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  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    sorry @unforgiven you may be the one who misunderstood the meaning of balance (a state where things are of equal weight or force) pd: if reflect worket as the % indicates, at least would be usefull, but as you can check, you can hafe 50% or more dmg reflected with all equipment and if someone hits you (mob or character) you won't reflect 1/2 the dmg you recieve (obiously jst auto atak, not skill) so.... even if nerfed the % of dmg reflected still not working. The real dmg reflected is by far the…

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    that is why we are complaining .... instead of balance they just nerfed us, yes we got some gains but too much losses and not worth for dragon shamans so .....

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @BlueShade if u were talking about pvm, but the main problem is in pvm too, for example, i am a dragon shaman who go lvl up using a fan and casting spells, so now i will have to create a lvl 80 bell with double demon to get an extra 10% dmg (that is les than 10% bc of the loss of mav) while healer gets more hp recovered per healing + 10% free powwerup ? sorry avoid post-truth!

  • sorry but u did not get my message.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from Zukiki: “Unbelievable that I can't improve the Rune swords to the new Weapons, for which I invested hundreds of euros. ” well that seems to be the main aim of the "balance" rune sword can't be upgraded, dragon shamans need to use bells for pvp .... stats change so bonus in equipm,ent has to be swap i jst see $$$$ and no real balance but....

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    well Quote from unforgiven: “And you will deal x2 against monsters. You cannot simply separate damage in PvP from PvE. Dragon Shamans can have full +39% critical hit chance. Healing Shamans will need to have this in their gear. And just one small note. In PvP, if you have 100% Critical Hit Chance before the patch and 80% after the patch, you still have HIGHER chance of landing Critical Hits with Skills after the patch than before. And, on top of that, the chance to do critical hits with normal h…

  • i know my last post here wasnt too much related to the thread, but as i purposed in other threads and has been IGNORED ALL TIMES, and as @YoTeDoPo that suggestion should be taken seriously and i posted here bcthe main purpose of this thread goes about how stats points afect each character. So as seen in last changes, some characters will have to renounce to vit points to can maximize theyr skills so hp and def will be lost and not all combinations of earrings have status+hp and that is a mess, b…

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven so u mean dragon shaman is a pvm class? Then why this low dmg from mount? and without mount, the critical chance from skills is really low and does not increase much the damage. If dragon is a pvp tell me why such gap from both shaman class? une can fire an has more critical chance (that does not increase much the dmg) and uses a bell to get 10% power up while loosing mav from fans and nerfed all 3 buf skills, while others have healing skill (got powered up) and remove lasting fire, …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    yes, @unforgiven some new options for dragon shamans or some hight boost when using bell ?

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven are you plaing to change the second bonus from lvl 54 earrings and remove the 5% critics in order to get hp? bc now this critical chance is useless + hp lost is really hight on shsmans.

  • Quote from YoTeDoPo: “I see a big problem for the classes that can benefit from all the different 4 status. A warrior or a lykan can have all their power because they don't need one of the four stats, while weaponary suras, archery ninjas and shamans have to sacrifice one of their stats. ” not just that, there are som items that bring really important bonuses, 3ebony earings have str and hp (realli interessting), however, the characters who dont power up with str but with int, have a earrings wi…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from LionKing: “Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from LionKing: “Quote from Ponze: “I deleted my lv 55 healer just because of this change. I was full PvP bells. ” "Lmfao" why did you do this is only on beta not live version.Maybe they will change ” This update will go live in a few weeks doubt it will change, @unforgiven said that he will luck into healer higher dmg and that's the most he can do. It's decided weapon specialization will happen, I guess we should make 20-3…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Yes, just hope they remind what balancing means and step back to this update and make a real balance, not an unbalance. We players understand its hard bc lots of things are linked and a small change in one thing makes a huge difference on another side. But that isn't a way for justifying the ENORMOUS unbalance broducesd by this 17.5 version. If its that hard bc of the game code, simply take longer to realase the 17.5 and make ALL or ALMOST ALL players satisfied or at least try to do so. A really…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    I have a wp sura, i think on pve are really op not for damg but por hp absortion. On pvp in a server wheere all people goes full defenses + alchemy i don't really know how it goes, as the one i play there isn't a 120 yet so i can't tell you, but im sure is more balanced than other characters. Quote from WasuLove: “Ich appelliere an alle Waffensura, hört mit Metin2 auf. Diese Rasse ist in Pvp unspielbar. Und ist absolut nicht mehr auf das ganze Game ab 105 angepasst. Waffensura = Müll an Bossen W…

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    still waiting to read this: Guys sorry this is all a joke, lets start listening players and make a real balance.

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @Rapier not all servers allow you toplay with other people, i.e., on .es there are lots of players in some servers and almost empty others, but the schedule of people playing is really spread, as most players are from south america and others are from spain, so the time gap is huge an so nt easy to find people to play together.

  • so 9 days from this Quote from unforgiven: “The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority. ” and still on same situation ... dont see a point of balance ...

  • Quote from warrior: “Metin2 in the last 2 years it has improved significantly the performance of the ninja archers improving their range and that they do not lose damage as the distance increases in their skills. <Good for they> Has improved with the magic breaks to the toxic cloud of leaf ninjas easily exceed 12k 15k dmg against full magic resistance player.<Good for they> Has improved all shamans, suras black magic obviously all skills.<Good for they> Sura mirror has dissipate a skill that is …

  • yes but if you have 30% reflect not 30% of the dmg will be reflected ,,,,

  • anyway as reflect does not work as the % says ....