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  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Guest: “If i understood well we dont have option to change only the possible skill slots? ” You do, it changes the skill slots, but only changing the slots and leaving all the stats untouched it isn't possible that way. But if you have your pet on Heroic, and have skills learned you need to take out (revert/reset) the skills in order the slots be empty on the pet, and then it will change the possible slots. If you do that without taking the skills out it will not change Edit* above

  • Pet System - Feedback

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    I like the system, altho it's kind of a roulette as usual in the game... The red item only serves to tell you what kind of pet do you have, if you hatch or have a "legendary" pet, nice duration, and 3 slot, lucky guy. The blue item serves to change the type of the pet: If you hatch a lv1 pet, the "inicial" HP will stay always the same, soo i guess that is the main reason to open eggs from now on to have 2.0HP+. The things that change with the blue item: 1- The pet type (clever, legendary, aventu…

  • Clarity Alchemy?

    hugoW - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Rocket: “Mythic Alchemy The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clari…

  • Beta Torrent Bug

    hugoW - - Bugs


    It happen to me, i restarted the patch and worked

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If you prefer to use fans, you can continue using fans. ” Nobody cares about preferences, everyone uses what gives him the more advantage, even if it's the most stupid thing.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from Iushin: “Quote from Quelin: “We dont want this fan/bell thing! Then, lets divided warriors weapons too!! ” Now this is something I would like to see. Maybe 2h bonus on body warriors and sword bonus on mental. Or reversed? In both case is fun,fun. Seems legit, since shamy have wep specializatio also should be available to others where is aplicable... ” Agree if shamans have weapon specialization every other class's should have too.

  • (Hidden Content) That makes no sense, so if ou make the critic you can even make less damage than without critic. I think that everyone is thinking that those -40% to -60% is about the critic damage = (200%), the total damage = 200% that you sayng is just neutralizing completely the critics. And i thought that it was just bugged... like everyone aparently. Normal damage = 100% Critic Damage = 200% Should be -40~60% from the 200% giving it a critic damage from 140~160% and a normal damage from 10…

  • sheep dungeon only 1 damage per hit

    hugoW - - Archive


    Its by quantity of hits that you kill the metin like those boss events to trade hits for rewards, they don't reg HP soo if the metin has 200hp you have hit each metin 200 times to kill it and than kill the boss, better have a big group on that stage on time xD

  • [Test] Talismans - How it works in PVP?

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from zoNE: “Quote from hugoW: “but if he takes out the talisman, do you continue to take +1% to him ” No, strong against to Fire/Wind/Darkness etc. works against players with this same talisman only. When he takes off the Talisman, your bonus Strong against to the element will be disabled. Similarly, for resistances. When you use the Dark Talisman +1 or higher, the resistance against darkness works against you too, but when you takes it off, the resistances against darkness/fire etc., does…

  • [Test] Talismans - How it works in PVP?

    hugoW - - Archive


    3391* I now get the fact of the item at +0 doesnt have the elemental bonus, it is giving you the chance of having the other bonus and not making you a elemental character, soo someone with a lot of resistances to any type of element can't reduce considerably your damage if you don't have an evoluted talisman.. But there is missing one test, i see that the enemy is an "fire elemental" on the character's name (probably because it has an the talisman equiped) so you have 1% strong against fire on h…

  • Quote from Comkra: “Open your mind for new techniques. The old thinking that everyone needs everything on max is with the new talismans obsolete. That means we have more individualized equipment Instead of just items on +9. ” Or it means bigger diference between those that don't spend money from those who spend once its impossible to keep up their progress because there isn't "finish line" for the equipment that could be achieved and matched ingame after some time effort.

  • The new Zodiac EQ (+9/+200, stats, etc.)

    hugoW - - Archive


    The part of the Sash's i was already expecting it because all the statues on the beggining of the map have a different one

  • Oh okay thanks!

  • Shouldn't the resistance to fire be a "standart bonus" on the fire talisman/pendant? If not there is no purpose on having all the diferent type of talismans/pendants like darkness, earth, lightening. For that should be enough one talisman and we put any resistance there by changing the bonus... doesn't making sense to me

  • Some questions about Zodiac Temple

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from Dagerro: “Sooo... you’re telling me that they’re going to introduce 3 new bonuses to make changing bonuses even harder? <span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);" >You ” I think you can add and change bonus on the "pendant", but they are only elemental bonus on it, and not available on the other itens, so the itens you have are not afected or new ones, only bonus for those pendants. Just need to know what those elemental bonus are i guess. maybe im wrong idk.

  • Some questions about Zodiac Temple

    hugoW - - Archive


    Doesn't you guys like to try and discover? Or just want all the information explained and not bother login at all.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Bells mainly for melee damage (Attack Value) > usually used against monsters Fans are mainly for Skill Attack (Magic Attack Value) > usually used against other players The way both weapons attack are also different which makes this change not that easy as changing values. ” By that said, indirectly or directly the developers are assuming that Dragon Shaman is a PVM character and Healing Shaman a PVP character, the PVP between the two characters isn't going to be more unba…

  • Make it drop bombs

  • hits from auto attack

    hugoW - - Archive


    The enemy cannot escape from auto attack, having an fast attack speed rate (200) its very difficult to escape from the hits, with or without the enemy use of combo, only by attacking back with skills or hits, or blackout them, or attack horse manage to set myself free from the enemy. The characters are trapped really hard, even by mounting it's difficult to escape, none of the movement keys really work to help you. Should exist at least a chance the final hit from the combo that makes the enemy …

  • Suras and warriors

    hugoW - - Archive


    What about put the aura of sword and/or berserker able to activate and deactivate like the skills of sura? I mean, a warrior is a character that can change from weapons to gain beneficts from smart play in battle but that is lost by being unable to activate again the aura and need to wait the cooldown over. All the other characters can change theirs weapons without losing time and "buffs". also being able to reactivate it could also prevent that sometimes happens when you click the skill and the…