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  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “That's a nice way of overcoming the cooldown, just like just DCing the character to reset its skills... Anyways, as I said before, we will reduce the cooldown with the next update although WebZen wants to reduce the Critical Hit chance given by Dragon Aid as exchange. ” @unforgiven so they will put it to 0? Why this skill remain in game... It actually give just 25-30% critics in P with full int dex whatever... Reducing it even more, ppl will not increase this skill anymor…

  • I think what @unforgiven said here is: Actually they will not change anything else in lycan, time is best now than before and thank you Unfs. I think Webzen already knows what we think about lycan damage, and at moment o don't think they will give us + damage. I hope this balance will be good at the end, because right now it is very very bad... With this update game will become a lot unballanced than before, especially in magic chars... With no hit damage bc critics, fisic chars will become weak…

  • Nerfs tbey do fast and in big amounts... Now good changes they do slow and with minimum values... 1 week or more to give us a minor changes in lycan... I think they work better in removing than giving.

  • Scarlet Soul, duration in ruin

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Time is now ok... But you still need remove the SP/second and the chance of skill goes off if SP reachs 0. Is now a time based skill and not SP based. And we need a big AV in Crimson, 450 AV/90 Int can be fine.

  • Critical Damage in PvP

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Critical hits in PvP don't exist! They have to change this, i don't understand how crits work now but I don't like it (I don't like 90% of this update, everything is going worse and, of course, the unbalance is higher than before) ” You just read my mind... They want ballance, but what they doing here is unbalance... Making magic chars stronger and fisic chars weak... -Criticals don't work -Lycan Useless -Buffs useless -Dragon Shamans useless In the first part of update the…

  • I didn't see many lycans saying this nerf is acceptable... But if you say, i try believe you... Is hard after a tester asked to lycans owners what the problem in this new crimson wolf duration time... If you guys really here to help, so is obvious what the problem... Damage nerf is a problem, but no so big than duration problem... Now we just need wait to see if our feedback really is important, and if they will change skill time and give a bit more damage to crimson.

  • What we can say more? They already know what we think, now we just need wait and see if will be changes or if this things will go live.

  • The problem is... 1 Int in stats(that's minimum value we can have) in sura and in lycan have very different values 1 Int Sura: Enchanted Blade give +- 240 AV 1 Int in Lycan: Crimson Wolf gives +- 25 AV

  • I tested my chars damage difference... My Sura Lv 104 reach a max 8,5 damage with some itens My Lycan 92 with the same itens reach 7,8 Here we have a bit difference in level and my lycan don't have missions 92 94 but i improvised and used a Dew with a 120 attack. I think +150 damage on Crimson can be a solution to this difference. I can't test bigger damages because lycan is only lv 92, but here i have 700 damage difference, highter damage highter difference.

  • Yes, it has the nerf damage already.

  • Str in Lycan don't work

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Hum... So close this topic. I was thinking Str just gives damage in the same amount for all classes in stats.

  • Aparently Str don't work at lycans... I don't know if it is a new bug, or if at oficial servers has this bug too.. I can't test it in oficial. Here: Str in Lycan don't work

  • Str in Lycan don't work

    Th3Original - - Archive


    I was testing lycan damages in PVM/PVP and i notice something strange... With full VIT INT DEX i was doing more damage than with full INT STR DEX... So i tested it... ANd the result is here: (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) Aparently STR not working in Lycans

  • Ya, pvm side... But how about pvp side? Try test it Yemon

  • With your items, we can see a 10% nerf in damage... But question is, with same equips, buffs, stats, missions etc etc, how much is the difference btween a sura/warrior and Lycan... I will try to test it, but is hard because my sura is 104 and have all missions and my lycan 92 and with not 92 94 mission.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Someone asked the body warriors famage with 166 STR. Well i dont have an STR set yet but easy to calculate. Every STR boost the aura with 1.25 damage. So if i calculate with my own body who has 608 attack on P aura at lvl 95 with 102 STR it looks like this; 12x1.25=15 -This is what we got from one EE+9 608-15=593 -This is what we got from 90 STR 76x1.25=95 -This is the whole attack what we can get from bonus STR 593+95=688 -This is the max what i can get at this lvl now. Ofc t…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “When you compare the max. Possible Damage for Lycan, Warior and Weaponary Sura, Lycan almost had 2,5x the Amount of a Body Warrior (before Piercing got adjusted). Afterwards they were still able to deal a whole lot more Damage than the other Classes and now they’re almost equal to the others. ” They are almost equal to the others right? So here is your almost... Lycan with 166 Int Weapon Sura with 166 Int I don't have warrior to put here, but someone post here warrior with 166 S…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from nova1997: “Now I checked the crimson in beta server and.... with 140int = 548 attack value, 148 casting speed and I have almost the same damage on lvl85 metin stone, like the live server (864 attack value) But... in the beta server my crimson soul is recharging about 45sec (I think it's okay because the casting speed) but the Duration is not 55 sec for me. I have continue 175sec duration... It's a bug or it's depends on something? Because It's description say duration 55sec. In this s…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Reduce Warrior damage... Is for the "Game and for a healthy balancing overall." Reduce Suras's Damage... Is for the "Game and for a healthy balancing overall." All i see is: Reductions where it don't need, and more and more magic damage... Where you need nerf, you do nothing. People trying convince you... Is the same trying convice all the players who hate likans.. They will ever say this is a good thing... Not it's not... This is good for you... You play in Sura... For who play in lycans this i…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Just for the Record.. Full Push Lycan Damage on 120 Metin with Excellent Alchemy “pre Nerf” 41k.. Full push Lycan Damage on 120 Metin with Excellent Alchemy “after Nerf” 37,5k.. talking about Lycan being “ruined” .. ” Meh, right now the lycan has bug... It continues giving old amount of damage, old pierce, old cooldown time bla bla bla... 37,5k is with the nerf? Or you tested damge with skill bug?