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  • Dont ruin lykan

    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote: “. If taking down the Blue Dragon is difficult for a Weapon Sura or a Body Warrior, it should be difficult for a Lycan as well ” It is also for Lycans pretty hard to kill the Dragon. You really need good Items and alchemy. The DMG difference between body warrior and Lycans is not that high as all thought. If you nerf Lycans so hard that they do less DMG as a weapon sura, then I can understand the anger. If they nerf him to the DMG from a body warrior then it is fine. But don't forget body…

  • Suras and warriors

    Yemon - - Archive


    I know this sounds a little bit salty, but if crimson soul would give less Attackvalue then encharged blade I would get tilted. Then the also should decrease the DMG from the body warrior and weapon sura as well.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote: “and by the way with the 60% piecring hits well it DOES NOT WORK i had crimson ” Pressing C -> Details bild1.jpg bild2.jpg It depends on how much Int you are turning on crimson wolf souls. With 90 Int it is something around 32% With 169 Int it is 60% I thing it is to much. The DMG gained by Int is also just a little bit to much. Each point gives 6.25 Attackvalue. Decreasing it to 5.0 should be fine and fair. Also the crit chance on the skills are maybe to much. I would remove them. But yo…

  • As we all know, the Rune Swordrune_sword.png can't be developed/upgraded d into a new weapon. Their intention is, to make class-specific weapons right? So why not make it possible to upgrade the Run Sword into 3 different class specific Swords: -Rune Sword -> Warrior specific 1 Hand Sword -Rune Sword -> Sura specific 1 Hand Sword (more likely for weapon suras) -Rune Sword -> Ninja specific 1 Hand Sword What do you guys think about this idea? I hope that the GF implement some 1-Hand Swords for al…

  • Quote from Tiborius: “Ich bin nämlich davon ausgegangen, das dieses Update nur PVP basiert ist. ” Das du davon ausgegangen bist ist hier eher das Problem. Balancing = Gleichgewicht. Das betrifft nicht nur PvP, sondern kann genauso den PvM Bereich mit einbeziehen. Außerdem wurde das sogar im Deutschen Forum schon angesprochen, dass alle Bereiche angepasst werden. Allerdings mit Hauptaugenmerk auf das PvP. Wo genau der Post war, kann ich dir leider auch nicht mehr sagen, ist eventuell schon 1 Jahr…

  • Buffs changes

    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote from Erandur: “i fear about the function to buff someone who isn't in your group, it sounds like it will work as the same as indigo wolf soul... ” That is also a thing that I don't like that much. For example: If you play/have a shaman lvl 100+ but want to play a new character, then you can actually buff your new char and benefit from your skills. But if it works only in groups you can't buff someone under lv 70.

  • Critical hit changes??

    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote from Observer: “Other bio quests? really? So that we must buy an other ton of elixir? what a crap idea ” It could also be a "long" quest, like "kill 15 times Jotun + 25 x nemere + drop something special from monsters". Feel free to suggest a better idea

  • Critical hit changes??

    Yemon - - Archive


    We want less DMG in the game , we “kind of” got less DMG (at the wrong place.) You still can have over 90% sworddefence if you want to go full single defence. And you still do tons of DMG on someone who doesn't have a total of ~80-90% DMG-Reduction (throw sworddefence + skill-defence + race-defence). That is because there are too many DMG-Push Items like Dragon god Power, Dues, Pets, Alchemy or just to many strong Against Halfhuman bonuses. So the main-problems are still there. Including -Anti m…

  • Feedback for general feedback

    Yemon - - Archive


    Good point you mentioned here. I also don't see that much feedback in general in this forum. Maybe it is like you said, that the people don't know what they should test. Or maybe they don't have the time or don't want to spend so much time on testing. I also would like to see more feedback to diskuss about but where or "about what" do the GF need the feedback. A list would be pretty nice so we can focus on those things.

  • Neue DMG Berechnung für Defs

    Yemon - - Archive


    Er meinte das alle Widerstände dann angehoben werden. Sprich 15% werden 20% 10% werden 15% 6% werden x% Und so weiter Bin dennoch skeptisch was das alles anbelangt. Kann gerade aber keinen ausführlich Artikel schreiben.

  • Average damage !

    Yemon - - Archive


    Maybe your test wasn't good. Take off all clothes, turn off alchemy and then putt on only the sword. Do some hits on in a Metin or character. Then change the sword and try it again.

  • 81% vs 170%

    Yemon - - Archive


    Hey guys, I made a short video for you where you can see the DMG differece between 81% piercing and 170%. DMG with 81% where ~32K DMG with 170% where ~ 37K Thats a total of ~15% more DMG. In my opinion it is to much and still to strong. And the only class who benefit from this is the lycan... That's not really fair in my opinion. Test 2: - 91% = ~33,5K - 102% = ~33,9K - 130% = ~36,2K - 150% = ~38,4K - 170% = ~40K

  • Piercing Hits

    Yemon - - Archive


    If you want to make piercing hit dmg increas after reaching 100% then please remove the 32-60% piercing hit chance from the lycan. It is not fair at all and makes no sence in my opinion. It is called CHANCE to pierce, so why should it increas the DMG. Then you need to change the name/description and nerf the lycan crimson wolf skill. Do you even understand how much 32-60% are? You can get 1-10% on weapons, 1-10% on Bracelets, 1-8% from a Stone and usualy 1-10% on Necklaces. Well thats a total of…

  • Piercing Hits

    Yemon - - Archive


    I agree with you guys. I am saying this as a lycan main player: Please take away the chance to pierce from the lycan! 60% on full int is just way to over powerd. Make it like 10-15% or just take it away.

  • Can I speak for some more people I know well? I just do, ok? Then we have: - lycan (there is only 1 class and 1 gender... ) x) - dragon schaman, female - weapon sura, male - arrow ninja, female - dagger ninja, male All those had the problem. Characters wich don't had any problem: - body warrior, male. Quote from Juancruz: “it also happends with every boss even bone's face ” I am not sure about bones face. In my memory it is not buggy. And no it is NOT with every boss. The blue dragon for example…

  • Card System Feedback

    Yemon - - Archive


    I also would love to see some changes on this system. Currently only ~1% of the community on my server is trying to do the card system. The problem why it is so useless is, because you always need to go through map1/2 .... But there is no point for a level 100+ to go to map2 and search over hours for a monster. I would love that you can JUST DROP the cards from the bosses. But you will need much more cards to earn some features. OR the chance to drop a card bust be super low. I also would love a…

  • Hey guys, I made some test with the Bonus "%Damage will be absorbed by HP" and find out that it is not working correct. Usualy you have a ~10% chance to absorb XY% Damage you made on a something. But it doesn't count avd(Acerage Damage). So it doesn't matter if you have -20% avd or +50%avd you will gain the same HP like if you have 0 avd. In this video you can clearly see that you gain with a -20% avd weapon the same amount of HP as with a +50% It is not super eas…

  • On every class except the body warrior it happens quite a lot of times. I played body warrior for like 1 year on "high" level and never got a hit over 40k. Then I switched to lycan and on my first run i got a hit over 50k. And it happens mostly 1-endless times with my lycan. My lycan also have more resistance against skills then my old body warrior. There is a different bvetween warriors and all other classes, trust us. Just try it out, you have the "power" to test it. I can't because only my Ly…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “If you are not prepared for this - as in defence, skill resistance - you will die. ” Best joke I have ever seen. Prepare for a 70K Hit on 24%+ skill resistance, how funny. You can't prepare yourself for those 1-Hit BUGS. They are completley random and it dosen't matter if you get a 70K Hit or a 50K Hit the result will be the same. (You will die 100%)


    Yemon - - Archive


    unbenannt.png Yes, there are still some skins with old Bonuses. I have one with "20% chance of double Yang drop" and "6% dagger resitance"