp characther is just a urban legend create by people without claw or defense shield. and in pve/ with was a good charaxther killing bosses and metins on the mount but pve off the mount is useless so its balanced.. we gave our feedback but its useless.. The true OP characther is Shamans cure in pvp and in pve is still weapon sura, dont see any reason to nerf lykans like this, its really unfair to the players who invested in lykans

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from LHQentin: “For those who consider that lycans must be changed, on what criteria do you rely on when you say this? Look to the video above, explain a lot. All positive reviews about this reduction in lycan damage come from those who do not allow items with claws defense. I'm not going to comment on what's going on in the IBarbaR test because it's pretty clear and explicit what he did. ” the reducyion that is acceptable is only the int bump, put it equal to weapon sura and a little redu…

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Goshoko: “In my opinion you should increase basic dmg, but lower dmg gained by INT. It is really unfair that Lycan players must have full INT eq to get decent amount of dmg. ” something like 500 base and max 750

  • Oh wait.. They are going to take us damage, but.. They are going to give a pendulum to use in weapon to have more bonus... Like hh and stuff like that, to lykans get our old damage back is easy, we got that little new thing that they update, like we did on the alchemy and spend some good euros, and he have our damage back! If... i understand well the changelog. i agree that u makes us spend our money because its a free to play game, and you have costs to keep the game online, but nerfs, dont giv…

  • Quote from Yemon: “The warrior had 15str less because of stash and poision sword. The poision sword also had just 48avg while the hawk claws had 50%. But well it is the best that I could reach. ” i know and aprecciate your work, but equal to equal damage is the almost the same or really the same and its unrealistic thinking that players are going to have a full int set just to turn on a skill, most high level people have saphire earings with gems pearl necklesse with gems and a 12 INT shield, an…

  • Did warrior gas full str like lycan full int? Because its not really that fair that we have to use 2 sets, and the 47% poison sword avg if it was 50% like the hawk claw the damage will be bigger

  • Is because crying babys like @dek that this nerf is being put on the table, because of people who talk without any knowledge or testing, is just a hater kid who dont bought any claw defence

  • Quote from unforgiven: “It makes no sense compare values cold-turkey. Skills and damage is not calculated the same way on each class. ” we know that vit gives some damage too, and even with the nerf lycan equals sura weapon hit damage, but the way lycan is built the slow hits/lack of range, and somewhat slow and missy skill, and the lack of any defende skill (avoid arrows to a certain point is useless) so the extra damage is needed to lycan competitive in pvp, and have somewhat a reason to peopl…

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Apollykan - - Archive


    1500 no.. 450/500 av is enough with only 90 int. the only characters that lykan is "good" ate is vs ninja dagger, try it, i know what i am talking about, ive been using a lycan for the last 2 years,

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Not so bad at all. I think it's the best we can obtain, but let's see. However reading other comments, the reduction is not so bad as you expected. ” as expected.. but stiil bad, and the duration as not increased to 92 it was decreased from 175, i know that u cant make decisions by yourself, but if you test lycan are the only "independent" characters that is going to have the lowest AV on self buff and useless of the mount hits, and we all know that lycan is not very good at …

  • Quote from Monsaire: “reduce scarlet damage (though exaggerated) has logic reduce punches with penetration has logic reduce bleeding has logic reduce the duration of a skill that consumes 30sp x second, ??? I would like to know what the logic of that is enchanted leaf is the same only that absorbs damage by hp, lasts 175 seconds and is of consumption of sp per second, works based on int Scarlet now has less attack value, which needs intelligence equipment, which equips it takes time, there is no…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “No @Apollykan, this was what I managed to bring out of the meeting with the Developer. ” i know that you and gameforge dont make the decisions, but, what are their arguments to do this to the lykans? the damage and the duration?

  • 92 seconds.. is that to try to shut up lykans? 175 seconds why change that? and why taking av to crimson if its lykan only advantage in pvm? Why change things that really dont need a change? The only things that lykan needs nerf is piercing and fixing bugs of 2x damage id it exists and implement claw defense on bosses just like other weapons

  • What testers have to say about this?

  • The real problem of the game !

    Apollykan - - Archive


    The only changes that this game needs is, More attack value and shaman bells to help in pve, fix the dragon shaman bugged skills and raise the Av of energy on shaman cure, reduce the pierce on lykan, give lycans a better combo, implement claw defense on bosses and not reduce lycan damage, and fix the bug of warrior dont receive as many damage like other characters on bosses. And dont raise damage reception from warrior berserk from G1 to P And of course offline stores.

  • I dont know why they keep trying to change the things that dont need a change

  • Quote from Calm: “Quote from Calm: “So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion: - The damage nerf is not that bad. - The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec. Sounds reasonable to me. The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ? I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence. ” @jeroenado is it better like this ?[Sorry for my terrible mistake\] ” muc…

  • Quote from Testreg: “Quote from jeroenado: “I think something weird happened there for you ” Yeah you are right. I totally forgot that I had made P boost on the first days of beta (before the nerfs) changed items and alchemy and so on. Now for the tests I used same items and alchemy as in live but forgot about the wards and boosts. ” damage nerf inst that bad, but lycan skill damage wasnt that good before the nerf, so, pvp will suffer a lot on lykans, and pvm will too, because of crimson duratio…

  • Quote from meh: “I can assure you that were not just destroying 1 Metin Stone while were in the process of testing something But keep in mind, that there’s also Lycan players who react way more “calm”. Who are looking at the “full spectrum” and agree that the Lycan nerf itself is acceptable. ” i dont see lykans saying is acceptable, especially the duration, even not lykans are saying that the nerf will ruin the chracther, the nerf is not live yet and im seeing almost of lykan of my country leavi…

  • Quote from zRamses: “For me it feels like meh doesn't like Lycans very much @meh As you can see there are mostly people who are and argue against the nerf ! So please notice it and tell it your next higher instance...if you can't do something for us ...Tell us how we can do sth against the nerf! Because we don't like it and think it is not that fair compared to for example the NON-ONE-HIT-BUG of the Body Warrior! Maybe you should fix this first! Because the Lycan also needs more AW to compensate…