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    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from bestie94tko: “Quote from metalgearzero: “Quote from bestie94tko: “nerf sura bm , that is too much man ...…MTSWLZV7kA&index=1&t=252s here is elite players but is unacceptable to have so low dmg against him ” if we could see the ninja's ítems, it would be fair to draw conclusions.but I do not think it fair to say that the sura should be nerf ” that ninja is the best on romania comunity is not the best on one serverand i gnn put a video with this bm when be…

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Theplayer: “@unforgiven 18% piercing hits and 20% critical hits (now nerfed in pvp) are great self buff of lycan class? come on please, so what about other classes? the truth is u are destroying a class and losing players, don't know what's going on with your minds. ” It's funny u mentioning 20% critical when dragon shaman lost +52%, our main strength in pvp.


    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from yigit: “Quote from Law G: “Actually Dark Magic over power in Beta I try with my friend if his skills in original server 7 k On Beta will be 15 k !! with Same items , I don’t know why they return his AMS to 50% and in the same time they reduced MR to be 100 maximum. ” First of all, i hate repeating myself but it is way tooo wrong to wait MR bonuses to be enough against magical skills! I am sorry but if you have less than 60-75 MR bonuses and dont have enough skill resistance no one has…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “The weapon specialisation is currently at around 10% divided by Fans for Healing Shamans and Bells for Dragon Shamans. At the moment we will only change anything in it if there are serious problems. P.S. WE are still looking at the high damage dealt by the Healing Shaman in PvP. ” Cool thanks for answering and hope u will get to an fair balance, i won't count what we lost in pvp and what healing dragon got because that was mentioned in this thread over and over again


    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Amasyali: “We want nerf for magic suras. ” Yep they are OP atm, but we won't get anything, for example i want for my dragon shaman same damage as healing shaman but ... @unforgiven won't answer our questions anymore.


    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Iushin: “I am confused now. I was quite sure that dmg will remain more or less the same. For bm on one side there is increase(when stones are equal to shamy calculation) then on the other side there is decrease on anti magic stones as overall. So in total I assumed it would be same. I took out pet skill influence out since i thought this is gonna stay the same. Theory is one thing but reality is far more colorfull. If someone tested it with two same chars on live and beta it would be …


    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from yigit: “@unforgiven i checked almost every topic related to BM but couldnt find any specific information about; MR & AMR - Having more than 100% MR will not negate damage. - The effectiveness of AMR was reduced. In future you will need more AMR to achieve the same results as before. - The reduction of AMR bonus from Suras has been removed. i am a bit confused about what you actually mean by saying that 'The reduction of AMR bonus from Suras has been removed.' and 'The effectiveness of…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from unforgiven: “The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority. ” Hello, any news about this or as u already answered there was a problem with the skills but was fixed but dmg is pretty much the same? Thanks. ” Sorry if insisting to much but i'm still waiting for an answer @unforgiven Thanks!

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from LHQentin: “I can not redo the test because when the new beta stage started and the items were copied again, I had the items moved to another account and now it seems that the recordings are closed so I can not copy them. And also i can not copied my healing shaman to do that test But in order to see the difference between characters, the test should be done without alchemy, and with exactly the same items. Because you may not have the same alchemy on both accounts. ” I have an 105 hea…

  • Anti magical rezisence

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Hehe will be funny to see dmg output from a sura bm, right now on live server with 8 rez from sapphire, 10 from pet and 75 MR+ shield he can hit me for 6-7k with Dark Orb, now with the new 50% AMR for BM on beta server he will hit me with 20% more so around 7200-8400. So if now i can't stand around him because of his high dmg and me doing 33% less dmg on beta it will be impossible to kill.

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Priore: “Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted ” There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work. ” @LHQentin Can u remake that dmg test? I don't have +9 bell and my dragon shaman is just lvl 100 so my test aren't that precise. Thanks.

  • Quote from layla73: “Quote from unforgiven: “The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority. ” HelloI have two accounts in the server, one is healing and the other is a dragon There is a significant difference in the value of their skill over 2000 skill value I even tested them by taking down the gear, pinching, shaving and his collar…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The damage difference between healer and dragon shaman has already been sent to WebZen. We are waiting for a reply. @LionKing, I sent this to our tester team but these things are usually are really low priority. ” Hello, any news about this or as u already answered there was a problem with the skills but was fixed but dmg is pretty much the same? Thanks.

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “I just think that we need more than 10% bonus dmg on bells ” This current bonus its not for us in pvp, looks like they get this weapon specialization bonus just for healing shaman. As i said before we need 30% or more to can use bells in pvp else is just an weak pvm bonus for us.

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from NMD: “Only comparing the two shamans in duels and not mentoning shamans dueling others just doesn't work. You can't only compare shamans and be like "Dragons must be worse because the get killed from two healing shaman skills". With my post i meant shamans dueling or fighting others in General and that's where Dragon shamans have burst and healing shamans dps, that's a fact. And of Course I don't like the whole shaman update, but with my experience of playing both shamans for 4 years …

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from NMD: “Quote from CantBuffU: “Ok so from now on to win a duel we just have to pray that critical kicks in, if not we will lose and the gap between dragon shaman and healing shaman get higher since burn and slow doesn't affect them, with that improved cure we won't do any dmg . ” Or you get better euipment and alchemy so 3 skills are enough to kill your Opponent... worked pretty well so far.Of Course there are the adjusted anti Magic Stones, but it will still work because you don't Need…

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Priore: “Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted ” There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work. ” I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it…

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Priore: “Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted ” There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work. ” I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it intended or?

  • Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing. ” Hey, anything changed in weapon specialization bonus? If not and in that video was 30% now it's 10% noting improved for dragon shaman, we can't use bells in pvp since it now worth it and with fans we have lower dmg, once since we get no weapon specialization bonus, and second because AMR got reworked and except for rare casese when your oponent have 100 MR, we hit less then on li…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from NieznanyAs: “At begining you reduce critical to 15% now you give us 10% more and you thin we are will be happy ? We have 25% less critic then before... This changes is for dragon shamans? People will take another Warrior/wp to party then a Buffs becose it will be better ( durring the dungeon maybe you dont have any buffs(chance of giving buff)). So peopel will stop playing dragon shamans.. Just make something better and delete this class will be more easy to webzen and GF... This is a…