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  • I totally agre, now some characters need more points to be able to deal maximum dmg and do not los hp nor defense and as for example str in shamans only powers up some skill and not the dmg (and the boost is not that much) same with ninjas, that would be a great point to make a little more balance.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    sorry @unforgiven but now we have less % critical in pvm , a bit more in group buff, and less in pvp than in live servers, and ofcourse our dmg has been reduced again, yes, we have a bit more chance to get a critical skill landing on enepie, but does the (500 or 800 ) extra dmg from criticals balance the diference between dragons and lithing ? pd: you still forget wolfs have 20% extra chance on 2 skills + stun. (u did the wrong nerf on wolfs, just taing the extra bonus of theyr skills was enough…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    what you want them to do to show they are OP ? can't think they do dat bc shure they don't wanna get as nerfed as dragon ones

  • well there are lots of complains about shamans and still waiting.... and complains exist since day1 of beta xD

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from baklawa: “@TcatalunyaT Have you tried resetting the stat points and giving vit again? Because ” i did not, bc i had no time to try it out, but anyway if my character was copied as it is in the live server this sould be equal, i know some hp points can be lost by raising vit, but its copied, it mus remain the same XD

  • @Priore that's balance XDDDD

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from metalgearzero: “Has anyone realized that the HP and attack value has been reduced? ” i already asked for that Quote from TcatalunyaT: “Another thing, have u changed the way of gettin hp? because on the beta i get 8720hp with 90int 90 vit 90 dex 16 str while on the real server i get 9159 with 0 items equiped. ” but...

  • New Pendants

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from miyako9: “Quote from unforgiven: “Because there will always be overachievers AND it means that maybe in future the upgrade system will change and become easier. ” So, now it's gonna be hard and after people spend time trying the hard way a change happens and it becomes easier, making the work made obsolete? This makes no sense at all. ” Well not always has been this way. The setau captains farming on grotto2 has been deleted and was much faster to reach 95 than now. Meley exp will be …

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    maybe that is bc theyknow that 50% of players disagree with changes and hate the management of metin (imformation source: the last part of interview released) so if this 50% leave the game, all the players will love them :3. Now seriously, why do this? maybe we need another point of fiew to this threat. @Comkra what do you think about all this complains about shamans and what are you planing o solve them?

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven we undrstand that balancing is not a simple task, but you must agree that the changes in shamans remove the little advantage that dragons had on pve and brake us in pvp due to the bells, the low critic on pvp and the new way skills are boosted. That is what happens we need 3 stats and reounce to a lot of hp and one of those stats jst increases the mav of some skills (str) neither the av dmg nor any other boost, and as no earrings with int and hp, and antimagic stones (makes us loose …

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven here you can see that its not working properly jst tested right now

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @Rapier say that when you achieve a 32k roar and then tell us what is the gap, please don't post trash and avoid posting things that have the same in common than elephants and snakes.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    wow, such a surprise, nerf buff and take us hp so we can get more dmg we tdont havbe hp earrings usefull for us (main stat is int an no int+ hp combination is available) and quests of 92 and 94 if hp chossen u dont get an extra push, furthermore taking awau hp and giving it to str just improves some skills, and make us loose hp and defense. Hope aura of sword will increase with int too. Now imagin for a second changing the stats of magical characters to he others, and the mav boosted the fisical…

  • Bug Shaman buffs

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    because our equipment won't become useless and will keep the same value so no one have to invest money in the game and so all players will be playing happily.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    I think the coldown is fine now, but the % of critic should be increaset a bit, just at 20 o 25% when castin on group members , because what is 15% when you can get that mucho from dew's ? Another point, is the non existing way to cast buffs into other characters that arent in party, i thing this should be able to do, as the nerfing in pvp this will not afect pvp but pv3 and nerfing the averages is enought, delete the choice to buff teammembers or non teammembers is a bad idea. and hope can be t…

  • Level 85-100 Earrings

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from Muckel: “I made some idea how dragon shaman could work again - dragon aid should give 5000 attack damage + 100% crit - antimagic stone should not only go through magicresistance also through skill resistance and shaman defence - reflect skill should changed to a better version of dark protection - dispel should not work on dragonshaman skill webzen pls ” You forgot:-Ebony Earrings should disappear -Dews should give Magical Attack Value instead Attack Value -Pets …

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @IMosHaaKeeSI its suposed to apear on the top right corner down to the circular chrono

  • FeedBack Zodiac Temple

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven simply bc its new stuff and to know the maximum values it can give, as noinformation has been released, that is the main purpose of uprading it to the maximum and see the chances of success when upgrade. Isn't it a beta, then why shouldn't be all tested?

  • @Ponze there is another thread where the values are shown and exposed with a wide range of options

  • Ninja's new stat and skill balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    the problem is that the "boost on archers" is useless bc they lost more tahn win changing stats, not that hard to undrstand ....