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  • Reverse this "Balance"

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    By epaulets etc i mean Blue Dragon Steel Antique Epaulette Violent Fabric etc etc etc. You know the 24 upgrade items you need to make the 105 lvl armor and weapons

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    I know what you mean, i have read the specific information, but does it apply to epaulets etc etc ? Or new crafting materials ? Because i have gone (one time) to Razador and did not see any new drops.

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Also i would like if you could tell us what we need to make the new equipment so that we can prepare and what upgrade items we need to make them (or at least try) +9 (if they are upgradeable). And if we need new upgrade items where we can find them.

  • GM's have answered most of the threads in the beta section. Do they not care to answer this one as well ? Okay it's a long post, but someone took his time (with his own accord ofc) to write all this. You wanted feedback, maybe comment it ?

  • Better Shops

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    You need us to test the new gear if we are correct. Well most of the players were not able to make 115 lvl armors +9 in their original server. We do not log in the beta to go from start and make our own items +9 with the only facilitation that we get blessings and Stone of the Blacksmith from the shops. We need to be able to be one stage before the last gear so that we can check the new update and not the already 1 year+ that requires our real money. If you know what i mean. GF wants feedback, h…

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    I like the new character bonus implementation beside the character (C) but it is too long imo. I think that this will require a lot of search to actually check if everything is correct. I am not whining, i like it, but could we something wider and not so long ?

  • Quote from BlueShade: “Greetings. I don't mean to be rude, you may have played for 9 years until now, but I guess you were never a big fan of archery. Quote from GaarasamaGreekServer: “Archery ninja: It is announced that Spark will get arrow resistance so it is good. Maybe give it a bit more range since it will be nerfed. Feather walk should give speed (as it is) but also range and maybe a little bit of stun (like 5-10%). That way it will be extra useful in wars (from a distance) and in pvp in c…

  • So i have been playing for almost nine years. I have a lot of experience in the game so i will share my thoughts (thank god we get a beta like this and i can give this kind of feedback) I will give feedback only on skills in this thread. Healer shaman: Attack skills are good. Just a little bit weak but with a really low cooldown (, so imo it is ok, but i am not taking into account the AMR, because it will be reduced and we don't know yet the new percentage or how it will be calculated. Heal is g…

  • Skill Changes

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    About reflection i totally disagree. You can see here the reason About Attack Up i agree with you. Only 50 attack value is like nothing for 103+ lvl chars (because it is the last skill you will master) since it is only good for exp on metin in like Enchanted Forest.