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  • Costume never expired

    hugoW - - Archive


    Sure that is another way to do that and sometimes the amount of yang spent on a costume is high or very low depending on luck, and that lock item from yang is a fix value... that should work too i guess.

  • Costume never expired

    hugoW - - Archive


    That is a good idea, i suppose that for the costume don't disappear the best solution (for gameforge profit) is creating some kind of item that when drag should "lock" the costume and when it expires the time it get's red and unable to use but doesn't disappear (some kind of protection shell xD), giving the oportunity to transfer the bonus from that locked costume to the new costume in the future on the NPC, and then the cycle begins and if you don't want that new costume to disappear again need…

  • It's not just the green, its every type of dew, when it ends the time of any dew the energy cristal also ends.

  • If you have 20% chance to restore HP, this means that you have a 3% chance to restore 20% of your total HP, by kill so doesn't matter if its skills or hits... or punches or horse kicks..., if a moob dies there is that chance. But is not that the subject of the topic That abs bonus look really bugged

  • Piercing Hits

    hugoW - - Archive


    That is going to unbalance lycan even more than before

  • Piercing Hits

    hugoW - - Archive


    If your damage is 5000 and 10000 critic, then on a object with 15% defence you should take 4250 and 8500 critic against it and if you pierce that object you should take that 5000 normal and 10000 critic. Now in a object with 98% defence you should take 100 and 200 critic against it and if you pierce that object you should take 5000 normal and 10000 critic. To me that's the idea of piercing, every object has his own defence by natural, and you have your damage, the only think that the piercing do…

  • Piercing Hits

    hugoW - - Archive


    That is an hilariously bugged bonus over there.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from ATV: “To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bonuses) then I can up…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    hugoW - - Archive


    You guys are crazy to put those 105 bows full bonus +9 on the sash, by that said you guys choose to do that at your own risk to have advantage over other players, it was always possible and predictable that new weapons eventualy would be implemented, so, now what should be done? After you upgrade the new weapon +9 then you should do it again at your own risk and clean the sash and put that weapon there and be the guy with the perfect sash on the server. One of the first things that even the npc …

  • First Day - The Alchemy Day

    hugoW - - Archive


    After a long time making alchemy i always have that feelling that the "Legendary Excellent" without good bonus could be "reusable" on the refinement of clarity window, by this i mean if i got 2 excellents on the maximum clarity they could still be refined but with only one outcome possible wich is the "failure result" and this allow that the player attempt, will result in 1 new excellent stone and have one more new chance for the bonus set he want, and giving a new sense of utility to those "unu…

  • Simple early bugs npcs stores

    hugoW - - Archive


    Someone (like me xD) /could/need/like to join other /team members/friends/same language/ to test group or guild dungeons and pve more easy i guess.

  • Simple early bugs npcs stores

    hugoW - - Archive


    To buy 5º marble the store closes The Sash has no absorsion Missing change kindgom item But very well done the transference from oficial servers to beta, nice sistem!

  • Skill Changes

    hugoW - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “I really don't get why game designers are so obsessed with nerfing Spark. It was just fine the way it was, I even loved the chance to use it while wearing daggers/swords, making it somehow useful in PvE - pity that it did not make any damage at all. THAT was something to fix! ” I completely agree with this, allways considered that the Spark should work like Flame Strike even without weapon at all, or daggers, swords making it a good pvm skill aswell, and like they said in …