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  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    They are better than before and I will not give real values because they depend. P.S. It is not for PvP only, also for PvE. It has been always like this.

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    unforgiven - - Archive


    It is enough. Let's focus on the topic.

  • Then if we remove all of these, what will happen with gears which have 12 INT, 12 STR, etc? It doesn't work like that and, anyways, warriors could buff Aura of Sword with STR items but they prefer not to. Cheers, unforgiven

  • Shaman balancing

    unforgiven - - Archive


    The chance to deal critical hits with skills were never the face value that you had. We have increased this chance at the moment but this doesn't mean that right now, the chance to deal critical hits with skills is 100%. Regarding testing this, remember that it is chance based so you can have 100 hits where you critted in a row and you can also have the possibility of never critting in 100 skills.

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Skills are a bit more tricky with these kinds of things. Can you check with normal hits? P.S. The way this item works changed in Beta, you should have better testing experience there.

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from Law G: “Quote from Law G: “Dragon God Defense is not working . (This is argent and critical issue) ” @Comkra @meh @Firelli @unforgiven @threeaAny update about this bug? At least say that you know about it ! ” Why doesn't it work? I just tested and worked.

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    unforgiven - - Archive


    We always listen, believe me. There lots of things on the background which we cannot be 100% transparent because we are not the company programming the game. We can only announce things when we are 150% sure that will be implemented.

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    No, it will not go back to 300 seconds.

  • 1st PvP Balancing Optimisation

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Please check the new changes in gray! Lycan - Crimson Wolf Soul - Reduced buff duration to 92 120 seconds at Perfect Master Ninja - Feather Walk - Ninja will be able to use this skill with a Bow, a pair of Daggers or a Sword - Spark - Ninja will be able to use this skill with a Bow, a pair of Daggers or a Sword Shaman Buffs: - Blessing, Dragon's Aid, Swiftness and Attack Up will be implemented as Party Restricted AoE in the first instance BUT it will be changed to a case option in the next updat…

  • [Archer] Long skill animation

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Just FYI, we will let Archers use Spark AND feather walk with Daggers, Swords or Bows.

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    No we cannot postpone it. This whole thing was already postponed for 2 months.

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from unforgiven: “In a later patch we will implement the option for Buffs to be given to players outside of the party - We have been working on this but won't be able to add it to the final version of this Beta. ” I'm happy to read this, but please, don't add to the live servers the Shaman changes whitout this part of the update. ” That, unfortunately, will not happen. It won't be finished on time.

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    We try to keep our players happy with the amount of resources we have. Regarding the INT with ninjas, it is a possibility = glass cannon OR having better resilience. It is up to the user to choose. Warriors and Suras are the main PvE contenders in this game. They have had, and still have, a real nice life in the game. This is pretty obvious looking and numbers and seeing the difference in numbers between the classes. There's a reason for that. If you increase the stat points you need to, again, …

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    unforgiven - - Archive


    @angelyna24, Please read the changes that happened with the dragon shaman before. From the information you give in your explanations they don't really match what has happened. Critical hit is not 10%, it is 39% for Shamans with 139 int. It would be cool to let Shamans have the same damage output as other characters in melee but you need to consider that there are tons of other factors: Players, Servers, behavior, etc. Not every one thinks like you, saying that PvP is not important, you have many…

  • Some last thoughts

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Hello GaarasamaGreekServer, I will just point out that many things that players request are just not possible or too complicated to happen. We do not live with infinite resources, hence there we have to have priorities and establish the real possibilities. You are also forgetting that the vision for the game is shared between players and the company which makes the game, it is not only from player NOR from the company. Anyways, regarding your points: - In a later patch we will implement the opti…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Ok, I will interfere here. Stop the trash talk. This is not the place for this.

  • so... Attack works pretty differently depending on the character. Let't talk about "normal melee" base damage: Warriors main attack formula derives from STR, the same happens to Sura. For Ninjas it derives from DEX as MAJOR influence and STR as minor influence. For Shamans it is INT for major influence and DEX as minor. For Lycan, it is DEX as main and VIT as 2nd. On top of this you have dexterity as an overarching multiplier to damage - it will usually give you a bit more damage in % independen…

  • Bug with bonus

    unforgiven - - Archive


    This bonus always had a chance not to be stunned. It ways always like that and it will remain like that. If you have a good example on why it should be a bug, go for it.

  • Likan - Change indygo

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Berserker has a big downside which is the fact that the player receives 33% more damage at Perfect Master from every single direction. It is not a good idea to do a simple stat comparison between classes since they don't work the same.

  • @Ponze, This is not possible to do at the moment. This whole update is a step to the right direction though and maybe in future we can address this problem with other solutions.