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  • What must be done which i have proposed many years ago in my community is that we must get stats after 90 lvl until the end. This means that we will get extra 90 status points (3 status points per lvl, for 30 lvls). That means that for the last status from 16 we would get it to 106 if possible, but all in all we would not have ANY problem with status points anymore. In addition with your idea, if the cap from 90 goes to 100, then that would mean that instead of 360 status points we would need 40…

  • Quote from demolish: “im sry for my angry word... but keep in mind when DHA,BPA armour came to game we have that drop from chest and as well as we can make it from from BSA....since it can even upgrade with BSA players skip to use dark dragon maps?? till now i dropped 1500+ poisons from groto not even a single poison is 40 that means we have to get like 5000 chest from that 2000 chest drop weapon in that if we have luck alone it drop good avg right and think how long it took to hunt …

  • Perfect Balance

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Since you referred to perfect balance i would like to point some things. (i am a dagger ninja so i am very neutral for what i am about to say) Let's start. Archer: Only downfall with the new update is that he needs INT to maximize some effects of his skills. I think the whole aspect of the INT brings negative results. Anything other than the INT is really good. Dagger: Insidious Poison should be influenced from halfhuman bonus as any other attacking skill in the game (not sure about Dispel with …

  • Quote from Comkra: “Quote from GaarasamaGreekServer: “Thank you for your quick reply but it does not fix any of my problems (that i have only in metin2). Also there is nothing writen about the 8350. ”…amesonAMDFXplatforms.aspx It's basically the same in our game. ” So you are saying that i should update my motherboard as it is indicated here ? And my problem will be fixed ? Quote: “ Users experiencing these types of issues when running STEAM enabled games on AMD FX…

  • Thank you for your quick reply but it does not fix any of my problems (that i have only in metin2). Also there is nothing writen about the 8350.

  • My problems do not occur with the Zodiac Temple but with the game itself. 1) Actually i have a problem (some years now) that whenever i move my player with the use of the mouse the screen <<freezes>> in that spot and does not reload, but load in the same frame (<<like>> a screenshot) everything that happens after that, only solution is to exit the game and then reopen. So i am forced to move my player with the use of the keyboard if i want to avoid this problem. I have/had this problem from Marc…

  • Where in Vocci's channel did you find this content because i searched and did not find anything. Most of these items will be used for some occasions. Interesting new stuff means more money for GF and Webzen.

  • Lykan vs Warrior vs Sura

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from GamePriv: “ Purple lasting 55 seconds will cause them to be so weak that they will not beat either the boss or meteors will be great problems. 1 wolf intelligence now adds about 6 attack values. And that is the problem if you leave the current value of purple 585 and reduce the intelligence value to purple it would solve the situation so heavily hit lycan. If you are going to leave a level of 385 purple, you will destroy this character so much that many people will stop playing the ga…

  • As you can see your dex points give you more attack value in your stats. It is known that dex gives attack value to warrior, just not as much as str gives. Also vit if i remember correctly, gives attack value to Spirit strike (if not to more attack skills).

  • You have not given the players some crusial info. What is the purpose of completing the Zodiac Temple ? I mean are there new drops or something else that is important ? Why should we bother to go to this stage ? I mean all the above with a good way. Thanks in advance.

  • Suras and warriors

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “What can we get from the skill? More received damage? For a few attack speed and some moving? +33% damage? You think its a fair price? Lets release the caps and keep the negative side effect or delete it! Or give us another usefull effect to the skill... ” Giving another effect to the skill would be wrong imho. But deleting the side effect would be better than negating the cap. Negating the cap would affect all players, but negating the side effect would help the body warriors…

  • Critical hit changes??

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Of course there is no comparison between the -47 def and the 30% more damage, but i wanted to add it to your point ^^. I have already said that the dmg of the crimson wolf should be reduced by about 100 attack value and the pierce chance should disappear or at least halved. That way the lycan will become like a normal player. The crit chances of his other skills don't even bother me.

  • Critical hit changes??

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Hello All! Th3Origonal You think realy just the feather walk and the attack up is useless? - After grotto the weapon suras fear not? - The berserk with 2 ability wich can be reached without the skill and one bonus negative effect is not? If the feather walk wrong because the moving speed cap ,the berserk is better? The attack speed has a cap too... - The other classes who got attack pover from they skills can switch on/off or immediately can turn it on after death so the aura …

  • Average damage !

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Everything seems fine. Try your test with emerald earring +8 with emeralds which gives +8 avg with your 43% and then try your 51% avg poison without emerald earrings but with ebony so that you will not lose the 12-13 str. You will see the same results. Also without AoS i saw that for the 43% avg you had 7,2k crit and pierce but with the 51% you had 7,4. So everything is fine.

  • Reflect improvement

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    What if Reflection was improved to the point that it can deal damage also to opponents near you. What i mean is that you are in a spot and you have 10 mobs around you. When a mobs hits you, the reflection deals damage to all the mobs around and not only on the mob that hits you. That way the reflection will deal damage to every mob (or even opponent players) and then reflection will become one impressive skill. But of course it will not be on the same percent for the attacker and the other mobs.…

  • Piercing Hits

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    So all in all, we (the non-lycan players) can have 96% piercing but the lycan can have 18% pierce from weapon with stone 10% pierce from bracelet 28% from heaven necklace 20% from dew 20% from Piercing Strike And all the above (except for the stone maybe) are pretty <<normal>> stuff to have (without losing important bonuses) for higher level characters to have on pvp (or at least 80-90%). But on the other hand lycans can reach an <<easy>> 150%. So Webzen has decided (long ago) that it is right/f…

  • Fear skill

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Quote from 3vilmind: “Quote from Spark: “Fear gives percentage physical protection and arrow avoidance in percents also. ” So the miss chance at physical hits that the skill had for 10 years was a ...bug ? It's clear you're trying to balance PvP by modifying piercing hits formula, and Fear is getting in the way of that?Another case of "slow" bug at metin stones :wink: :wink: Good job! You are amazing either way: for modifying a skill just to meet your agenda or for discovering a clear to see "bu…

  • Quote from WasuLove: “This is selfish, weaponary sura also do not benefit from enchanted armor or fear in pvp. These skills are realtively useless. ” Enchanted Armor - pvp useless ? Yeah right ! Watch and learn. If you do not know how to take advantage of what you have (if you are a weaponry sura) then it is not our fault. Fear on the other hand, is not that helpful in pvp, BUT it gives arrow evade, so yeah it does help in some cases.

  • Fear skill

    GaarasamaGreekServer - - Archive


    Fear does not give block bonus, it gives arrow evade.

  • Actually it's not 100% because i have calculated that the max hp you can get is about 70k+ (more with war but if there is a war i am not sure if you can do the razador run)