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  • New Pendants

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier. ” This is a terribly wrong and unrespectful policy, you know. And by far, the worst entry I've been reading on this board. New contents should be introduced considering BOTH the current perspective AND the future one. Modifying contents according to the fact that someone who consumed all of his/her salary on a MMORPG reached a goal sounds like a j…

  • Are you happy with the new updates?

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Greetings, it may be too early to make any judgment, I know - but I've got a feeling these updates might seriously change gameplay. I'm also afraid I won't make myself clear enough, as I'm not a native english speaker - still, since we're here, I thought it was good to share our opinions. You've probably seen there will be several new pieces of equiment and that pendants will have a new impact on PvP. While new contents are always exciting to experiment, I'm somewhat disappointed by the way thin…

  • On my community, there are some players who are actually able to do it in solo - yes, even after the update recently occured. Every hour, their names pops up in the general chat and they always manage to enter first. There are several power-ups, including DSS, items providing players with extra damage and so on, so it's not surprising at all they succeed in this feat. So, making the monster harder to kill is not the solution - after all, that's what Webzen made and... well, we're back where we s…

  • I think they are not sold by NPCs. You obtain them by completing Zodiacs dungeons and winning the rewards.

  • Greetings, although I already know it's not the scope of this beta, I need at least to share my opinion with players from all the foreign communities, now that I have the chance to communicate with them - so please do not lock this thread at once. I already tried discussing this matter on my community but the proposal has not been accepted: after some brief discussing, it didn't produce any effect. I noticed you are putting much effort into updating the game and proposing us new contents, and I …

  • Well, that's awesome! However, it's kinda sad lv.75 weapons won't be upgrade-able, like 90-105 and 105-115 armors. Anyway, atk values are really high. I fear that this won't help really much "balancing".

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    The dungeon is impossibile to complete in solo-mode, but I guess that's a positive thing. Webzen adopted the same mechanics recently introduced for Beran Setaou - you need to crash Metin rocks in order to deal damage to the boss. Although it's somewhat chaotic, it's a nice way to favour groups-playing. A really MEAN way of obliging group heterogeneity might consists of introducing class-specific metins, like Nemere's ones. _ However, some bosses' skills are quite hard to withstand - the fiery ra…

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “In PvE, unfortunately yes. The ONLY advantage of an archer is that probably he has "Range" skill on his pet so he could reach bosses from a greater distance. In terms of damage tho, it is same as Dagger Ninja even when using polymorf marble. ” To be honest, that's something that a Dagger Ninja may actually do as well, just by raising a secondary pet. Somehow it'd be nice to make bows "archer only" weapons: this way, Archers long distance attacks and hit-damages dealt with a b…

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    It'd make much more sense giving more relevance to STR in terms of attack damage - because gaining 3 points on attack value with +12 STR is really poor! - and leaving INT's usefulness just to improve the side effects of skills. So, yeah, removing INT influence on skill damage. Ninjas aren't a magical class after all - and intelligence here is intended as a stat typical of magic classes. (Even if, imho, camouflaging is a matter of dexterity rather than intelligence, but oh well). Still, the poor …

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Well, I don't know. Elemental bonuses haven't received much attention until now. High level monsters might have a significant "elemental" damage component, so pendants may actually be useful.

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I'm starting to think that the maximum up was actually meant to be 20, not 200 - even if they declared 200 in the announcements. Anyway I agree, with NORMAL blessing scrolls it's nearly to impossible. At least there will be (more) reasons to use the special Blessing Scrolls, now. But it'd make sense to test them, now that we're here.

  • Yes, it seems we will have to use Garnets for bosses, destroying metins and so on. The only "sad" part of this whole speech is that the secondary stat (on the Beta being STR) does not provide much basic attack damage at all, on Ninjas.

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Quote from Rovez: “Im not even considering trade VIT points for INT!! How many bosses 90+ can kill you with 1 skill if you have about 17k-18k hp? Too many!! ” Well, to be honest, even with VIT=16 you could still have about 23-25k Hps - considering a character at least provided with a good Matte Jade Soul Stone, a Brilliant Garnet Soul Stone, a Pet and possibly a Khan and/or costume. And nearly 2.000 max hp bonus on every item. These are things that almost every >lv.90 player should have, I guess…

  • I guess I'm not expressing myself very well - sorry, but I'm not a native english speaker. First of all, consider that my whole speech is about plain damage - that is to say, the damage of punches, dagger hits, single arrow hits and (obviously) the damage you do with polymorph marbles. I'm not considering at all skills, here. Anyway: Quote from Rapier: “I never used Soul Cristal Earrings but I used alot Ebony Earrings and Garnet Earrings. ” I mentioned Crystal Soul Earrings because they are the …

  • Quote from Rapier: “That would mean that after this change, wearing a pair of Garnet Earrings as a ninja, wil give you even more damage now compared to Ebony Earrings. What I mean is that even if currently on live server Garnet gives ninjas better damage, now with the stats change will give even more right? Since importance of DEX increases compared to STR..or at least this is how it should be ” No, it's not as you said. Basically, on live servers, the effectiveness of STR and DEX is inverted. O…

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Minor observations: - sound effects of Typhoon Men/Shamans are really nasty - the sound is nice, but I guess they should be lowered a bit, they are too loud xD - upgrading pendants is really, really hard. While this may be right according to game dynamics, it's really painful upgrading them on the beta. Could you provide us with some Dragon Blessing Scrolls?

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    BlueShade - - Archive


    I'm actually not really happy with the INT component, nor with the fact that STR does almost not influence atkValue at all. By the way, I don't know if someone noticed: because of the DEX-STR switch, Ninjas should prefer Garnet Earrings in any case, both PvE and PvP. Besides the whole necessity to change a piece of equipment (because I know many ninjas on my server who went for Emeralds Earrings for PvE necessities), what really stinks is the fact that Emerald Earrings will no longer be so effec…

  • Understood. It's kinda disappointing viewing just +3 points while wearing a +12 STR item, but oh well.

  • Zodiac Temple - First problems/bugs

    BlueShade - - Archive


    Since I was surprised by this new dynamics (which I kinda like, since it makes things more realistic!) I didn't notice if a "mounting" debuff icon appeared in the upper left corner. I cannot test it right now, as I ran out of marbles - and it's almost maintenance time, by the way. Anyway, an icon similar to the poisoning one would be fine, to me. = The "jump" button does not work, as everyone's already said. I'm looking forward to try it as soon as it's fixed!

  • Greetings, to this day, there have been many updates, one of which dealing with the calculation of the basic atk-Value of Shamans and Ninjas. In particular: Quote from unforgiven: “Ninja: Attack damage will increase more with Dexterity (++) than Strength (+) ” I thought that a "+" meant a single point on the atk-value, while a "++" meant two full points. For example, if your basic atk-damage (the one in the character sheet!) is 500, by wearing an item providing +12 DEX you'd expect and outcome o…