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  • Please answer me why?

    GamePriv - - Archive


    This is not about crying. This is where it is supposed to be a nerf figure. This should be nerf uniform to other characters. All the time I will paste my conversion table. Let them finally do something about it. And they will see that the nerf is too big. * * Sura sword * Warrior aura * Likan purpure * Time * 175 second * 95 sekund * 92 sekund * 90 intelligence / power * 575 damage * 605 damage * 360 damage * 128 inteligence / power * 717,5 damage * 662 damage * 503 damage This IS STUPID !!!!!!!…

  • Please answer me why?

    GamePriv - - Archive


    * * Sura sword * Warrior aura * Likan purpure * Time * 175 second * 95 sekund * 92 sekund * 90 intelligence / power * 575 damage * 605 damage * 360 damage * 128 inteligence / power * 717,5 damage * 662 damage * 503 damage reductions: - reduction purpul very large (too big) - Reduce the dmg value from intelligence - reduced skill -10% Now likan can not beat the boss, nor is he a character who will do anything in pvp. Why is likan so oppressed, and the other character classes will now have a sign…

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Quote from Der Lykaner: “der nerf von purpur ist viel zu groß! ich fühle mich von der GF betrogen und am liebsten will man da sein geld zurück ! erst macht man sich mit viel zeit und geld ein char im high level der daraufhin komplett verändert werden soll? ” Das kannst du fühlen, sei dir aber bewusst das hier von "Betrug" nicht die Rede sein kann. Einfach weil investiertes Geld nicht dafür sorgt das Dinge nicht geändert werden in der Zukunft. Du hast für etwas bezahlt? Konzis, E…

  • Quote from meh: “Hello, Sorry, but Players who are selling their Equipment, overreact. Selling Items and trying to “blackmail” Devs so far that they don’t change something is not how it is going to work. Characters being up for Change is something completely normal in MMO’s. Furthermore People selling Equipment does not stand representative for the Opinion of 1 whole Country. I don't see the Point in opening 10+ of these Thread. Since @unforgiven told you to be patient and wait till he may have …

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Ich stimme dem Vorredner zu

  • Due to the changes that people know they will be in the wolf. Please write countries where people sell equipment and characters. This will be evidence of countries that do not agree with the unfair and excessive reduction of wolf injuries. 1) Poland

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Liebe Freunde verstehe ich nicht. Hier ist der Punkt, dass die Verbesserung schlecht ist. Zu viel Schaden hat ihn jetzt likan schlägt wie Schamane im Metin oder barfuß. Ist fast nichts

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Everyone sees that this change of wolf will be a big minus. Why did they introduce it?

  • Bug with DMG

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Well, I forgot that the administration is not listening to what the others are saying. They have a plan, and for the players no respect for say it and write, they will not even comment on this topic. See what's going on by this is now done on the beta. People mass selling lycan and equipment. Is your goal is to destroy this class in order not to exist at all?

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Sehen Sie, was passiert Sie alle verkaufen Ausrüstung und lycan Figuren. Weil sie das sehen, was sie wollen, ist GF ein großer Fehler zu ballance lycan.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    GamePriv - - Archive


    In Poland it is the same.

  • New Pendants

    GamePriv - - Archive


    I agree with a colleague. In my opinion, the current changes are going too early. People do not have equipment for higher lvl, do not have alchemy well done. Pet on a high level. And suddenly here new items. Too much and too fast !!!!!

  • Bug with DMG

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Duration of purple and dmg is too low. Likan is unable to destroy the metin or defeat the boss. You can not test or check for any form of lycan. Most people consider what you can read that you should restore the current purple state languished to 585 dmg and time 150 secound. Reduce the value of dmg added from intelligence and will be great.

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Lieber Freund, du bist ein Tester. Sie haben einen größeren und besseren Kontakt mit der Verwaltung als wir. Also gib ihm alle Argumente, damit sie endlich vorbei sind und keinen Fehler machen. Die meisten von uns als auch ein paar Leute, die diese Klasse nicht spielen, werden für uns sein, um in den ursprünglichen Zustand des Purpurs zurückzukehren. Die einzige Veränderung, die im Likan gemacht werden soll, sollte dem Wert von dmg aus der Intelligenz. Likans sind nicht starke Zahlen genug, um n…

  • Perfect Balance

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Everything revolves around money. This balance also spins around money. You will not be surprised how likan will be useless because what they do with them is funny. Reducing the purple skill and time of its duration is ridiculous. They do this character, and then they claw their heads that the character suddenly is too strong. And now the players will suffer through the administrative blame it is ridiculous. If something like that is done there should be some compensation. And now however, to ma…

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    Du verstehst nicht Jemand muss für diese Fehler verantwortlich sein. Und du bist die einzige Person, die wie das Team ist, das beschließt, ein Gespräch zu führen.

  • Lykaner Change viel zu krass.

    GamePriv - - Archive


    * * Sura * Warrior * Likan * Zeit * 175 second * 95 sekund * 92 sekund * 90 Statistiken * 575 damage * 605 damage * 360 damage * 128 Statistiken * 717,5 damage * 662 damage * 503 damage Das ist nicht akzeptabel. Lila sollte länger sein, haben größere Schäden. Lösung lila bei 585 dmg ist gut. Reduzieren Sie die Menge an dmg möglich durch die Intelligenz, die Sie schon getan haben. Wiederherstellen Ebene 585 dmg wird eine sehr gute Lösung für die Verringerung der Schäden durch Intelligenz und Ver…

  • Perfect Balance

    GamePriv - - Archive


    You have right. If one character class moves, the others should also be aligned. What you wrote makes sense. I would just add to the wolf so that the purple is longer than, because 92 seconds is not enough. Your option is very nice. I would add that the aura, the enchanted blade, and the purple would last as long as 150 seconds. And to be able to launch them at any time (except of course, the effect of scattering).

  • Perfect Balance

    GamePriv - - Archive


    The shaman has his own buffs.

  • Perfect Balance

    GamePriv - - Archive


    How to make perfect balance? The answer is no such possibility. Why? Because every character is good at something and will always be superior to everyone. The current nerf likan will make likan not be strong in pvp or in pvm. The character will become useless. Look attention to the ninje. - The character does not have extra boosters for attack value, but is very strong due to attack speed and large damage from bows and knives. Bows in marble something beautifull. - Sura is a strong character tha…