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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    If magical weapons do not come to empowerment, they can not reach the goal of balancing them. The magical weapons are not effective at battle power and the skill is very weak in crowded battles.Managers must test it and find a solution.

  • We can not perceive a future balance for PvP as a result of this. A friend only observes for PvE as we lycan players still do not like nerf.55 seconds very short and full INT +640 crimson damage very little Magical Weapon (+780) Body (+800) and do not wait for us to believe that the times are longer than we can still assume is fair For lycan +800 Crimson Wolf Soul(with Full INT) Enough Time must +100 second.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    If you do not respect the feedbacks you will not respect, I will almost remove all the features of the character that I play. Half the power is being reduced. Do not expect me to respect that.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    They do not expect us to accept such an injustice. For God's sake, I do not have anybody who is trying to make this righteousness for the character that I have been trying for years to be the best that I make money for labor. Lycan is a character with more disadvantage. Well, we did not notice it in the first place. We did not give up on the line and we were comforted by advantageous aspects. Now, friend, we earned as much money as we can from the wings. You can not take half of my footwear as i…

  • Lycan the weakest

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    The characters are not balanced. Certainly not. The magical weapon and the body must be developed. As if the enemy shoots very little, the attack is also added. fit, I criticize the dropping of lycan. I do not enter the field, not hit, especially the paw !! those who say that the wolf shoots a lot without defending them, they learn a little game.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    How to kill a character are all watching together. There are a couple of ones that do not know the game. Are these GMs not playing games? Do not any of them have high lwl bruises? They do not know, or in three years they are new, they get up and they get to the character. Gin bi czarınız 50-60 claws, see what they shot and what they can not.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “I’m sorry if i missed a Post of yours that was not my Intention. But in no way does this give you the right to speak with me the way you did. That’s what you think, if I wouldn’t give “a shit” I wouldn’t bother spending my time on arguing here and instead play a chilled round of Civilization 6 after about 8-9 Hours of Feedback Work & helping Players on the Beta Server. I’m convinced this really shows my disinterest. ” Stop seeing Lycan strong. Why do not you see Lycan's slowness…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Hello there.. Regarding the Lycan Change. I can understand where your anger is coming from. I would be disappointed too if they’d change up the Weaponary Sura. At least for the first few hours. After that I would think about what Devs tried to achieve with that change. As I stated before, at the moment the Lycan is one of the/the strongest Class in the Game regardless what we’re talking about (PvP or PvE). For the overall Fairness it’s just good to lower the AV gained by Crimson…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    I think the red wolf soul has been dropped by 360, which is not enough. When you throw your hand, get the unnecessary nails. What we need is dear We will be wasted who wasted hope. Excuse me, but do not know how to play a few games, I do not accept the rarity made with this advice. I do not know, but I think that there is no more than the characters who are posting in the form of crying here in the form of crying. Do you know what this is? You pick up a car, you pick up your packages, you pay in…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from VoidKrator: “And what is proven there? U compere the best skill warrior ( the only one that he can deal dmg ) with the wolf breath that is not even the strongest , shred is way better but that skill is a 3 way dmg and in the 1st dmg round the lv 1 character would be dead so that cant be used as a record skill , cuz ofc that wouldve been much better, oh and what is the difference between lv 95 and lv 120 maybe just the weapon , cuz they both have costume , alot of boost ( look at the b…

  • Lycan the weakest

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “With feedbacks like yours be sure that there will be no improvement for lykans nice to lose narrow-minded players like you ” Maybe they did not react properly. But people complain about seeing their labor is garbage.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Lycan is ruined.Like we do not want to balance.Do not ruin our characters.Your labor and my money was garbage.Our state is the weakest character of the game.It is lycan cumbersome.It is meaningless to reduce the power of the rabbit.Please bring it back. Good games.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    It is slow and strong (lycan) is fast and a little weaker (ninja) but if it is slow and powerless, nobody plays that character, it is not balancing, it is injustice. Warrior weapon +450 ninja +400 attack But is lycan 350+ justice? Let's think about it like this. Have you used a phone that has a good camera for 3 years. Is it justice that you take your camera from your hand after 3 years? However, you took it because it is good for the camera. Think about it in this way for a while. Good night.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “It's a balancing process. This means something need to be changed; and don't you really think Lycan class need any changes? It's standed for 3 years, sure, but also archery ninjas and shamans standed like this for 10 years. There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try; well guys the changes will come and good feedback are not made by crying people but from players who tested. Not always a nerf …

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    If nerf will be why this happens after 3 years, will you explain it after everyone has spent the money? I do not know if you played Lycan, but it is very slow and cumbersome. I can not tell you that you are very damaged from the bosses. I did not want to tell you that Lycan is the preferred puncher and other features. You can test this in-game. If the nerve is neccessary, this slow lycan is already the end result.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Who said Likan class will be ruined? Is it written that in the changelog? I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa. Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage. Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff. If it will be bad we will do something for sur…

  • BlueShade.It is very easy to reach the green potion.I do not think that 25% is a significant advantage.Your PvP balancing is not already PvM. Read the value of the Lycan's attack power in weapons.Let's look at the knife 450+ fighter 450+ but Lycan 350 is not just about the ability to write on the top. It is unfair to take the power of lycan, which is I do not think that reducing the Lycans' power is another cause of victimization. He told us that there would be no victim of this update but it is…

  • PvP Optimisation

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Lycan:This situation is normal.When they are weak it becomes illogical.Lycan does not stay as it is.If the game becomes weak, the game will lose a lot of players and it will be a big injustice to the players. Body and magicial weapon:The weak physical warrior must be strengthened. And the magical weapon. The magical weapon is very weak as an attack, it needs to be corrected. The spell resolving skill must reach the level limit max 7 lvl. It is most plausible that the game strengthens weak charac…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from b87ovr_ro: “and by the way with the 60% piecring hits well it DOES NOT WORK i had crimson 20% from moonlight plus sim plus necklace with 28 and i was dealing piercing hits on 3 out of 5 hits so if you are talking about any 60% piercing on crison wolf... i dont know what the hell are you talking about. about beran setaou i am dealing 10k dmg buffed with 90 lv lykan 40% average on 70 weapon+9 8% on 22 abs scarf 64 attack value 12 bersek razador pet porky mounted on the black pig with gr…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    IElfenLied - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “Lykan is not that OP? Srsly? I play Mental Warrior,but i had an lvl60 lykan whit 3P and i well know what he can.I also tested on official servar Whit my mental worrior in 60 sword rezistence,whit no shild i give 4,5-5k in lykan.And a lykan on my 60 claws no shild gives in total 5-6k whit shred.So skill damage is similar to mental warrior damage,event better ! and hit atacks are more powerfull than boddy warrior,more powerfull !.And after all of this lykan has little coold…