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  • Quote from Aze: “It does happen as warrior i was killing razador the other day and got a hit that said 62k on my mento so yea.. ” Maybe it is only a body Warrior thing. Do you have a video or screenshot from that number? It can also happend that the bosses do x3 dmg so like 3 times 8-10k (normal dmg). But that is normal and you will also die. But we are talking about only 1 big number mostlikeley over 28k up to ~80k. Quote from RabbitRun: “It does happen on warriors when using Berserker. Remembe…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Getting higher damage from skills is not a bug and should also happen with Warriors. ” It dosen't happend with warriors. We discussed this bug over 2 years in the german forum. All classes exept the warrior are getting those 1-Hit DMG numbers. Sometimes it is over 70K on 24% "Damage resistance against skills" from razador/nemere. But never ever got a warrior on our server those numbers.

  • Minor improvements

    Yemon - - Archive


    Here a little tip how you can upgrade the DSS level fast: But yeah, it would be nice if you can just select the beans once and the stone once and then just press on Refine as long as you can.

  • Normal 6-9K Input, "1-Hit-DMG" 27K and more. Video is here just to show the bug. Quote from TianyLu: “It might sound strange, but if you're killing Razador on a Weaponary Sura for example, and you're standing to far away from him (but still damaging him) you're definitely gonna get Hit for a Lot more Damage. Atleast that's what i found out in all my Years doing that Boss. To sum it up, i'm saying you're most likely to get 1Hit when you're standing far away from th…

  • DB Schaden und PVP Schami vs Lyk

    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The Piercing hits problem will, most likely, be addressed this week in an update. We are working on it! ” Das Thema ist schon durch, haben wir schon am ersten Tag direkt angesprochen Allerdings im Englischen Forum: Piercing Hits


    Yemon - - Archive


    Well and? If the weapon he uses is the same weapon which is on the skin, then there will be no difference.

  • About Reflect Bonus

    Yemon - - Archive


    Reflect improvement There is already a thread about reflection


    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote from TianyLu: “The Thing is, who wears a Costume/Weapon Skin in a Duel anyway? ” Well you will never know if someone wears a skin or not. Because you can transmutate the skin with a normal weapon. So it will just look like a normal weapon/armor. You know the community right? Some of them will do this and it is broken, it should not be possible to reach over 90% resistance. With a cap like I said could it be ok.

  • Lv 1-14 Charakters can knock you down.

    Yemon - - Archive


    Ah ok, thanks for the explanation.


    Yemon - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “You're exact with your calculation of defence agains arrows/ninja but Archers are chars made for general combat not duels or 1-vs-many fights ” But Warriors duel often and with 90-93% sword defence +... , will it be the same result. Yes it is very uncommon that someone has those items but it is possible. It is the same like with the magic resistance, before there were switchable skins no one had over 100% MR but now it is common. The Skins are nice to even out your low defenc…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    Yemon - - Archive


    In my opinion are the new weapon unnecessary. The Game doesn't need more DMG. You get killed by 1-3 Skills on 60% Defence + some Resistance Vs a class so easily. But well, if they do implement those weapons then you need to make friends with it.

  • DmG runter geschraubt

    Yemon - - Archive


    1K auf was? 1K mit welchen Boni auf welche Deff/Monster? Wenn man solche Behauptungen aufstellt, dann bitte auch erklären wie der Test gemacht wurde, denn sonst kann sich das die GF nicht anschauen und nachmachen. vielen Dank

  • Soul Stone Antymagii in weapon

    Yemon - - Archive


    How about fixing the DMG Output form those monsters in the enchanted forest and push up a little bit the Magic Resistance on helmet and Bracelet O_O And here just to explain why those skins and temporary things are broken: Quote from Yemon: “You are a Archer player right ? Let me show you how broken the Skins are, if you wear: Leather Boots+9 --> 20% Arrow Resistance + Any Necklace with 15% Arrow Resistance + Any Earring with 15% Arrow Resistance + Lv115 Armor+9 (5% Skill Resistance) with 15% Ar…


    Yemon - - Archive


    In the old days, they were also bought just for style. And yes they did not generate as much money as now but they are not good for the balancing. You are a Archer player right ? Let me show you how broken the Skins are, if you wear: Leather Boots+9 --> 20% Arrow Resistance + Any Necklace with 15% Arrow Resistance + Any Earring with 15% Arrow Resistance + Lv115 Armor+9 (5% Skill Resistance) with 15% Arrow Resistance + Armor Skin with 15% Arrow Resistance + OLD Weapon Skin with 15% Arrow Resistan…

  • Soul Stone Antymagii in weapon

    Yemon - - Archive


    In my opinion they should remove all temporary Skins with bonuses and the anti magic stones. The Balancing was fine before they gave us switchable skins. After the switchable Skins a lot of people had 30% Magic Resistance more and could reach over 100% with green dew. The only reason why they implement Anti Magic stones is because the Skins are broken and Unbalanced. Also the green dew should be removed from the game or give another bonus. They should have removed the switchable skins years ago …


    Yemon - - Archive


    In my opinion they should remove all temporary Skins and the anti magic stones. The Balancing was fine before they gave us switchable skins. After the switchable Skins a lot of people had 30% Magic Resistance more and could reach over 100% with green dew. The only reason why they implement Anti Magic stones is because the Skins are broken and Unbalanced. They should have removed the switchable skins years ago and just go back to the skins without bonuses.w

  • piercing hits way to much damage

    Yemon - - Archive


    There is allready a section about piercing hits Piercing Hits

  • I know exaktly what you meant.

  • Quote from Rapier: “My proposal was not to cap the movement speed but instead to introduce the same logic that doesn't allow you to mount or equip an item when the un-mounting. So if you MOVE and ride against an opponent you have first to STOP before unmounting. That will break the sequence that was generating the bug and the bug will not be possible anymore. If someone would try to unmount while moving, to receive the same message when trying to mount "You have to stay still in orde…

  • Reflect improvement

    Yemon - - Archive


    I made some test with reflection. It seems like it only reflects the normal DMG, so no critical and no piercing "DMG". It also is a little bit wierd and I can't explain it my self. Here are some Videos where I test it: The Lyka (Yemon) hit the Sura (Quie) with a 115K hit, but only 24K where reflectet on 185% reflect.