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  • Alchemy cor draconis

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from danielc25: “I agree that the daily limit of 3 a day is not enough, but 30 is way too much. I feel that 6 cors a day would be a fair number. ” Nope, in my opinion, I think that 6 would NOT be enough. Before this change, you could get up to 15 cors (you can have up to 5 characters per single account: so, by trading dragon shards, you could get that maximum number of cors). Therefore, if they REALLY want to remove tradeable shards, they should keep in mind a value around 10-15, otherwise…

  • A priori feedback

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Ok, I tried my best to collect some more detailed informations, but the general impression is just the same I've been having since the beginning of this beta: the damages are way too high and elemental resistances do no longer properly work. I've considered two examples: En-Tai Soldier and En-Tai Druid. My character is a lv.100 Ninja, equipped with 55% wind resistance. The defense value is about 750, equipping mostly legendary matt DSS. (A) With 55% wind resistance, the En-Tai soldier deals a ra…

  • Greetings, I know this is not the main concern of this beta, but we've been facing this problem from a very long time. As soon as Zodiac Temple was implemented, we hadn't a chance to properly test it (even if we were supposed to provide GF with a feedback concerning it). Now a year is passed and we managed to test it properly: I'm kinda surprised you are not looking for any feedback about it. How were we supposed to offer you a feedback just few days after its implementation?! = (1) I'll be quic…

  • Please fix polymorphy

    BlueShade - - Bugs


    Porky's actually working, you probably just have to send it away and re-summon it. Berserk seems to work as well (unlike some years ago, I guess they fixed it somehow). As for bone earrings, atk value in general seems not to work on transformation: this also applies to atk value given by armors and potions (ex. Blue Dew). This has been pointed out in 2017 beta as well, but they didn't fix it.

  • Store Bug

    BlueShade - - Bugs


    They're going to fix this issue in the following hours, everything should be fine for tomorrow. (Hidden Content)

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    BlueShade - - General Feedback


    I definitely agree with you!!! Please, add them! It should be a really easy change! @Salsie @Olthir @badidol @Comkra @Rocket

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Again, I don't agree with you, Didi. Making things harder just makes them impossible for non BodyWarrior and WeaponSura users. On our server, there are several players doing Berans and Jotuns on solo as well and they are the same players who use shamans/ninja dolls. Regardless of elemental defences, they'll still play on their own, if they want to... The only way to fix this is preventing multiaccount in dungeons. - As for yang sellers, they should definitely remove yang drop from Devil Catacomb…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    You're right, I agree with you on that point. But the game allows players to create a "doll" buffer and do everything on their own. They actually are creating Ninja-dolls as well, in order to do Nemere on solo... And as a Ninja, I'm pretty pis*ed off... However, that's the way the game works. I'd like forbidding multi-account, if only there was the chance to create offline shops. At least, I can do things on my own when I'm alone and with my friends when they want to play with me. But if you sup…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Didi, Dragon Shamans are still useful. And I've got a proof for you: there are still several players who own a Body Warrior or Weapon Sura and who are ALSO married to a Dragon Shaman - which is owned by themselves (as a secondary character). The problem is not with elemental resistances, but with the fact that a solo player is able to log both of them and do everything alone... You don't create relationships by ruining the game to other players - again, I don't mean to be rude, but I definitely …

  • Quote from Rodox: “I personally farm Jotun on the daily bases with weapon sura and I use just 6% resistance for those en-tai mobs and I never had a problem at all but Yeah after 17.5 we got too used to it by not receiving any dmg and it’s a shame ” Greetings, there were two weapon sura users with me, yesterday - and they said the exact same things as you. They also farm Jotun everyday on our live server and don't care that much for Wind Resistance either, since they mostly rely on Enchanted Blad…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hello, we proposed a set of variations concerning Devil Catacombs from a very long time, on our community - the most important being removing yang drop from the first floor and enhancing Azrael's Chest rewards. However they do not seem to be interested to this topic. It's kinda funny, Dark Resistance is pretty useless right now, besides Zi (which is too difficult to handle anyway) and Xu (which, on the other hand, is easier thanks to cannons), there are no major dark lords in the game. They shou…

  • We actually tried Jotun (feedback here): A priori feedback We didn't meet THAT MUCH difficulties while facing the Jotun itself. However, we noticed that En-Tai mobs in general became definitely stronger, even if we were wearing more than 40% wind resistance (I personally had about 60% on my character, considering alchemy as well). The same applied to fire Wyverns in group-Meley dungeon. So yeah, in my opinion damages are exaggerated and 18.4 should be modified.

  • You are right, but the Hydra's damages are really something, so it's a good way to get an idea of the new percentages.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    I agree with you all, guys. I'll say it again, official testers: either you raise the cap of daily cor draconis per single character (maybe also making shards stackable!) or leave things as they are. Otherwise alchemy will become an out of reach content.

  • Hey there, Joni! We met yesterday while testing Jotun and group Meley! Please listen to his suggestion: as I already reported here: A priori feedback ...Hydra's not available on this beta and we need to test it and verify how Ice Resistance is working. @Salsie @Olthir @badidol @Rocket

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “I dont understand you guys, the game was great before without this mobs resistance, remember, only hp absorption and arrow resistance for grotto? No one was complaining. And alchemy update, .... this is for those they got excellent stones with no bonuses .... what about them? This update its essential! ” I'm sorry Didi, but I don't agree with you - I'm talking of your opinion about elemental resistances. The game was not great at all...! I don't mean to be rude but your way of …

  • A priori feedback

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    First impression: I definitely believe that elementary resistances have been nerfed too much. We faced a group Meley (which is supposed to be way easier than the guild one). The party was made up of 5 players, consisting of all >lv.100 players, two of them being >lv.115 and with a really good PvM gear. The overall fire damages were definitely stronger than the regular ones observed in 18.3 version and we got the general impression that it was too difficult, even if we managed to complete it. = A…

  • Quote from Speranza: “0.1 Mithyc alchemy is now the new " leggendary" alchemy / and "leggendary" is now the new "ancient" alchemy. Thanks to this , from what i have hear, leggendary excellent or low alchemy doesnt give anymore DSS bonus, it's just for mithical alchemy. ” Just like Kelius said, you still retain your DSS bonus AS LONG AS all of your six stones are legendaries. As soon as you unload one of your stones and replace it with a mythical one, you'll obviously lose the DSS bonus.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    BlueShade - - Feedback: 18.4


    Unless you're going to raise the maximum number of collectable cor draconis per day (and try to find a way to prevent bots from exploiting this system - while it could prove useful for auto-hunting users), I believe that you should leave things as they were before. Please keep us informed about this major topic. @Salsie

  • Many people have been complaining about elemental resistances being too effective during this year. While that may be true somehow, I've got a feeling that the majority of people complaining has been using a weapon sura or a body warrior, who can make up for low resistance thanks to high HPs absorption. The other classes don't stand a chance and need to rely on a fairly good defence. Moreover, I fear that bosses and zodiac mobs may prove to be overpowered, this way.