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  • Attack Value

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Critical hits have been reduced in PvP so the overall damage has been decreased. The new dungeon will drop the weapons and armors and this area is not that easy. You should try to go there.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Crimson Wolf Skill will be adjusted. It will give around 473 Attk at 90 Int. But as Wolf's Breath skill will no longer stun the target at 100% but only at 20%, and we will include a 100% chance of the target being knockbacked.

  • Please answer me why?

    unforgiven - - Archive


    GamePriv, How much damage do the Lycan skills do as base damage? How much do Sura skills do as base damage? The same question for Warrior. The game is not linear, the damage calculation does NOT work the same for every character hence this simple comparison is completely wrong.

  • level 1 character noname

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Unfortunately, as it seems, this is something that we cannot tackle at the moment. Players which have this problem might not be able to have their problem solved till the end of Beta. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority.

  • I think we cannot do much about this but I will ask QA to have a look again tomorrow.

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding the Talismans, These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example: Base Attack Damage: 5000 Attacker Fire Talisman: 5% Defender Fire Resist: 0% Final Damage: 5200 The effectiveness of this conversion is different in PvE and PvP. Also, the calculation that I did is just an example, it is not 100% accurate. ”

  • Feedback sense?

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “It has come to our notice that many players still haven’t understood the core reasoning behind these changes. We would like to try to dispel these misunderstandings. Background: - Some classes cannot really play parts of the game content because they lack some basic characteristics - Some classes have way too many advantages in comparison to their disadvantages - Some formulas were working strangely, which in the end produced some strange results - Damage has been inflate…

  • Perfect Balance

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Where are Shamans in this topic?


    unforgiven - - Archive


    Thank you for your post but unfortunately I do not speak Turkish. Can anyone give me the gist of this post? Thank you in advance.

  • Don't look at the "Strong vs. Ice" description. This is currently only a placeholder and gives the wrong impression on the system.

  • Hello, Can you explain the situation with the skills a bit better, I didn't manage to understand your point of view, sorry. Thank you in advance, unforgiven

  • The new weapons

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The sword is currently not evolving because the characters which use them do not need them to function but this doesn't mean that it won't evolve in future. Regarding Sashes, the game evolves, some new tier of items will show up. If you add that specific weapon to your sash you are reaping your rewards by being strong at that specific moment but that doesn't mean that there won't be higher tier of items. If you bought a normal car (no collectors car, please -.-"), its value and performance will …

  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Snuggles: “Quote from unforgiven: “Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that? Equipment devaluation will always happen b…

  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Ok, so you know that some systems got easier to get with time. Now it is up to you if you want to upgrade now or wait until, and if, happens. As always it is the user option, it has been like this and it will always be like this. If you do not make systems easier, no one who starts or restarts now would be able to reach the same progression as someone who has started 10 years ago. Where is the point in that? Equipment devaluation will always happen but this is a normal progression. If you buy a …


    unforgiven - - Archive


    You can explain your points without being impolite and using curse words.

  • Bug Shaman buffs

    unforgiven - - Archive


    I am in contact with WebZen about this. There might be some devaluation from items, which we are trying to reduce to a minimum, but we cannot solve everything.

  • Kyanite Armours?

    unforgiven - - Archive


    It is an option for players, maybe some people would prefer them.

  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Actually it was changed. Some upgrade chances were improved a bit - and no, we never reduced chances independently of what players say. Also the "transmutation" from armors and weapons was added, it was not supposed to be like that and we have seen that it brings problem to bring users to have the necessary PvP gear.

  • New Pendants

    unforgiven - - Archive


    I don't understand why are you all surprised to the fact that there will be new items in Metin2 and that the upgrade/making old ones become easier with time. This is pretty much standard in every single game MMORPG. oO