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  • General Feedback from me

    Olthir - - Archive


    Currently there are some issue with some skills; we have to figure it out why they are not working here in the public beta server. I think after the fix you should check again, maybe other skills are affected too.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    Seriously, are you complaining about the skill duration? You will activate it more times instead of 2-3; so what's the issue here? Why should Crimson be like Enchanted Sword? If you try to do a compare with this skill, why ninjas or shaman classes haven't a skill with the same damage attack? You are trying to buff a skill similar to another one just because it has a better damage value; this is not a real feedback at all

  • no char

    Olthir - - Archive


    During the weekend there aren't maints. You have to wait until Monday morning

  • Trouble downloading the beta client

    Olthir - - Archive


    Se hai ancora problemi vediamo di risolverli appena torno. Tornerò stasera! Hai provato ad utilizzare una connessione internet differente? Prova con il cavo ethernet e non il wifi.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    It's a balancing process. This means something need to be changed; and don't you really think Lycan class need any changes? It's standed for 3 years, sure, but also archery ninjas and shamans standed like this for 10 years. There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try; well guys the changes will come and good feedback are not made by crying people but from players who tested. Not always a nerf is a bad thing.

  • When Beta Online ?

    Olthir - - Archive


    Dunno exactly. It will be online when all will be ready; it's just to wait some days or less

  • Critical hit changes??

    Olthir - - Archive


    Dudes, I know it's a stream of consciousness but please focus on the topic; if you want to suggest something else, please make a new thread about it. Here we should talk about only the changes about critics system. Your voices has been heard, so now when the server will be online again, let's test together the critical system in the PvP and give out some good feedbacks

  • It shouldn't work with all of the shortcuts. I'll investigate a bit, thanks for the hint

  • Stealth buff

    Olthir - - Archive


    Do you mean the knockback effect? Fall into the ground the opposite?


    Olthir - - Archive


    Thanks for your amazing feedback, we will for sure count on it about the decisions

  • It's not a bug, it's indeed as work in that way. Flame spirit will be turned off if you ride a mount and skill will start to cast again.

  • changes

    Olthir - - Archive


    Thanks for your opinion. We will see when you could test them

  • Hello

    Olthir - - Archive


    I think yes, but not sure until we don't have any official news. Let's see what will happen, i'll forward your suggestion. Thanks!

  • Problem with istant potions

    Olthir - - Archive


    This balancing will affect only classes and not the items used during a fight. Maybe there will be a chance to change them, but currently we are not focus on those. (Hidden Content)

  • Hello

    Olthir - - Archive


    Your character will be moved in the beta server at the next maint. Currently you can move your char from the live server, but the next maint will be when the server will be online again.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    Quote from monkie2: “If you nerfean lycan in this way (exaggerated), you will realize how many players will stop playing ” This sentence is just dictated by fear and not from tests; i can tell you about the stun changed in Wolf's breath: it's not so reduced as you wait. I think Lycan changes were needed but please also think about critical hits change (and in my pov that is a real topic to focus on) will affect all classes; so when you will enter in the public beta, you should test base damage a…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    Quote from LordBlack: “Quote from Olthir: “Who said Likan class will be ruined? Is it written that in the changelog? I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa. Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage. Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff. If it will be bad we wi…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Olthir - - Archive


    Who said Likan class will be ruined? Is it written that in the changelog? I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa. Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage. Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff. If it will be bad we will do something for sure

  • Stealth buff

    Olthir - - Archive


    The Stealth bonus will be shown only if the skill hit something. Obviously it will not have the same duration of Stealth, just some seconds for escaping from a danger situation (in my pov).

  • Critical hit changes??

    Olthir - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Why dont calculate the crit in another way? Now the crit works like damage x2. The damage is too big? Ok. Then change it to damage x1.5 Problem solved and the equipments still be valuable. But reduce the chance??? The critical bonus after on equipments will be equal with the max sp 80 bonus... ” Not a complete answer of currently issues; you cannot just cut off a certain value to have a good result. Keep in mind also now we will have the weapon itselfs and weapon upgrade will …