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  • Graphic Options

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Salsie: “@YoTeDoPo Do you have an example? ” These strange options:

  • Graphic Options

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    @Salsie, Some os the new graphical options can only be changed in the tools option when you open the patch, but not directly in the game

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    I think is the moment to add the 6 Zodiac Sashes that cannot be obtained (Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, Yu and Hai) together with that Shoulder Sash System update.

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “U'r proper rude!!!! A healer job is to heal, a dragon job is blessing and dragon aid. Obviously you don't need a shaman if you can do runs by yourself. Thats the issue with the game. Its way too easy and because ppl like you, are no girls on this game. ” This is the worst comment I have never read on that forum. You are only saying destructive feedback to my class (Shamman) and relegating their roles to dolls and slaves. Your last sentence have terrified me.

  • Quote from Rodox: “Quote from BlueShade: “We actually tried Jotun (feedback here): A priori feedback We didn't meet THAT MUCH difficulties while facing the Jotun itself. However, we noticed that En-Tai mobs in general became definitely stronger, even if we were wearing more than 40% wind resistance (I personally had about 60% on my character, considering alchemy as well). The same applied to fire Wyverns in group-Meley dungeon. So yeah, in my opinion damages are exaggerated and 18.4 should be mo…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “Another point of resistances is they helped a lot to the worse classes on PvE in something as simple as leveling or making things alone' Why alone? Why???? This making me so sad. This game should not be reviewed or tested on the beta server alone. Play with a friend, a team mate or a random player, it will be more easy and enjoyable ” I see you love the teamwork, but you have to understand that are some things like leveling that are most times better done alone because you can …

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “Hi, i'm Didi and this is my feedback. First of all, this is a big improvement on the class balance first and game balance overall. Actually, at the moment, on a normal metin2 server, shaman class is dead, you trash the shaman class bringing those resistance against mobs damage, no one need a shaman in a group or even in a guild, as you can get no damage from mobs with 80-100% resistance and you can use dew for critic. So, the big picture here is class balance, thats how i see t…

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “Quote from GamePriv: “Hi Didi. I am sorry but I can not agree with you completely. The fact that the game should give pleasure. However, you can not spoil something that was done, because people under the current immune status began to prepare their equipment. Many changes went into the preparation of current resistances. Resistance should not be changed. In the same way with alchemy, many people have spent a lot of time, yangs, many bosses minted to earn alchemy. Change of res…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    What are we supposed to test on this map?? I have seen everything the same as in official servers. Of course Azrael's drop is still awful. I think the update should focus on change the drop of this map that is completely ignored by all the players on metin2 (except for rank farming, yang and dragon alchemy, but the boss is useless). Maybe you could do the same as Nemere, Razador, Jotun,... adding the drop of 8-10 Azrael Chest's, with drop of various items like: -Level 70 weapons +4 -Level 75 wea…

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    I only can see 1 viable option to keep these mythical stones: -Be able to obtain an excellent mythical combining 2 excelent legendaries -The same with the rest of purities -Not being able to upgrade the purity of mythical stones (so you can only obtain a matt combining 2 matt legendaries, and only an excellent combining 2 excellent legendaries). -Guarentee that mythicals will always have a minimun of 2 bonus -Make able to combine 2 mythicals with the same purity to get another mythical with the …

  • White Rabbit

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    I have noticed that the White Rabbit (mount obtained on Easter Event) have a different bonus in beta server than official. In official gives 15% monsters and 20% movement speed, and in beta 20% movement speed and 1500HP. Also the description of the mount have contradictions.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Alchemy system was okey, why touching it? You in just one update are going to waste all the effort of a lot of people completing all their 6 excellent stones introducing a higher class than legendary. The solution was combining 2 excellents to receive a new one, not creating a new class above legendary.

  • Bugs that stopping us from tests.

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    Yes, we need more items on the shops to be able to test: -Pet Book Chest -Item for removing pet abilities -Sashes (10 % sashes) -Costumes (to test elementary resistances) -Hero's Medal or something similar -Khan/Porkie -Wild Boar and Manu

  • Quote from BlueShade: “Also I believe that values should be calculated considering that there aren't only Weapons Sura players, who can absorb HPs just by maxing out a skill: Ninjas and Shamans have always met MANY difficulties in PvM, thanks to the 17.5 settings it's now finally easier for them to handle stronger monsters. ” Completely agree, the elementary resistences helped a lot to reach a PvE balance that was really neccessary in Shamans and Ninjas.

  • I open this thread to discuss the changes about elementary resistances changes. As I've seen, now the resistances works the same way as before the Zodiaco Temple was added. I don't see it as a solution, with tha change a lot of equipment will become useless (55% wind resistance reduces the damage from Temple of Ochao mobs from 700 to 600...). Also, you have to take into account that Ice, Dark and Earth resistances can be obtained in lower percentages. I can suggest some solutions: -Keep elementa…

  • Store Bug

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    Impossible to buy some items in the stores. Also you should add costumes, pet chests and sashes in order to test the new changes.

  • Shaman balancing

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    All classes have more damage in PvP than my Dragon Shaman @unforgiven.

  • Extra Window for Zodiac Temple items

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    @unforgiven pleas read this, I think is a good idea.

  • Unbalance

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Now it is INT and DEX, not? Also I think that the ammount of attack given in Shamans should increase...

  • Extra Window for Zodiac Temple items

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    The medals you get in the Zodiac Temple cannot be stored and trade, and there are a lot of different ones, so they are really annoying when you have a lot in your inventory and you cannot do nothing. I suggest adding an extra window, like the one of Dragon Alchemy, where the medals are stored.