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  • Hey, thank you very much about your detailed feedback Quote from “what graphics changes are you talking about? they changed nothing, if u have a bad pc all you have to do is hide shops ” You are able to change a bit more. Try it yourself When you don't see the text in the buttons. You have to change the client to german temporarly

  • Graphic Options

    Salsie - - General Feedback

    Post…fa0d1dbaa82a3d76e568b04b9 Screen made a couple minutes ago. This is the ui I can see with an

  • Quick question

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Hey, when there is an update for the strings they will update the beta with this. But I can't promise when that's gonna happen. For the alchemy there should only be the ui label and the name of the dragon stone which are affected. Ok the pet system is more difficult. I will forward this.

  • Hey, thank you so far for your feedback Quote from FacSiDreg: “I thinsk is just a joke or prank by gameforge developers.Yea GF u got us , good joke , now remove the mistic alchimy because are players who spend 3-4 hours to make a excelent mistic alchimy on beta ,and they dont know this is a joke. GF trolled us :)))))) and we fall in such a trap. ” Na this is neither a joke or a prank by gameforge developers. As mentioned by badidol a few times. The version is developed by WebZen. Gameforge gave …

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Zahara: “Hi meine Erfahrung darin ist sehr schlecht, wenn sie ein Update bekommen, wird von fast allen nicht ein einziges Update gemacht, das zufriedene Spieler sind, sonst ist das Spiel für User nicht für Programmierer, wenn sie was machen wollen Sie wollen das Spiel schließen und das war's. Mit der Alchemie Mitica Mann, wenn Sie eine neue Alchemie setzen und Sie werden die nicht austauschbaren Fragmente, die Sie die Benutzer zwingen, Geld dafür zu verbringen?, sah ich andere Benutze…

  • Server Beta

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from ldoctorwho: “M-am conectat la serverul beta dar imi apare sa-mi fac cont nu mi l-au cipiat pe acel care-l aveam in timp ce pe site este copiat. ” Hey, can you translate this to english please?

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from betatester: “Hello, i'm playing metin2 since 2008 and to be honest when the first alchemy came i didn't know where does it going. But after that i made 2 circles of excellents, i started to think that it can be always better i was sure that it will be an update to boost our stones. Now the new stones are insane ! I really like them the dmg are insane even the average dmg from the ruby mythic stones or the diamond stone !!! I don't know why are u not for this update even if i have 2 ci…


    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, no this is not supposed to be likes this Thank you for the report.

  • I can't log in

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, pls add your country code to you account id. For example: SalsieAccID_de SalsieAccID_en SalsieAccID_it SalsieAccID_..

  • inlog

    Salsie - - Allgemeines Feedback


    Quote from mottie: “Wir können auch in der beta, Während douwnloud bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung wenn ich es öffnen zal, ich krijgwel der client geöffnet, aber nicht das login-Fenster, erhalte ich eine Fehlermeldung, und schließen Sie dann alle, nl server ” Hey, hast du einen Screen von der Fehlermeldung, sodass man sich ein Bild davon machen kann?

  • Hey, danke für die Meldung. Allerdings funktioniert es hier richtig, wenn du ein bisschen wartest, dann siehst du, dass die Zeit auf 11 Stunden 59 Minuten gesetzt wird und somit ist es dir vermutlich nicht aufgefallen

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Ok stop that. You two have different opinions, but this doesn't matter in this board. You should give feedback and don't fight each other! Last warning! I've watched this long enough.

  • Quote from MadaZEU: “Bună joc pe serverul românesc și mă opun în totalitate negocierii cioburilor! Cand imi prelungesc alchimia daca fac doar 3 coruri pe zi? Când adaug mai mult la alchimie, nu pot fi un contra mare! Un contor mare și în apărare care aparțin fulgerului / vântului / incendiului etc. Nu se poate asa ceva !!! Nu este frumos pentru nimeni! Nici 10% dintre jucători sunt pro în aceste schimbări !!! ” Hey, can you translate your feedback to english please?

  • Storage Problem

    Salsie - - Bugs


    I moved your thread to the right section. Can you give us some more information? Can you find sth. in the syserr?

  • Log

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Hey, add your country shortcut behind the account id. As example: SalsieId_de <--- SalsieId_en <--- SalsieId_it <---- just choose yours

  • Feedback 18.4

    Salsie - - Feedback EN


    Quote from JudoItalia: “Ho giocato a questo gioco fin dal primo giorno sui server italiani, in tutti questi anni di gioco ho sempre temuto ogni singolo aggiornamento come molti altri (chiedo perché?) Gli aggiornamenti che idealizzi hanno sempre spinto i giocatori a spendere di più PER MIGLIORARE O AGGIORNARE LE LORO ABILITÀ ALL'INTERNO DEL GIOCO, raramente si trattava di migliorare l'esperienza di gioco (basti pensare alla grafica, ecc.). Solo per citare un esempio l'introduzione di Lycan, i nuo…

  • Store Bug

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from LionKing: “THE LEGENDARY COR DRACONIS HAVE BUG THE ANTIC COR DRACONIS CAN BE BOUGHT FIX PLEASE THE LEGENDARY COR DRACONIS ADD PET CHESTS ETC ” Hey, Rocket already wrote that you have to use the antique stones untill the legendary are fixed. The pet Chests are in the shop Take a look at the event helper.

  • Hey, danke für deine Meldung


    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from GamePriv: “New alchemi is a VERY BIG BUGS !!!! Please delete this new mistic alchemi. ” Sorry when I missunderstand this, but this sounds like a troll. When I am wrong please give further information

  • Razador

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Liniiq: “Kyanit uppzeug ahhhhja & was ist mit titania ? Dort macht es keinen sinn kyanit eq Zu uppen da man ab 107 in keinen Run Mehr eintreten kann hmmmm ” Das Kyanit EQ ist tatäschlich auch eher in Richtung PvP interessant und viele machen sich farmer, aber ja für Titania oder die anderen Eventserver der anderen Länder mag dies schwieriger sein.