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  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Rapier - - Archive


    I want just to add on the list the "Mount BUG" ("Lion BUG" or "Power mount BUG"whatever you call it) which I have described and discussed about in the below linked thread (last posts). You might call it "lag" as well not a BUG but it is affecting us and I am sure a way of limiting it's effect can be found Difference between various Kyanite weapons Starting with that post in which I've described the bug and added some video too and also I proposed something (maybe not the best thing but at least …

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Quote from Rapier: “It's clear you've missed my point. Yes I do think it is good in PvP..the fact I use it for farming does not change this. I said that I don't like ANY character to play except Archer Ninja. That's why I don't play on sura, not because it is not good. Anyways, this discussion is pointless. I showed you proof that sura is good in PvP, if you dont see it that's not my fault. Please eneter the beta server...I will show you my "105" character. What I showed wer…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    Thank you for your answer @unforgiven, I can understand that. The only thing in such cases is that, reported issues tend to be "lost in time" after a while and nobody is remembering them. It would be good if there will be an official thread somewhere, replicated to each community, where the aknowledged bugs are listed so that anyone could see that a particular bug or issue is addressed and will be solved sometime and doesn't need to be reported again and again. Yes, I am aware that this means so…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    @unforgiven, I'm very well aware this is a fantasy game...but when from one side I'm presented with arguments like "logic" and I'm told that other classes are not able to use skills with other weapons WHEN THEY DO...I respond with the same arguments right? Otherwise I'll be told that I'm talking about something totally different and this is not the case. I get it, Webzen or whoever decides, doesn't want this and instead of saying this we're given arguments that do not stand. Up to this point, no…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “The 4x hits have been removed for ALL characters. The high damage that bosses sometimes can do are a normal process of the game. Warriors also get this. ” That is AFTER what is currently in beta will be implemented right? It is not yet implemented on live servers correct?

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    I can show you lots of videos with weak characters of all types...wars, ninjas, schamans...that does not prove anything besides the fact you are not good. OK, I got this..YOU are not good. NOT the suras. Suras are good if you have items and if you know how to play. It is clear for me that you don't. Good luck, it is useless to say anything here anymore, you fail (or don't want) to see the evidence. Don't show me damage records, I don't care. Should I whine also I want 300k damage for an archer? …

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    Poison Cloud is a Dagger exclusive skill and can be used with a bow or without any weapon. And it is an attack skill not a buff (and it's dealing alot of damage I might add). We were asking for Spark to be casted with daggers or bare hands because of it's main usage in PvM. The MAIN usage of Spark is..? To deal damage? NO. To escape/evade from a group of players or mobs that are blocking you? YES. An Archer Ninja NEVER uses his bow in PvM it is obvious that ALL THE TIME in PvM he's using either …

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Sorry guys.. but as soon as you're going PvE with the Archer. You are wearing Daggers anyway. And with Daggers you are able to use Horse Skills. So i don't see the "escape" Point in this Topic. As i explained before. I would not mind if you were able to use Spark with Daggers, however Dagger Ninja can't use their Skill with Bow's either. Furthermore Webzen does not want it to be that way.. so? ” Sorry but that's not correct. Just tested it on live server and Dagger Ninjas COULD …

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    Rapier - - Archive


    I totally agree with you for the Spark thing @BlueShade. Spark was the only skill that could be used in both PvP and PvM to escape from being cornered by players/mobs. Now by restricting it's use only to bows, Archers are no longer able to use the main purpose of this evade. Of course I was talking about PvM here cause in PvP we are presumed to use the bow. Also due to the new "mechanics" in the Zodiac Temple, mobs attacks you immediately after you resurrect, even when you're not yet …

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    Check my edit, I've explained why. Probably here on beta you've taken VIT points too (to put them in another stat) and on live you have VIT maxed out

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    But why is not the same on the live server? There my stat doesn't change when I mount / unmount EDIT:'re a savior. I got it finally and know why on live I don't have it. Here on beta I wanted to test the influence of INT so I've taken all points from VIT to put them in INT so I remained with only 16 VIT. But as you said, the horse is giving you 36 VIT but ONLY if you don't have MORE. So here on beta it raises the VIT from 16 to 36 but on live server I have VIT maxed out (that is 90)…

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    It shouldn't matter what equipment, alchemy, pet or whatever I have activated. There should be no difference in stats when mounted compared to when you are not. I haven't changed anything just up/down and it has different values. OK. I tried without is still changing. I get +20 VIT while on mount/horse. Is this a new "feature"? I got 6288 HP and 192 Defence when not mounted versus 7088 HP and 258 Defence when mounted

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    Only VIT I have is 12 on the bow. But I tested with exactly the same equipment on live server and it does not do the same, I get the same values for HP and Defence regardless

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    It's clear you've missed my point. Yes I do think it is good in PvP..the fact I use it for farming does not change this. I said that I don't like ANY character to play except Archer Ninja. That's why I don't play on sura, not because it is not good. Anyways, this discussion is pointless. I showed you proof that sura is good in PvP, if you dont see it that's not my fault. Please eneter the beta server...I will show you my "105" character. What I showed were videos with fights and duels of a Weapo…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    The logic has nothing to do with the fact that those players ARE good. I don't play it cause I don't like it (I like only Archer). If you have any arguments that prove me wrong, please share. I don't have to play a character to know if it is good or not in PvP. I know if they are cause I fight with or against them and I see what they can do in a fight. And as I said, Weapon Sura is not weak in PvP, I showed videos of general fights as well as 1 vs 1 duels and those suras ARE good. If you are not…

  • Stats mount/horse BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    I've reported HERE another BUG related to horse/mounts and I was told it is not the purpose of this beta to solve it. Today I've noticed another one as can be seen in the below video: There are differences in VALUES for certain status characteristics if you are mounted or un-mounted. To be more specific, while you ride (horse or mount that does not give you HP) you get more VIT (that rise your HP and Defence) and a lower Magic Resistance. You can easily see in the video that with the exact same …

  • PVP Tournament of Sunday

    Rapier - - Archive


    To be honest, I didn't even know WHEN was this tournament. On our local forum there was an announcement for Saturday (not Sunday) and it was specified at 20:00 hrs (don't know if local or DE time). Maybe there will be more tournaments with a better announcement made in advance

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    Sorry...those are not MY videos. I play an Archer Ninja, never had a Weapon Sura except for farming. I put those because they were well known PvP players that had good accounts and items and know how to play on this class type. What I can say is that, if you know how to play with it, Weapon Sura can be very good in PvP, even in 1 vs 1 not just general fights and the videos I put here were just to prove that. Now if anyone come with arguments like...he had that and he should have done that...does…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Quote from TheDevilSZ: “Quote from reveina: “Yeah yeah the most balanced (you mean trash PvP character) character. You don't know maximum level. So why are you talking? Do you have 120 lv character? Weapon sura is the worst and the weakest character and stepchild. Where were you until this thread? I didn't see a change to weaponary sura for 7 years. Because admins doesn't care us. Because we don't make enough money. Everyone talks lycan, ninja, shaman. Because they are good …

  • Gamekiller "horse down" option

    Rapier - - Archive


    In fact there IS such a bonus already (Resistance against "horse down" how you call it). It can be put on the new pendants