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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    jeroenado - - Archive


    You guys are so freaking hilarious now all of a sudden pvm is about g2 for these 'weapon sura haters' and you also never talk anything good about your body warrior (most popular character in metin2, and this must have a reason), I'm not taking part of discussions like these anymore, only thing you're doing is trying to talk good about your body warrior. I don't agree at all with this lycan nerf either and am not gonna complain about it anymore, I think I'm gonna take it anyway if this is final a…

  • the attack value change is too significant, piercing is only thing that is balanced now btw you noticed that you are using energy on beta server and not in live? (first 2 videos)

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from chronoide: “(Opponent Miss Chance %37) it says but NOT. ” about the opponent attack power -% is only for physical damage (auto attacks and mobs, things you can block), shouldn't work on razador skills for example and the miss chance is only for ranged units

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    The crimson values should be correct now with the displayed values on the beta.. ->This piercing nerf is good and is much more balanced than it was before ->The cooldown itself is good on its own (it's not good considering you have 55secs of duration) ->The duration is a joke, and idk why should this even be discussed.. 55seconds is nothing, also you need to take into account that lycans need to use buff up with INT to achieve the same as body warriors/weapon suras (with this current attack valu…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    If they don't know the meaning of 'a little' they shouldn't be touching this character, (i understand that body warriors/weapon suras want to be treated a bit more equally) There are few people who switched from body warrior to lycan cause they wanted more dmg on horseback, changing that body warriors will deal more now is not fair! btw I think the piercing should be reduced a lot at first instance

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    I do not know why, btw magic resistance does not affect it either

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    anti magic stones won't change dispell's damage

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “The argument is good ,just you dont accept it. ” Your arguments are contradictory that's why I don't accept it. Quote from Signo: “The suras has almost 50% or more reflect from ench. armour... If one sura hit example 2k on a mob and the mob hit 1k on the sura and reflected 500 damge back... It means the sura have 2.5k damage. Not so useless thing. ” Wait so, all of a sudden pvm is about mob killing now? I thought you and that 'meh' guy were those guys with their 'pvm is only a…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    At high level all these stats, avoid arrow/reflect/blablabla don't even matter in pvm so your arguments are wrong and contradictory

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Calm: “If so, there's no point on arguing with you. ” nobody asked you to argue with me, but prove me wrong please with some hard arguments

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Nope their damage is not OP in pvp right now.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Calm: “It's the same, they just changed the duration here. Crimson wolf still gives +900 with +150 INT regardless of what the skill description says. ” that's not what we're talking about, can you please read carefully before reacting on that

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    he meant he tested it again on the live servers..

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from IElfenLied: “If you do not respect the feedbacks you will not respect, I will almost remove all the features of the character that I play. Half the power is being reduced. Do not expect me to respect that. ” They respect feedback written in german much more and it's also answered more clearly. I'm still not seeing any hard arguments for a nerf like this. Anyways, I read in the german faction that they think lycans should have more damage than weapon suras but still below or on same le…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Lycans are also a much less popular character than warriors and suras, and no that's not because there are no items available for them. Look at your recently released servers for example, more people still went for suras and warriors despite the fact lycans have more damage on horse. You know why? Beause the gameplay is way more attractive (to most people) than the gameplay of lycans... Yet you're still talking about nerfs for this character? Seriously, with this nerf you'll only make lycans eve…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    You are completely right, my bad. Anyways I'm not against a LITTLE lycan nerf, yet I'm not convinced how it's that necesarry, only for equalisation to weapon suras/body warriors

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Twiet: “Reasons: -Suras cant buff their enchanted blade with an int weapon -you forgot to mention the piercing hits from crimson which highers the DMG -Suras do not get the double attack out of a poison sword ! They are nerfed in this case you didnt know ? ” -No they cannot, that's why I said considering they got 12 int on their main weapon -I thought they were fixing that? it was considered as a bug dude -oh yeah you're right i think, it should be something like 1,5x, I fixed it..

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “But that's not an Argument for not reducing the overall Damage. ” talking about just pvm now: enchanted blade 166 int (considering +12int on sword), 882.5, poison sword 237-277 (26atk speed), -> extra attack in total: 882.5+[(237-277)x1.5] = 882.5 + [(355-415)] = (1237-1298) (=>total attack received from poison sword+9 and enchanted blade P) crimson 166 int, 645, hawk claw 217-249 (15atk speed), -> extra attack in total: 645+[(217-249)x2] = 645 +[(434-498)] = (1079-1143) (=>tota…

  • Lycan the weakest

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from curioso2: “Quote from jeroenado: “I don't know if you know butpvm isn't only about your stupid razador ” I don't know if you know but it is an example. Who says the "stupid" razador says something else. While the other races have for example poisonous swords +9 with 40 or 50+ average damage, lycan do exactly the same damage with a lv1 weapon that has less attack value and does not have average damage, with equal items and alchemy. Then they still say lycan is not OP in PvM ... Makes p…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


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