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  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If Shaman has 39% critical hit chance (no more in their gear) and a Warrior has 26% critical hit chance (no more in their gear); Shaman has higher chance of dealing critical hits with skills. In live servers: If shaman has 52% critical hit chance (no more in their gear) and Warrior has 52% critical hit chance (no more in their gear); Both have the same chance of dealing critical hits with skills. ” Its a step in the right way but we need some changes with weapon too as i …

  • Feedback sense?

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from unforgiven: “It has come to our notice that many players still haven’t understood the core reasoning behind these changes. We would like to try to dispel these misunderstandings. Background: - Some classes cannot really play parts of the game content because they lack some basic characteristics - Some classes have way too many advantages in comparison to their disadvantages - Some formulas were working strangely, which in the end produced some strange results -…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Hello @CantBuffU, Can you please do a real PvP match and not just theorycrafting? Thank you! ” Hello, Here is some random pvp, sure they are higher then me and i do pvp with +9 pvp fan (i even try my dmg with my +5 bell and my +6 pvp fan with sura stone). My dmg vs that sura is embarrassing tbh 1200 with talisman that's with deamon fan+9 or +5 Dragon Ghost Bell (max for my lvl is +6 so not much i can improve with that weapon) matt alchemy and he was hitting me for 4k thru…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    I made some dmg testing, i don't know how accurate are they since i dont have +9 bell, i had to use an +5 one and i also used an +5 fan to compare dmg, only difference was that the +5 fan didn't had double hh. So dmg can be different with an +9 fan/bell. On both accounts i used matt alchemy diamond, rubin and jad, no sapphire, no anti shaman stone on any weapon (since they take that opportunity away from us), 63 antimagic on 105 healing shaman and 61 on 100 dragon shaman, both nemere with shaman…

  • Lv 90 Fans and Bells in the Shops

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Are you naked? Didn't you transfer your char with your weapon from live server? This feedback need to be done with your equip; not giving you some sort of boost. ” i have an +5 Dragon Ghost Bell how can that help me out testing, that's what he mean, we can't test bells since we don't have them on live server, we can't give feedback for when using fans since that's not our weapon anymore!

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from helena: “Hi again, So the dragon's roar's diminution by distance have been confirmed. But I still haven't got my answer from @unforgiven, you keep telling us that shamans gained independence in PvM but never said how? What changed for us that we could do PvM easier then the live servers. ” Ain't much that changed, critic it's pretty much the same (on self), blessing the same, we get like 200-300 increase in normal hits since now it depends on int not str and we got an increase dmg whe…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Attis85: “Hello! The cure remove the posion, the bleeding, deceleration, stun and lasting fire. The dragon Shaman become in pve better as healing Shaman. This abbear well now also. It is true than healing Shaman can prevail well in pve, but not so well as dragon Shaman. ” Hello, name a boss or metin stone that u cant beat and i will try it on both dragon and heal shaman. I know that blessing seem to help alot but combined with low hit dmg won't make a diffrence. We are not a class tha…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Blesenth: “Quote from Priore: “- Everyone liked the changes made on dmg skills . - Everyone liked the idea of 30% bonus dmg on fans/bells. (the only problem is the passage from bells to fans in pvp for dragon shamans) - Everyone liked the increment of physical dmg given by INT and DEX, eventough it's a little. - No one liked the nerf to dragon's aid and buffs in general. (I think that with higher cooldowns we can survire, but lower % in buff not.) - Healer dmg is to high than dragon s…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “1 - Balancing needs to be done little by little. 2 - Regarding the bugs, send them in PM to me with a good explanation and how to reproduce them. 3 - Most versions go live with relatively low amount of bugs and no software is completely free of bugs. ” Sure i'm ok with that, balancing need to be done, but dragon shaman dealing half the damage that a healer do in pvp it's just plain wrong. After the beta go live again i will make a video and show u that a healer can farm w…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding Healing Shamans' damage. This will need to be addressed but most likely there won't be enough time to handle it till we need to deploy the update. We really need lots of feedback regarding the PvP damage, but good feedback, with images, videos to explain. This would help a lot to explain it to WebZen. There is something wrong, no one use skills in PvM. Quote from Priore: “I wanted to talk about another thing. Since most of PvM activities are carried out on a mou…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “If they think as dragon's shaman as a pve character then why no give hime much more % of critic and change the formula to increase his AV in order to reach much hight dmg ¿? It seems like someone is throwing a coin to decide what to implement on the game.... ” Dragon shaman can't be an pve character, not we the normal hits we have now, with average gear u can't kill any bosses. That's not the path i wanna take with my dragon shaman, an pve doll.

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “So, as last question: - If I request that there no change will happen to Dragon Shaman the players here will be happy? (this doesn't mean that it will happen!) this will include: - no increase in damage in any way - no changes on how the skills work - no change at all only for Dragon Shaman ” Nope some update's are ok but with the change in critical for pvp dragon shaman if we get no improve we will got worse in pvp. About dragon aid i like the idea to have at least 15-20…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from NieznanyAs: “Quote from Michu: “Quote from NieznanyAs: “Do you think players dont end game if buffs will be reduced to 20% ? Soon this game will be dead. Including in uptade bufs at 20/30% you will have 30/40% less players on servers... Great! You will Kill this game ! Players will go on Private servers ;P ” Stop crying and blackmailing. Just write something constructive. ” Hmm Try to read my last 3 posts on this topic. ” 20% for dragon's aid? That's the bonus that i get from an red d…

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from LHQentin: “ Howdy! I noticed that the shaman healer has twice as much damage as the dragon shaman and i want to know why? I do not even mention that on 108 magic resistence and 77 resistance to shaman get 12k normal damage. What do you think abaout that? Is that normal? Obviously, I have other complaints about the abilities of these characters, like when i try to use skills for buff on a member of group, if he moves the buff skills fails, and i have to w…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “I have a question to all Dragon Shamans and Healing Shamans. In the Beta Server, did you have an easier time to slay monsters and, till some degree, bosses and metins? I am talking about doing it alone, not in a party or with other characters. ” Hey, Back with one more pvm testing, this time i tried Arges boss. Equip is pretty much the same live/beta server Bamboo Bell+8 pm 39 on beta and pm 43 on live srv, no orcs bonuses (6 on beta but on live server i have 4 more pm fr…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Attis85: “Hello all! Skill: Swiftness's voice and Summon Lightning's voice do not operate well in game. if the Swiftness and the Summon Lightning skill use i than skill-voice do not play to end or it play wrong. Critical hit: The critical hit value are not 40-60% of my skill damage and attack damage. by 8000 damage give the critical hit value: + 300-500 damage. It can must +3200-4800 damage give by 8000 damage to critical hit. Leadership: We can not stun with blocker of leadership. So…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If having an item to change Bell <> Fan, changing between classes is also not an option, sorry. In the next update there the bonus will be +10% for the skills if used with the right weapon. Play with it, test it, give feedback. If most of you still prefer the previous version, I will try to request the change again. ” Hey, If we can ask, how how much % is it now?

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from LionKing: “Quote from unforgiven: “Hi Ponze, As explained many times: - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill. - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regar…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Ponze: “Quote from unforgiven: “I have brought the whole discussion to WebZen. The damage from Shaman skills will not be reduced because of the Weapon Specialization, it will increase if you use the specific weapon. This is not really a nerf, it is just the possibility to increase the damage even further. As a compromise with the Developer, we will try to reduce the bonus given by this specialization to only be +10% of damage. ” So if the specialization boost is only 10% now, all the …

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “I have a question to all Dragon Shamans and Healing Shamans. In the Beta Server, did you have an easier time to slay monsters and, till some degree, bosses and metins? I am talking about doing it alone, not in a party or with other characters. ” Hello, I finished some dmg testings on lvl 100 metin stones, damage was done with the items i have on live server. My equip on beta: - matt rubin - 150 attack - 100 defence - 8 average dmg resistance - matt ja…