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  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    @DaParaRir The same I said in the beginning: - no feedback, no spam If you don't want to help, leave the topic for people that are interested in helping us to improve the update. On Topic: The lack of answer from our side is because we are still checking the issue and see the best way to solve them, including also all your feedback. You will be informed as soon as we have official news about 18.4. Thank you for all the help so far, you guys rock!

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    I love your table @RabbitRun That was me in a good you can image in a bad day If I asked help here from players is because I, and we, give value to your feedback and opinion. If we can make changes? We try and many times we are able to do it and some times we can't. Believe, I feel more your pain than you think One more question for you about the gear you used: - Just wind resistance? - Any magic? - Any block? - Your defense please? @BlueShade Razador or Nemere would be nice to have so…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Being checked

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Darling, you only have 2 options here: 1 - help and give feedback 2 - don't help, don't give feedback and don't spam the thread I will start removing posts if they are just spam and not related to the topic. Thank you for your attention.

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Meley can also be an option for the Fire resistance since there are different mobs there. @Th3Original Thank you for the confirmation that I died A LOT for some reason in the Temple @RAGNAR Thank you but I need you to be more specific on what you had when you checked that So far I have feedback from Lycans and Healers

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Quote from RabbitRun: “So it comes down you need to know the difference between beta and live servers? I'll make some tests later this weekend and post it here. ” When something is not right we need to see the differences and test all the classes in different situations Asking help is not a sign of weakness I'll be waiting for your feedback Quote from IRobot: “Quote from Anayra: “Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape? Just to see the d…

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Can you tell me the damage value you get on live server when you do the same with the bravery cape? Just to see the difference you have from beta to live server

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Anayra - - General Feedback


    Hello There is one more issue that needs your help and feedback: Resistance changes I know that some of you already tested this and find it too hard (I agree with you) but I need you be more specific. From what I already saw, there are some maps that uses the same resistance but the difference between damage in similar mobs (around same lvl) is very big. I would love if you can get me some damage values, which kind of mob, where did you do it (dungeon/map) and which class are you using and how m…

  • Character

    Anayra - - Archive


    Every week day at 9h00 and 15h00.

  • Problems with the copy of my character

    Anayra - - Archive


    There are some issues with the characters copy in some accounts. We are aware and working on it. Please have a little more patience