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  • Item Name BUG and not screenshot in game

    Olthir - - Bugs


    Some items don't still have the names; they are working as indeed. If you need screenshot folder, just make it in the game folder.

  • Non mi fa accedere al server beta

    Olthir - - Bugs


    So, case closed

  • Non mi fa accedere al server beta

    Olthir - - Bugs


    You have to put at the end of your account name "_it". If your account is "pippo" on beta you have to login as "pippo_it". Se non ti funziona ancora, mandami un pvt.

  • No connect on server beta

    Olthir - - Archive


    You didn't have done the char porting from your country. Please follow the instruction on and login in the box on the right.

  • No connect on server beta

    Olthir - - Archive


    Did u launch the game with administrator rights?

  • sheep dungeon only 1 damage per hit

    Olthir - - Archive


    Indeed. It's like boss events from monster back event. No bug here

  • Lv 90 Fans and Bells in the Shops

    Olthir - - Archive


    Are you naked? Didn't you transfer your char with your weapon from live server? This feedback need to be done with your equip; not giving you some sort of boost.

  • He means damage is calculated differently if you are a Sura or a Shaman; and also same weapon worn by different classes, could have different effect, caused of the class damage calculation.

  • casting speed

    Olthir - - Archive


    Energy Crystal is the last thing calculated on the final damage. So before add ores effect, and after calculate the +% of the energy crystal.

  • [BUG] Summon Lightning graphics bug

    Olthir - - Archive


    I tried to reproduce this bug several times, and i didn't have the same effect you got in your video. I followed closer your video and i don't get the same. But! When you do Summon Lightning, the char rotate itself from side to in front of view; like she is watching us when she does the skill And all other skills with your issue, has the same rotation effect. I'll report the rotation issue and your disappearing issue. Thanks for reporting it!

  • Additional bonuses on buffs

    Olthir - - Archive


    Not another dragon shaman; yourself will receive something more. I said something more because I don't know and checked already the amount of plus bonus it gives; when it will be increased I'll check them But i think sadly before it gave just 1-2% more; let's see with the changes.

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Olthir - - Archive


    Not so bad at all. I think it's the best we can obtain, but let's see. However reading other comments, the reduction is not so bad as you expected.

  • Additional bonuses on buffs

    Olthir - - Archive


    The additional bonus should be a higher % of the skill effect on yourself than other people. So it means if you give to other +20%, on you will receive something more. It has been discussed and these additional bonuses will be increased with the next game version.

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Olthir - - Archive


    Now its duration time will be increased to 92 seconds.

  • What is the real link of this thread about the balancing idea? Is it just a general complain?


    Olthir - - Archive


    Ciao! La beta durerà fin tanto che sarà necessario! E fino a che non troveremo un buon compromesso! I premi verranno consegnati agli utenti che forniranno i migliori feedback costruttivi per questa beta.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    We are working on what you asked for in these feedback; let's see if Webzen hear unforgiven's feedbacks given by all of you. It's a slow process. Cross your fingers guys and please continue to make videos and give damage feedbacks to show them!

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    Quote from StopRuinLycan: “This testers just funny one of them saying crimson soul better than aura and enchantred blade one of them saying stop compare with other skills about duration lol metin2 will lose so much player after this pack testers so amateur I think they never played as a 105 lvl character they don't know pvp and pve logic so annoying they defending 175 to 55 sec duration nerf they defending 585 to 360 av nerf this is just killing character this nerf just to big you can't nerf lik…

  • Sorts archers bug

    Olthir - - Archive


    Can you explain me why Feather Walk should be activated also without the bow? Thank you!

  • Sura WP Dispersion

    Olthir - - Archive


    It is Dispell is changed and it's not like before.