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  • Dont ruin lykan

    meh - - Archive


    Quote from Th3Original: “You know what will happen with this changes right? Lycan players do not want their chars nerfed.. Not in damage, and you need to understand the players point... We play the game, we are your clients... If you don't respect it what you can expect from players? It's the same in all games... You can balance not removing damages ou critics or anything else... Is a big difference in the PVP and PVM balance... Removing damege from lycan will afect both sides... Critics will af…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    meh - - Archive


    I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    meh - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “but the lykan wolf breath stun can be removed we dont really care... The discussion is about the crimson soul damage reduction, less overall damage is what we are worryed about, no the stun.. ” We’re discussing a Balancing here Guys. You should know that there definitely will be a reduction over overall Damage. That’s basically what a Balancing is about. So of course you can expect some changes regarding the Damage from the Lycan. It’s not “OP” as many users state, yes we …

  • Thema Krit Reduzierung & HDD & Segen Buffs

    meh - - Archive


    @timbalady Zittieren kannst du wie im Spoiler beschrieben. (Hidden Content) Ich habe geschrieben, was ich mir vorstellen könnte. Meiner Meinung nach ist es absolut schädlich wenn es möglich ist einen Spieler auf hohe Verteidigungswerte zu "one hitten". Ob das der Hauptgrund für die Änderung am Krit System ist, kann ich dir leider nicht beantworten. Aber ich denke dennoch, das die Änderung von der Idee her eine gute ist, an der Umsetzung muss eben noch gearbeitet werden. Dafür ist die Beta da und…

  • @Strijelac by "there would bealmost no chance for targeted Players to fight back under fair Conditions" i was talking about Players not being able to land their Skills frequently due to the riding of the BM Sura. While you can just use Horseback Slash while you're being blocked against a Wall by a Warrior/Weaponary Sura. In my Eyes changing Fire Spirit in a way that it would deal Damage while riding, would establish a new "unfair" way of fighting your Opponent as a BM Sura.

  • Hello there, I think we should differentiate between active self-Buffs such as Enchanted Blade, and passive DOT (Damage over Time) skills, such as Fire Spirit. I remember Fire Spirit still being active when riding the normal Horse but I’ve never looked into it while riding Mounts etc. to be honest. Furthermore I think that changing it so that it deals Damage even while riding the Horse, wouldn’t be a good Change in General. If we’d do that People would just ride their Horses around the Players t…

  • Thema Krit Reduzierung & HDD & Segen Buffs

    meh - - Archive


    Erst einmal Hallo an alle und vielen Dank für eure Teilnahme an der Diskussion. Freut mich zu sehen, das auch die deutsche Community sich hier beteiligt! Vorschläge wie man die Problematik bezüglich "Chance auf kritische Treffer" im PvM Bereich anpassen könnte sind gern gesehen. Die Änderung der kritischen Treffer ist meiner Meinung nach sinnvoll, da sich hierbei gerade im Open PvP ein Problem heraus kristallisiert. Den Spieler mit nur 1'nem Hit auf doch recht hohe Widerstandswerte zu "one hitte…