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  • Game Performance

    Rapier - - Archive


    A computer having integrated graphics (like the ones from the Intel Core I3, I5, I7) uses shared graphics memory...that is, taking part of the RAM and uses it as graphics memory. The amount of graphics memory is set in BIOS and is usualy 32 MB or on newer models 64 MB. Game engine is made to match alot of hardware configurations, not everyone has a PC/laptop with dedicated graphics card.

  • No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

    Rapier - - Archive


    For long, piercing was one of the most important bonuses of an archer. I'm playing only as archer ninja for 8 years by now and I can tell that every high level archer will seek for this bonus. Most of the equipment is chosen like this, I use heavens tear necklace and bracelet even if there are plenty of other choices just for this reason, to increase the piercing and critical chances. We look for pierching bonuses on our weapons or the weapons we put on a sash for the same reason. And now you te…

  • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

    Rapier - - Archive


    You got me wrong...I'm not complaining about a race. And Shamans are anything but "weak", they are one of the most balanced and good classes in PvP if you know how to play. And every class has it's advantages, body warrior has aura and powerfull hits, shamans have buffs and extremely low cooldown for skills and with AMR stones deals alot of damage even on full magic resistance, so please, let's not play the "I'm a poor Shaman and need more..." because it's like a broken song. I stated a fact, th…

  • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

    Rapier - - Archive


    I was interpreting "balancing" as equal chances in combat...or at least fair. Is't this the purpose of this balancing update? Right now, with the AMR stones, Shamans damage is very high on skills. Now you give them TWO weapons one of which has increased hit damage that will benefit more from the new piercing hit (even if it will be tuned more). The fact that you let Shaman to have two class specific weapons is a different story. Each class had up to a point two specific weapons. For some reason …

  • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

    Rapier - - Archive


    To explain myself...Why the decision for Shaman to have TWO weapons with which they can use skills? War has only the two-hand weapon available for upgrade right? Why they don't have the sword two? That would be unfair for the ninjas and suras right? So you've cut the sword. Why then have both the bell and the fan and not only fan? What kind of "class balancing" is that? Giving for a class TWO usefull weapons. You'll say that no-one is using bell as a PvP weapon...well think again. Given the new …

  • PV BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    Thank you for your answer. At least I know it is a known issue and I hope it'll be solved someday. Yes, I know this is not the scope of curent beta. I'll keep testing new content You can please close this thread

  • OK so there are items that cannot be traded and cannot be sold to NPC nor be put in storeroom. How can we empty the inventory in such cases? For ex I have lots of Blacksmith Handbook that are taking up space and cannot be used or at least stacked

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Testreg: “The piercing hits are WAYYYYYYYYY too OP right now... ” Not quite. You might rephrase... the piercing hit of an Body Warrior, Lycans or Weapon Sura are over powered. 10k-20k PER HIT is insane. On the other hand the archer has only 4k for ex, same goes for a Black Magic Sura or for Mental Warrior...not sure about Dagger Ninjas and Shamans as I couldn't test those. My guess is that those classes that have a buff that increases the hit damage (Body War, Weapon Sura and Lycans) …

  • PV BUG

    Rapier - - Archive


    Please solve an anoying BUG when mounting/dismounting any mount or horse. You may say this is not a BUG and is intended, but this is very disturbing and unfair. So ANY time you mount or dismount , the stats PV, Defence, etc are reseted and then maxed up. I guess this was made to avoid other bugs but this is a lousy implementation. Every time you mount unmount, the caracter is exposed for seconds as the pv drops from 30k to 3k sometimes. You can easily see this if you keep open the character's st…

  • Skill Changes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, there was such a beta but that was made with a different's goal was to test new content in PvE or high level items introduced at that time. Now the test scope is different and it focuses on PvP and each person's fight techniques, items, alchemy, class and so on. Being at lvl 35 you cannot really add value with your feedback because you don't know how it is now to fight at lvl 105+. So you are not able to tell the difference anyways. If you will receive an 120 char full with ite…

  • Skill Changes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Sawash: “How do I test class as I do not have 105+ with skills and eq, can you do that how do i test it for everything ??? I just can not find anything out of 35lvl ” This is not a "I'm lvl 35 but want to show off in 105"s shoes" kind of test. If you want to test, you test with your own char. What's the point in having you leveled up and P skills if you're not able to do that on your own? Your opinion in high level combat is next to zero since you don't even reached that level anyways…

  • minus ranga, no item found in shop

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Taktyk_zza_plotu: “I can't find any item in shops to restore my range from -20k to 0. ” You can buy ZEN stones from Storekeeper...200 pcs for 1 yang. Click on the Storekeeper NPC and say you want to buy gold/silver bars...and the store will open and you'll find inside more itemes than the regular yang gold/silver bars

  • Skill Changes

    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Dosarphic: “Personally I'm maybe one of few Metin2 players who play with sound (not music, just sound) and Spark does the crit sound sometimes ” Unfortunately is just the sound to be heared...and no damage to be seen

  • Unbinding Items

    Rapier - - Archive


    Of course this is what I did. OK. I'll try for these 3 days with my current setup, anyway at least till yesterday, we could not upgrade anything at Seong-Peyong except the normal 90-105 weapons Thank you, you can close the thread I guess

  • Unbinding Items

    Rapier - - Archive


    The resistance and defence calculation is different, i have to try and see the effect. also to upgrade to a highjer weapon/armour

  • Unbinding Items

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, please do something. I know beta is not for just 3 days but know. Right now I don't have too much to test of the new content if I cannot change bonuses and upgrade items.

  • Unbinding Items

    Rapier - - Archive


    Please make the unbinding scroll to have efect immediately. I think there are many players that have their equipment soulbind on the official server and we cannot upgrade or enchant or do anything on such items. We have now to wait 72 hours to unbind the items. This is useless on the beta server.