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  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Hi Ponze, As explained many times: - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill. - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regarding PvP, we are curre…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from baklawa: “Choose and use fan or bell. If you can't to decide this, convert your shaman to healing shaman. Same as wp sura's rune sword or dragon tooth blade, its your sentence. @CantBuffU ” I would swap If i didn't had to start front M1 atm i see healing Shaman stronger considering we are loosing critics in pvp.. Quote from unforgiven: “Healing shamans have had more problems in the past and one skill doesn't really help them much at the moment. If you consider everything, it would be …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “I have brought the whole discussion to WebZen. The damage from Shaman skills will not be reduced because of the Weapon Specialization, it will increase if you use the specific weapon. This is not really a nerf, it is just the possibility to increase the damage even further. As a compromise with the Developer, we will try to reduce the bonus given by this specialization to only be +10% of damage. ” Hello, this doesn't help dragon shaman, fan's having higher magical value w…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from reveina: “Yes maybe we can have less hit damage but we must have more skill damage. Especially finger skill. We want equal PvP power. Don't want op character. All classes should have same PvP power. So they should buff body warrior and weaponary sura for PvP. ” Well if u use Dragon Tooth Blade weapon instead of rune sword that's exactly what u will have at lvl 105, more skill damage and lower normal hit, and btw the new weapon for 115 lvl will be better then run sword in both AV and M…


    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “I have tested whit my lvl65 mental warrior the critical skills and is really bad.My critical are just like normals,maybe just 500-1000 dmg in +. I tested it whit mat and excelent alchimy,and more diferent ways.I have lvl65 sword+9 and lvl 65 twho handed weapoin+9 same shit. 20-22k normal 20-23k critical 64-66k normal 65-67 critical. If u dont want the critical to be 2x normal dmg.Make it be normal dmg + half of the normal .For exeple if u give 10k normal damage and 15k cr…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from donbastiano: “Hi. Actually i do really like the skillchanges and skill-weaponary improvements with fan bonus at heal shaman skills and bell bonus at dragon shaman skills. These make the classes more unique and bring back the bells at all. To be honest: NOONE used a bell above the lvl 75bell at all. I mean, have you ever seen the lvl 90 or 105 bell at all? I didnt. I play a lvl 106 dragon shaman aswell and i have allready startet to craft a new bell for him. I can understand the people…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from jeroenado: “You guys are so freaking hilarious now all of a sudden pvm is about g2 for these 'weapon sura haters' and you also never talk anything good about your body warrior (most popular character in metin2, and this must have a reason), I'm not taking part of discussions like these anymore, only thing you're doing is trying to talk good about your body warrior. I don't agree at all with this lycan nerf either and am not gonna complain about it anymore, I think I'm gonna take it an…

  • Feedback on shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from sjasjomasan: “So currently on the beta this is my damage output compared to live: * * Live (90int 74dex 90vit 3str) * Beta (90int 76dex 90vit 1str) * Beta (90int 76 dex 90str 1vit) * Beta (90int 76str 90dex 1vit) * Beta (90int 76str 90vit 1dex) * Roar * 8,3k * 12,3k * 13k * 13,4k * 9,8k * Shoot * 6,8k * 10,4k * 10,4k * 11,1k * 7,3k * Talis * 6,5k * 9,2k * 10,5k * 10,7k * 8,2k * AV* * 272 * 378 * 378 * 390 * 330 Items I used on live were exactly the same as the ones I used on the beta …

  • Feedback on shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “reading this, it sems like i shouldtest all again, but seriously i find it hard to test again, because what me suggested and what me asked for is not there, the complaints aren used so hope this is not going to implement this way, i know that gf jst distributes, but "korea" makes the things for you so you are "theyr boss". Now talking seriously, metin2 will loose nolts of players bc of this huge nerg on shamans maynly on dragons (the increase of av not enought neither co…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Hi Strijelac, As we have discussed there might be some problems on how this would work - specially in conjunction with some damage-reducing skills (Sura - Dark Protection). The other thing is the fact that this would reduce the overall changes in Guild vs Guild (GvG) and Kingdom vs Kingdom (KvK). I understand that leveling up does not have a higher effect at the moment but this needs to be discussed and thought after this Beta. This Beta is almost over. ” Hello, In my opi…

  • Feedback on shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Hello, Yep the damage seems nice at first luck, but if u check on wiki bamboo bell+9 have same magical attack as Dragon Jaw Bell+9 so at lvl 90-100 we will do pvp with a lvl 75 bamboo bell with 20 skill dmg? That's not an improve for us. Some dragon shaman, before antimagic stones, used bell's in pvp for hits only but hits wont be viable anymore since there is no more critic's in pvp or at least it's not double dmg any more, will be something like piercing hit's maybe lower.

  • General Feedback from me

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “* Instead of simply being 2x the damage, the weapon and weapon grade will influence the outcome of the critical hit (critical hit damage in PvP was reduced by 40-60%) Even though you can test it on your own: The Weapon (more damage = more critical damage); The Weapon Grade (+0, +1, +n) will influence the whole Critical Hit Damage. ” So what we will get in exchange for losing critics as a dragon shaman? This its not balancing whats happening to dragon shaman and lycan, jus…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Quote from Strijelac: “I do not see this as anything negative, even if there are more powerful weapons now the old ones will always be able to sell themselves (the dragons will sell their events to the care and vice versa) so it will make the trade of these weapons will lose no value since always useful to someone. ” On an empty server like the one i play, i didn't see an bell with double hh +0 like never, not to mention +9 so who will sell us that? Healing shaman already have an weapon, why the…

  • Shaman balancing

    CantBuffU - - Archive


    Either we can change fans to bells at npc or since they making healing shaman way better and dragon shaman will lose his critic + blessing its weaker i propose that after rebalancing ends we can get the opportunity to change breed but not starting with m1 ofc If all stays the same i will change for healing shaman on my main account for sure because: 1) Healing shaman doesn't miss they can hit from distance; 2) Healing shaman dose more dmg in pvp - now and on live server is the same if u consider…