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  • Quote from jeroenado: “Quote from pelosona666: “Regarding the damage, I think the nerf is fair. 15-20% may seem a lot, but it's not really a big deal. Lycan has still a faster PvE clearspeed than most of the other classes. The real big deal about Lycan, that brought to the nerf we have here, is that it was an outright broken character, especially in PvP, even if you had full specific defense against it (and that's also "our" fault, us guys who in the Lycan's beta whined about Lycan's pitiful dam…

  • Quote from alien80: “Quote from Apollykan: “Quote from meh: “We’re talking about Character/Skill Design. Stop making it about the Itemshop again. It doesn’t matter if we were to remove Itemshop Stuff as long as the Character Design itself is broken/in bad Shape. @LordBlack I don’t know what your Problem is, but it seems like it’s some bigger Issue that has nothing to do with me. This is a Forum, People do speak about their Opinions here, if you got a Problem with that – well then this is the wro…

  • Quote from meh: “What you still don't get is, that as I mentioned before - I or WE as a whole Team, are not the one's in charge for Changes. Somebody comes up to me and asks me if I could test Scenario "A". I start up Metin, test what I got asked for and report the outcome - that's it. So I’m very glad your Opinion doesn't matter regarding who should or should not be in the tester Team. This Discussion is far away from being objective on your Side, to me it’s just one of the 5 Races. I really ha…

  • Quote from meh: “We’re talking about Character/Skill Design. Stop making it about the Itemshop again. It doesn’t matter if we were to remove Itemshop Stuff as long as the Character Design itself is broken/in bad Shape. @LordBlack I don’t know what your Problem is, but it seems like it’s some bigger Issue that has nothing to do with me. This is a Forum, People do speak about their Opinions here, if you got a Problem with that – well then this is the wrong space for you to spend your free Time on.…

  • its not our problem that you didnt claw defense in bosses, lycan has to be nerfed to a programmation error, the game its not all about razador and nemere, what about breaking stones, having powerful hits due to our slow and really strange hit system, and we lycans having weapons with less damage? why nerf the lycan? just to satisfy the crying babys that only uses the lykans on a beta server with perfect itens only.. Try to do that on a normal server using your own money. lycan needs to be a bers…

  • Quote from Th3Original: “Yes, it has the nerf damage already. ” The nerf is very noticiable in terms of damage.. but the duration nerf omg

  • The beta already has the nerf damage? What do you choose ate lv 92/94 missons? Attack, attack? I continue to think for the reason i explained many times on other topics, that the damage dont need a nerf, just the pierce

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Theplayer: “we also need to discuss how they are gonna change it. ” in my opnion the only fair change is reducing a bit the pierce

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    This topic is about the feedback from lycan nerf, is obvious that the nerf the day it was presented was not accepted, even people who dont play with lykan, the negative feedback is done, and was sended o webzen by unforgiven, there is no point and continuing discussing, in this topic, we already presented plenty arguments why the lykan should stay that way it is, or the nerf is toooo big

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    True.. And sura has only two atack skills dispell damage is really weak warrior body has 4, lycan has 4 to, but lykan hits are really strange and slow and the skills fail a lot, so its already balanced

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Calm: “Quote from jeroenado: “Quote from Calm: “It's the same, they just changed the duration here. Crimson wolf still gives +900 with +150 INT regardless of what the skill description says. ” that's not what we're talking about, can you please read carefully before reacting on that ” So you're saying that Lycan doesn't need any changing and it's not OP right now ?If so, there's no point on arguing with you. ” use a lycan and see if its OP is easy saying that.. try it on pvp against e…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Calm: “It's the same, they just changed the duration here. Crimson wolf still gives +900 with +150 INT regardless of what the skill description says. ” most people just use 128 int or 140 if they gor excelent alchemy and 900 hundred damage considering the way lykan works i think it necessary, but is more than sura and warrios av on their buffa people are going to conplain, but they dont remember that lykan is a chatacter that without high damage considering that way that lykan does th…

  • My opinion about the lycan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from SchrodingerC: “Definitely, if they implement these changes they end up ruining the pvm of lycan. my alt is a lycan pvm and testing it the damage that was removed is absurd, I would prefer to stop playing lycan and return to sura .. the pvm god.I do not know about the lycan pvp but I guess it will be "broken" because people do not have resistance against them yet. but the skills are difficult to hit and he does not resist so much. sorry for the bad english ” lykan only has a decent dam…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Monsaire: “I hope they hear our complaints, we are not against nerf, nerf to lycan is necessary, but not this way many made a lycan, we invested in equipment, alchemy, etc. to have a class that rivals the body warrior and sura mirror in pvm, and in pvp (with claws is one more, slightly off) with a little reduction in attack value, remove penetration and reduce bleeding is enough, do not mess with the duration of the skill! 55 seconds is nothing lycan without horse is trash I have fait…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Quote from StopRuinLycan: “This testers just funny one of them saying crimson soul better than aura and enchantred blade one of them saying stop compare with other skills about duration lol metin2 will lose so much player after this pack testers so amateur I think they never played as a 105 lvl character they don't know pvp and pve logic so annoying they defending 175 to 55 sec duration nerf they defending 585 to 360 av nerf this is just killing character this nerf just to bi…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Seriously, are you complaining about the skill duration? You will activate it more times instead of 2-3; so what's the issue here? Why should Crimson be like Enchanted Sword? If you try to do a compare with this skill, why ninjas or shaman classes haven't a skill with the same damage attack? You are trying to buff a skill similar to another one just because it has a better damage value; this is not a real feedback at all ” following that logic why not nerf the weapon sura or …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from OmulCuier: “I used to play as Lycan a few months ago but I dropped it because the hit animation of the Lycan is just broken. I couldn't hit my enemies in PvM/PvP at all, it was really weird. I have to say that on mounts in PvM against metin stones or bosses the Lycan is more powerful than Sura Weapons and Body War, I don't know about the PvP part tho. Regarding PvM the Lycan needs a nerf in damage and piercing but this seems to be a little too much. ” he doesnt need a direct nerf on d…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    we are not trying to compete with another characters, we are just trying to feedback the people who make the decision that this is an exaggerated nerf to lycan, they can remove some% of pierce and even equal the int bump of suras we dont mind, but dont nerd the damage to 360 av or something like that

  • ok bro, go see the guy that post all that percentagens of lykan damage and etc and then take a conclusion, but if the ninja had more pierce with the fast vs slow hits ninja could win, the problem is not the damage is the pierce

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from jeroenado: “Quote from meh: “But that's not an Argument for not reducing the overall Damage. ” talking about just pvm now: enchanted blade 166 int (considering +12int on sword), 882.5, poison sword 237-277 (26atk speed), -> extra attack in total: 882.5+[(237-277)x2] = 882.5 + [(474-554)] = (1356.5-1436.5) (=>total attack received from poison sword+9 and enchanted blade P) crimson 166 int, 645, hawk claw 217-249 (15atk speed), -> extra attack in total: 645+[(217-249)x2] = 645 +[(434-49…