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  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “The argument is lykans have a lot of secondaries effects, including a huge ammount of piercing hits, critical hits, bleeding, blackout, chance to hit more than one time with abilities, massive attack value with Crimson Wolf Aura, and they don't have stupid skills like Stealth, Feather Walk, Reflect and Attack Up. ” Yes, although this 'massive' attack value from crimson, it gives the damage that lycans NEED in order to be competitive with the others. If you think that the si…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Warrioruk: “the argument they have is that they have no equipment against claw, and that is why they will kill the lycan ” It has been several years now since the lycan release, if you don't have claw def now it means you're not willing to buy it OR you are playing on a dead server.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Well many people are doing it in this thread, saying Lycan are 'OP' but not giving any good argument how it is OP compared to any other character. They're just saying that Lycans are OP. Btw that was so off topic, you're all blaming this character while the fault is not with the lycans.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Th3Original: “You want sulutions for the hightest damages? I can give you.. Now if it is good for you? of course no... But there is the fact... You want less damage, so sacrifice your money for that... 1- Remove permanently the damege itens (Lollypop, power rings, dragon powers etc...) 2- Remove Potions like Zin Water, Blue Dew etc etc 3- Remove forom destiny wheel tiger itens, like earings etc etc... 4- Remove IS Pets if necessary Now i ask you? You want to sacrifice your money? You …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try ” Yes and the problem with metin2 is that they balance it every 3-5? years. If they fk up with your character, then you're gone for several years.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “You got the wrong mindset if you expect a good balancing but are not willing to go without some of the damage you were able to deal over the past few years. It’s no secret that there’s too much damage implemented in this game. So that’s why we are here, and that’s why a Lycan nerf is necessary. ” -Lycan's skills does not make more damage than mental warriors for example, so are mental warriors also going to be nerfed? (argument of 'there is too much damage'). -The difference on …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “I think Lycan changes were needed ” Why do you think so? and explain to me, I'm quite clueless in this subject.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “And if the Lycans deal a little bit less DMG than body warriors and weapon suras, then the lycans would be jelly about it. ¯\_ツ_/¯ ” Lycans buff themselves up with crimson, to deal mainly more dmg with his skills. While I believe that warriors and suras rather do it to increase their auto attacks. IF anyone actually believes that crimson wolf soul needs to be nerfed, then at least buff their skills' base damage so that this character will remain its strength to deal damage wit…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “until we can actually see how much he got nerfed. ” unjustified, and that's why I'm actually reacting on it and the only reason i can imagine is cause all these warrior and sura mains are being jelly cause lycan deals a lil more than them

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “But they're too strong as they are now, indeed ” And I say they are not. If piercing is a problem, then that is the thing that should be tackled not the attack value or cooldowns or whatever

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Who said Likan class will be ruined? Is it written that in the changelog? I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa. Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage. Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff. If it will be bad we will do something for sur…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from TianyLu: “I agree, the Hit Animation of the Lycan is pretty shit, but that's because he's supposed to deal the most Damage with Skills not with a Combination of Skills + Auto Attacks like the Body Warrior/Weaponary Sura. ” Dagger ninjas use autos as well, any other character is point click skills. Lycans are the only ones who cannot reliably land a skill through using autos. If a Lycan is supposed to do damage with his skills, then why should this be nerfed and equalised to values of …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “You do (or at least, you should) not choose a character because it is better than the others, but just because you like it. ” I actually like that lycans, body warriors and weapon suras have more damage on horse than other characters, that's why I play one of those (just some clarification) I do overall agree with you.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    jeroenado - - Archive


    I'm NOT saying that this is a 'top' argument but; Skills that are hard to hit are an argument. Because sometimes using a skill against a certain opponent can risk you to be put in a risky situation, so this leaves opportunities to kill or attack opponents sometimes. A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills…

  • Lykan Nerf

    jeroenado - - Archive


    How necessary is a nerf for lycans? Usually the people who complain about lycans damage are also the ones who have no def against it. Ok, Lycans do have good base damage (without too much bonusses), but what happens if you dispell a lycan? Will they still be able to do so much 'op damage'? What is not being kept in mind about this character is that the skills are sometimes easy to miss (especially when you fight with a lot of people, which makes a lot of lagg and I mean lagg in the connection). …