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  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from Phobia: “On Perfect it will be 46% to attack. ” That'd be an exaggeration, I agree with @Aworan. Just think of Khan and Porky pets, which are Item-Shop exclusive: well, they do not give a percentage THAT high. Just my two cents. I think that Healers are already quite good in PvPs and are not really in need of a powerful extra-buff on their spells. Their attacks may be not extremely powerful but their cooldown is very low - plus, there's Swiftness enhancing this attribute. The fact is,…

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Well, we're just offering our feedback - if no archery user complained about this, someone might have thought that it was fine this way. That's what we are here for.

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I'd be totally fine with your reasoning, if it weren't for the "little" detail that Blue Armors were introduced WAY before the golden ones. I'm rather convinced they forgot to adapt them to the new contents and/or they're too lazy to revise them. Or maybe, they didn't receive enough feedbacks concerning this matter, from players. So, an answer like "it was intended this way" sounds pretty lame to me, sorry. The fact is that, back to 2010, Blue armors were intended to be final and they got a usel…

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    BlueShade - - Archive


    @unforgiven: did you completely forgot of Blue armors, the ones obtained by using Dragon Claws and Scales? Those armors actually represent a "dead end", since it's not possible to upgrade them.

  • That's a good point. I've been thinking that they completely forgot Poisonous Cloud has a magical attribute.

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from Spark: “The piercing hit is actually crazy strong. If an archer starts to piercing hit your from far, when you get close it him he probably had 4-6 piercing hits on you and you're dead already. ” You must be kidding. Do NOT forget the considerable significance of Piercing Hits related to transforming into a monster with a polymorph marble, while wearing a bow: this is the main way for an archer to collect experience points and/or to help his own guild into dealing damage to bosses for…

  • Skill Changes

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Since you're so certain about this issue, and since they will fix it soon, could you please tell us how it works? I've never experienced this event: the only thing I'm aware of, is that critical hits are not working on Sparkle. Anyway, my topic won't change and it's still pretty rightful. Making Spark Arrow-type is a huge nerf and I'm definitely not happy with it.

  • Skill Changes

    BlueShade - - Archive


    There's a majority of non-archer players, it seems. Well, you should definitely try a character before complaining about it being too powerful, as this is obviously NOT the case. As someone else stated, I've NEVER - and I mean, NEVER - seen any critical hit on Spark. Not to mention the double hit fantasy: the damage is unique. Which game have you been playing? Also, I'm not really fond of switching it to Magic type, since Archers mainly rely on skills, unlike Daggers who instead rely on both ski…

  • Archery improvements!

    BlueShade - - Archive


    - Spark should be made executable even without a weapon, just like it was before - and it should actually DO some damage, in order to be also useful in PvE. It also should keep its"skill damage" type, or alternatively, a "magical" one (just like Daggers with Poisonous Cloud), since Arrow Resistance is really easy to find in game and it is also needed for PvE, so almost all of the players already have it. - Feather Walk should be improved, both of its durability and effects are UTTERLY useless. I…

  • Greetings. I don't mean to be rude, you may have played for 9 years until now, but I guess you were never a big fan of archery. Quote from GaarasamaGreekServer: “Archery ninja: It is announced that Spark will get arrow resistance so it is good. Maybe give it a bit more range since it will be nerfed. Feather walk should give speed (as it is) but also range and maybe a little bit of stun (like 5-10%). That way it will be extra useful in wars (from a distance) and in pvp in close combat it will giv…

  • Skill Changes

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from jimaras777: “Quote from BlueRay: “Fixed - The experience reward for the group dungeon will only be given out in case of a successful run when you go and get your reward - What do they mean by this? Are they referring to a specific dungeon? ” Yes, mini-meley dungeon. The exp for completing it , is almost nothing though, so it doesn't have much significance. ” Actually I've heard that some players are collecting experience points just by "trying" to face Meley's lair, without actually c…

  • Skill Changes

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I really don't get why game designers are so obsessed with nerfing Spark. It was just fine the way it was, I even loved the chance to use it while wearing daggers/swords, making it somehow useful in PvE - pity that it did not make any damage at all. THAT was something to fix! Now you're telling me it's intended as a ranged skill: it's ridicolous thinking that you cannot throw a grenade UNLESS you've got arrows with you. How do you fling a bomb, by using a bow? Come on...! Don't forget there's al…